Jim Martin’s Recent UFO Video Captures
Jim Martin of Newport Beach, CA, captures lots of video of unknowns, mostly from his apartment balcony. Here is what he says about his latest work:
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Jim Martin of Newport Beach, CA, captures lots of video of unknowns, mostly from his apartment balcony. Here is what he says about his latest work:
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An Ohio family reports yet another low-flying triangle (see source link below). So I have to wonder: could the advanced surveillance craft called the TR, which is featured in Whitley Strieber’s novel the Grays, actually be real? Admittedly, triangle UFO stories go back too far for them all to be called secret aircraft, but these silent, low-hovering craft, which seem to be showing up more and more often, have me wondering if perhaps Whitley knows more than he is saying. So I emailed him.
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Back in the 1970s, before the advent of the ‘black budget,’ the US Air Force budget included enormous expenditures for a mysterious aircraft known among air aficionados as Aurora, but being developed under the code name Bright Buzzard. For years, the USAF has denied the existence of this plane, but this photograph, taken by a plane spotter in Amarillo, Texas, may be the first actual evidence of its existence. For more, click on the source link.
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A resident of Australia’s Gold Coast taped a UFO for an extended period of time. Eventually, it was checked out by a police helicopter, but every time the chopper approached, it turned out its lights. The police concluded that it was a radio controlled device, but local residents dispute this.
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