San Antonio Texas UFO–Whitley’s hometown is popping!
There have been quite a few UFO sightings over Whitley Strieber’s hometown in the past month. If the Striebers are there at the moment, they should look up!
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There have been quite a few UFO sightings over Whitley Strieber’s hometown in the past month. If the Striebers are there at the moment, they should look up!
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This Google Maps photo, noticed accidentally by a user, is a genuine unknown. It appears on the Google Maps website as well as on other sites. There is an aircraft in the picture also, showing that it is not a plane. Grade A. This is a link to the page where the image appears in Google Maps Poland
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In the UK, Chinese lanterns are often released and mistaken for UFOs as they glide slowly through the sky. Generally, what they are is obvious. In this case, the brightness and sudden disappearance of the lights suggest otherwise.
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The blizzard of conflicting explanations from China regarding the UFOs that shut down airports there last summer continues. At this point, who knows what happened?
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