Fresno California object–plane? UFO?
Very strange lights over Fresno, Ca. Graded B.
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Very strange lights over Fresno, Ca. Graded B.
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Strange objects appear in Solar and Heliospheric Observatory videos on a regular basis. The standard explanation is that they are video artifacts. Our specialists are unanimous: this is not a video artifact. But what it is–that’s another question. Graded B.
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A good example of a brief CGI clip purporting to be a UFO sighting. Such clips almost always end suddenly, but who, taping such an extraordinary UFO, would just stop after a few seconds–unless, of course, they were not filming it but painstakingly animating it…Graded D.
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This story from 1974 is a reminder of just how long black triangles have been sighted, and Missouri has been a hotbed of these reports for three decades.
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