The stick figures return. Aliens might not look like us!
A new video of stick figure aliens has surfaced. This is a complicated world, so you never know whether this is an elaborate spoof or not, but San Diego in 2008, then Fresno in 2011? Certainly very improbable.
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Triangles fly low over many US cities.
Low flying triangles are now commonplace in the United States. Are they US serveillance aircraft, or something very much stranger. For other recent stories, click here and here. Out There’s best guess: whomever overflew Arizona in 1997 likes it here and has decided to hang out, at least for a while.
First NASA says ‘ground light’ then ‘star.’ Are the astronauts looking up or down? That they don’t say.
When Whitley Strieber showed some video from Shuttle Mission STS-80 to a NASA representative, he said ‘I don’t see anything there that looks like a UFO." Yeah, right. Now another unexplainable object appears, and they’re confused. Is it in the sky or on the ground? Wake up, NASA. (Never happen…)
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