India pilot observs UFO descending from 34,000 feet. Many witnesses.
There is really a great deal of UFO activity in the world right now.
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Excellent video on NASA anomalies.
NASA is required by law not to comment on unknowns that it discovers until the military has determined that they are not dangerous. So it remains silent on the wealth of evidence that it releases in the normal course of its operations, limiting itself to pointing out which objects are thought to be space debris and not commenting on the others. This video offers an outstanding compilation of NASA video, and illustrates the importance of changing the law, so that NASA can comment.
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Stephen Bassett claims overwhelming UFO evidence coming Feb 4.
He is saying that he will release "undeniable evidence" of an alien presence on earth, millions of close encounter witnesses and alien human hybrids. Lecture in LA on Feb 4. Okay, Stephen, let’s see the beef this more