This glowing green shaft of light is being called a "little green man" and an "alien," but there is no actual evidence of what it is. It could even be a florescent light of some kind. However, it is sufficiently interesting to be classified as a probable unknown.

The couple who took photos of it live in Scotland in two old cottages, and saw the glow outside, then went out and took the pictures. There are a number of shots showing the object moving away from the photographer. A UAP was also seen in the area at the same time, and imaged on a cellphone, although this video is not presently available.

This sighting is rated A–Probable Unknown.

Photo by Amanda Linney
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A forest ranger in Arcata California spotted an unusual sight: a tiny, handmade cabin tucked away so deep in the woods that it wasn’t visible from more than 12 feet away. He took photographs of the exterior and interior and then returned with an eviction notice, which he posted on the door. And this is where it got weird. The next day, the cabin began to be dismantled. After a few days, it was entirely gone. Not a trace remained except the dirt on which it had stood.

There was no indication of a trail of any kind leading away from the site. The owner of the cabin, and the materials and contents, have never again been found.
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A new video has been posted of an unusual creature in the Thames. Whether it will eventually be identified or not, it certainly does not belong in the Thames. To read our previous and more extensive story, click here. For Midnight in the Desert’s story, click here.

Is it a hoax? That seems increasingly unlikely, despite the original sighting on April 1. It is probably a sea creature of some kind that does not usually appear in these waters, but until there is some sort of identification, it remains an unknown.
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The photo below is from a video taken a couple of days ago from the cable car in Greenwich in London, and linked here. It does not appear to be a CGI effect, but we cannot be certain about that in this case. It seems unlikely, but it could have been done. If it is real, then it is a sea creature between 40 and 60 feet long with a double dorsal fin. The only such creature ever reported was Giglioli’s Whale, which was observed in 1867 about 1200 miles off the coast of Chile. However, there have never been any repeat observations, and Giglioli’s Whale is not recognized by science.
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