At roughly 3:30 into this video, something, possibly a bird, seems to strike this luminous object and then drop away at a 45 degree angle. The video is authentic, and, I might comment, similar to many orb videos I have seen involving jet contrails. Orbs appear around these contrails too often for comfort. There would seem to be some connection.
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Clearly, something was observed in this case, and it sounds as if it was far too brightly lit to be something like a US drone looking for drug traffickers or even something launched by a drug smuggler.
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Whitley Strieber sent me this report with the comment, "I often noticed this effect back at my old cabin when the visitors were around. The world became flooded with perfection and lightness. For example, the evening before my encounter of December 26, 1985 was an almost perfect moment. It was uncanny, the way the snow fell in individual crystalline flakes. Beautiful. But the encounter, of course, was difficult. So I believe this witness." That’s his privilege, but your Out There editor can only add that there’s no proof. Maybe the witness read Whitley’s books. (I am not trying to be cynical, but we have to be careful, always. The account seems credible to me, too.)
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This is probably one of the strangest stories we have ever posted. The reason is that there is every indication, from night vision to blurred vision in daylight, that this child has tapetum lucidum in his eyes, the same material that enables animals to see in the dark and also causes their eyes to glow at night when a light shines on them. The human need for ultra-clear vision during daylight has caused our eyes to evolve away from those of animals. While some primates have tapetum lucidum, this child’s eyes would appear to be absolutely unique in the human world.
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