At exactly 2:08 in on this car video cam, something strange appears in the sky. It is a narrow vertical object looking nothing like a conventional UFO, but there is no easy way to explain it. Appears to be a genuine unknown.
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There is no reason to believe that this is a fake, but it could be made quite easily, some of the YouTube trolls have a point there. Still, it is also true that the Grays, in particular, are identified with triangular formations like this. One of the best documented abduction cases, the Corrina Saebels case, began with a sighting of such a formation, and developed into a multiple-witness abduction with both parties completely conscious as it was initiated.

There is a terrific interview from 2008 with Corrina Saebels in the Dreamland archive. To learn more, click here.
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The object pictured here and discussed on the link is not a bird or a plane. Close examination shows that it has four narrow fins at one end, making it appear like a rocket. It is a genuine unknown, and part of the long tradition of ‘ghost rockets’ that starts in Sweden right after World War II, and continues to Newfoundland and China. For a better image of the object, click on the link.
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This is a pretty compelling video. The trees show that there were significant winds in the area, and yet the object is absolutely motionless in the sky. Therefore, it is not an aerodynamic object, but, unless this is a very clever graphic, it’s a genuine unknown, taped in a region where there is currently a great deal of UFO activity.
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