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I cannot get your ‘DONATE’ on PayPal to work…
Nothing happens when I press the yellow button.
Please check it.
Hey guys just want to make sure I’m still a long time subscriber….I hear teh commercials and never the subscriber only dreamlands… technical snafu?
james day
Fellow long long time subscriber here. If you are receiving reminders as a subscriber, when you click on that email… you still have to sign in on the website as a subscriber. You click on the box with the three lines to log in with your password that goes to the wordpress back page. Then the website signs you back in (technically).
The two pages (subscriber/non signed in) look identical but when you click on the arrow to listen, when you are signed in as a subscriber, Whitley gives the intro before a commercial that says non subscribers will have a commercial… but subscribers just hear thank you and the conversation continues. Also as subscribers the conversation goes at least another half hour. You can listen to any full length program in archives as a subscriber and watch as a video. If login doesn’t work try going to My Account to check your status.
I hope that helps.
I would like to buy a subscription for a friend. How do I do it? (I’m a subscriber, so you have my e mail.)
Looking forward all the wonderful work you do Whitley !