For our Christmas special, close encounter witness “John” is joined by an expert in forensics and a video expert to tell us about the first UFO interior ever filmed by a witness. John’s video will be shown during the program. There is no alteration of the image.
John accidentally found the video on his phone weeks after it was made. The video was geolocated to a spot down the street from his home and a hundred feet in the air. All of the details are present in the show.
Have a joyous Christmas season. We will see you again in 2025!
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Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Watching this video, I see Whitely saying The Fourth Mind for Kindle is available. I can’t locate on Amazon, anyone help?
I believe Whitley said that it will come out in January.
I’ve pre-orded the kindle version but will desperately hope for a print version as soon as possible.
I was on a plane listening to this when I heard that as well… was disappointed when we landed and I discovered it seems to be Jan 15. Looking forward to reading it.
I’m looking for The Fourth Mind on Amazon and cannot find it. When will the Kindle edition be available? Along with others, I’m very anxious to read it.
I’m searching for it as well. Kindle doesn’t seem to have it as of yet.
I think we’re all excited about The Fourth Mind. Will signed copies be offered for sale?
On the UK version of Amazon, it suggests the Kindle Edition of ‘The Fourth Mind’ will be released on January 15th.
When will the audio book be out?
Wow and the Cosmosis trailer looked amazing! I will sign up for Apple TV to watch that, luckily they have free trial for one week!
Watching the video feed was…surreal. Also, at 1:00 in the video goes dark until 1:08.29. At that point Whitley comes back and signs off…I’m assuming that was a glitch?
I also could not find ‘The Fourth Mind’ for Kindle. I’m going to go out on a limb here and propose that there are delays due to the recent events involving the drone sightings—I could see more additions/changes being made.
A lot of weirdness right now…stay tuned…
Whatever anyone might think or say, this is a depiction I have seen. In my experiencers, it hasn’t always been the same metallic surfaces. I’ve experiences brushed and tarnished copper rooms. This hits me hard, as I had an experience helping out JEMI with scanning Dr. John Mack’s papers and notes. Karin Austin knows of my experience, as she was there. This is nuts! I, too, am experiencing a lot, currently.
Yes, what happened at 1:00 in the video? The show just dropped out for a while. Didn’t hear much from Steven, either. I wonder if his input was in the part of the show that dropped out.
I also searched Amazon.com and Amazon.de it’s not available yet in any format. Maybe from Dec. 25th or Jan 1st? What release date did they give you, Whitley?
Did the non subscriber Youtube get posted by mistake again? I clicked on the link above but it’s the one withe the ads in the breaks. Also the subscriber Audio only are only 59 min. But the YouTube is 1H10min. And the 59 min youtube is on the public channel… but I just sent a Mail to Nikki Thomas to switch them the right way around.
I was confused because this time also the longer Subscriber video has a couple ads in it… it seems the subscriber audio files are too short though… shouldn’t they be the same length as the subscriber video which is 1H10min?
As to Grays without genitals, those are surely just the AI bio-android Grays, not the “natural” Grays. Too bad the video is so unclear and pixilated… presumably that’s why They didn’t bother to delete his video….
Hmm, there are a few comments / questions regarding this video…
1). It was not clear at all whether this was supposed to be looking out of a ‘window’ in a UFO, towards the cell tower, or what.
2). Ignoring the GPS data, how were they able to determine the distance from the cell tower and the elevation?
3). Why is there a green cast to the latter sections of the second version of the video?
4). I can perfectly understand why someone looking at this video, suggested there was a ceiling light at the top of some of the frames. It looks like that to me too. Above the light, there appears to be a circular object, like the bottom of a saucer, close to a light-coloured ‘ceiling’. On that ‘ceiling’ there is a light being reflected from the periphery of the circular object. On the near right-hand edge of this object there appears to be a static reflection, as if it were metalic. As far as I can remember hearing, there was no explanation given, as to what this is.
5). There is a strobing of light at the top of the frame, around and above the circular object on the ceiling, very roughly about twice a second. And I can well understand why this might be interpreted as a ceiling fan. It certainly appears to be something like that to me. Again, as far as I know, there has been no explanation as to what might be causing that.
6). Just above the flashing red light of the tower, there appears to be light coloured ‘window frame’. Are we being told that this frame is within a UFO?
7). Is there a ceiling light and seperate fan, or combination of the two, in any of the rooms in ‘John’s’ house, from which the cell tower can be seen? Or indeed within the house of any of his friends?
8). Where was the comparison shot of the tower taken from (showing green foliage and a veranda with white hand rail)?…as it was from a very similar orientation to the cell tower as in the video.
The meta-data, as described, does sound interesting regarding the position and timings…but there is very little description of what we are supposed to be looking at within the video itself, other than the cell tower. Much is left to the imagination.
I am not suggesting this video is not ‘real’, as such…but I am, at present, far from being convinced of what we are being told this video represents.
Scott Roder talked about this 6 months ago. (Minute 40. https://youtu.be/yNRFaHgXT_c?si=AHvp7LpvNUfkElnS )
The video is going to be questioned but I think the meta data is the most important part in this.
Hazlett and Roder then go on to talk about the famous Kumburgaz, Turkey footage. That UFO apparently has a nice window that might explain why the tower is in the footage.
Sean Patrick Hazlett mentioned that Terry Lovelace has a phone with similar metadata, that was analysed by To The Stars. Data suggests he went up vertically straight through the roof. He did not remember anything but felt bad that morning and went to the doctor.
Bob McGwier has a video of his neighbour’s roof becoming transparent. You can also see Grays at work? This is poor resolution but I couldn`t find better that quickly. He said he showed it many times. He talked about it on American Alchemy recently as well.
Minute 6. https://www.youtube.com/live/gcJ7m2pGayw?si=WudS9ryy8xQt97QG )
I can’t tell what we’re looking at in that ‘transparent roof’ shot. He seems to know what it shows – but that’s all I can say. I’m not completely discounting what he’s saying…as I’ve had my own experience of a super vivid ‘dream’ prior to an attempted abduction, where I could see two disks shooting violet beams to the ground, through the side wall of my bedroom, (which had gone transparent). I just don’t see the point in him showing a photo that requires an explanation as to what the blurry or pixelated photo is supposedly showing.
Regarding the GPS data logs on a mobile phone, or meta data within a photo or video…I was just reading about GPS precision and apparently there is something called Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP). There are lots of things that can affect this but generally if there is an HDOP value of greater than 20, then the location data is classed as ‘poor’ and can give values that are as much as 50 times the normal accuracy of a device. So for a device that is accurate to 5 metres, that could give readings of up to 250 metres (820 ft) from the actual location.
But I am not sure if the HDOP data is normally stored within meta data, or phone logs.
Another point, regarding the video in this episode of Dreamland…if there were anywhere I would expect a GPS signal to be blocked, it would be within a UFO, purely down to electromagnetic / plasma related interference. Also any gravity (and therefore time) related distortions would render the GPS data wildly innaccurate (as positional calculations require very precise timing measurements from multiple GPS satellites).
This is where Lovelace talks about data from his health app. Minute59 https://youtu.be/-NwOGnQpPSY?si=qpw4ai2ITLETOGPE
SonjaTB, thank you, I did watch this video. A lot to think about AND for me Whiteman Air-force Base is a real mystery…….
Sherbet…I had similar thoughts about the video, but the surreal feeling that enveloped me as I watched was not expected. I felt a bit ‘off’, more off than the video itself. I honestly did not know what the heck I was seeing. I may attempt to watch it again in about a week…when I feel less discombobulated.
‘Discombobulated’ …good word 😵💫 …although I don’t think I’ve ever used it in a sentance myself!
I often find when concentrating on videos, that it helps turning off the audio, as it can sometimes apply an emotional overlay that serves as a distraction…but I know what you mean.
Two more points / questions I would like to add to my list (I guess that makes 10 in total)…
9). In the first instance ‘John’ says that he had no memory of the recording on his phone…then later on states that one of these beings was within arms reach during recording. So is this something he can see in the recording itself, or something he has since remembered, or perhaps retrieved during subsequent hypnotic regression?
10). Is there any chance we can get hold of the original recording (or at least a copy without personally identifying information / GPS data)? I know we have it included within the YT video but it would be a lot easier to look more closely at, in its original form.
It sure looks like a reflection from a light/ceiling fan to me as well.
And regarding the metadata… I would struggle to understand how a phone’s GPS could work on board something that by all means seems to work by throwing all kinds of energy around and be made of metal.
I hate to be that guy – I’m an experiencer myself – but this video is unconvincing to me. I mean, whatever it is that is glowing isn’t reflecting the lights from the tower… which is easily explained by it being a light on in a room being reflected in a window. Which is exactly what it seems to be.
I’m not saying he didn’t have an experience. But I don’t think this video is evidence of anything.
Amy, you talked about a July 4th, experience. I too had an experience on Independence Day Weekend, one that my niece and I will never forget: This happened in the year 2011, all of the following comes from my original journal entry.
First, I need to say what we saw was a B-2 Bomber from Whiteman Air Force Base. (Part of the July 4th, FAIR ST. LOUIS AIR SHOW.) A once over on Saturday scheduled for noon. We didn’t know this of course at the time since neither my (niece) nor I had ever seen this craft in real life. When we got to my brother’s house in Hillsboro, another niece and nephew told us that was probably what we saw. TRUE, I believe this is correct, but I am not sure about the rest of this experience, WERE WE SO STUNNED THAT WE LET OUR IMAGINATIONS RUN WILD ????? This started around 11:45 AM and continued for 20 to 30 minutes. We didn’t have any way to record this as I had left my cell phone at home in my backpack and my niece didn’t know how to record on her phone.
On July 2nd, 2011, my niece and I were on our way to my brother and his wife’s house to celebrate my birthday. They live in Hillsboro, Missouri. The route there is always the same to reach their home. At the last minute my niece decides to take a different highway. We are now going south toward the highway entrance when she starts to panic. I thought she had seen something awful on the highway, she was driving crazy, and I was trying to calm her down. She is now pointing up to the left; she saw it before I did from out of her peripheral vision. It was a black triangle in the sky and coming in our direction. She was nervous and missed the entrance, so we had to turn around and go back. At this point she decides to take the familiar route. Now we are going north so we can connect up to the familiar route. The traffic has stopped, we look up and it is hovering in front of the van we are in. Neither one of us are good at trying to gage distance but I can tell you that we could see the underside dark gray metal, we could not see the top (cockpit). It was directly in front of us, and we both had a strange feeling that the pilot (could see us.) CREEPY feeling. This is also strange; traffic was heavy enough that one would have thought other people would be looking upward because it was so low. It felt like no one else was aware of it. (Perhaps they did but I couldn’t find any comments on the internet.) The air conditioner was on in the car/van, we heard no sound from the craft. So, now we decide to pull off onto a parking lot, we needed to calm down. While in the parking lot it approaches again from the left, then flies off. We do not see it again. My mind was in such a turmoil that I cannot remember in what order I observed things. My niece kept remarking on how thin it appeared at a distance. We both saw the three bumps where the craft was the widest but the order of just when we saw these things escapes me. The thing appeared at least three to four times. Once I could see it way up in the clouds looking like a distant bird.
So, now we are on the familiar highway. We get to the road that leads to my brother’s house when everything becomes surreal. We thought we were in the wrong place/house and started to back out, although we have going there for MANY years. I ask MY niece today what she felt, and these are her words ……. “When we got on the road going to the house, I felt disconnected, there was a powerful light like a different sun or maybe a double sun, I could see veins in the leaves. Things looked more lush, green and alive. ….. I Felt like I have experienced this before. What I saw was the same as a solar eclipse only my vision was greatly enhanced. I felt like all the greenery and trees were just bursting with life and beauty! I noticed everything was outlined around the edges like looking at 3D. My depth perception was just amazing!!! It truly felt like we were in another world. I felt totally disconnected from reality although it didn’t last long. The brightness around us should have blinded us but it was diffused in some way. As we got closer to the house, I felt a little confused when looking at the house for some reason. At first, I wasn’t sure if we had the right house! I simply did not recognize it!!! We went in and felt better right away. Strange!!!!!”
For me it was not as extreme, but I did feel like I was in a different and brighter light. Everything felt surreal. As soon as we joined the family, life seemed to flow again in a normal way.
Carollee…Going out on a limb here…I may have noted this in the past, but one of the the reasons I’ve tended to think many events are related to time-travel, rather than beings from other planets, is how many experiences occur within certain date range windows in July and December. The window in December tends to be in the few days around Christmas, for instance. (Whitley’s encounter and The Rendlesham Forrest incident in the UK were several years apart, but the dates were centered around December 26th.) The window around July 4th is another (Roswell, Amy, you, and others). If we, or other beings are able to do this, dates as markers might be very important, especially if one got ‘lost’ in the timestream.
That’s really interesting. I had a pretty big encounter during the first week of July back in 2007. And then every July thereafter for years I would wake up with what looked like a needle mark on my arm.
Amy, the odd reason that I began to notice these correlations with time (Including being followed home by a ‘craft’ with my family one Christmas Eve, all the way from Wimberley, Tx to Leander, Tx) is that my birthday happens to be…December 26th. I picked up on July about the same time. I’ve been at this a long time, and while people have experiences/sightings all year, July and December seem to like ‘markers’.
That’s a fascinating account Carollee. The bit that you described at the end, reminds me of how I perceive things after a visual aura migraine…like someone turned up the colour to 11, or as if I’m seeing everything in hyper-reality. I’m not suggesting you had a migraine but wondering if you were subjected to a strong electromatic field from that triangle, which might have affected your brain in a similarly way to that of a migraine. Just a thought.
“Everything felt surreal. As soon as we joined the family, life seemed to flow again in a normal way.”
I’ve experienced real time slips. That’s exactly the way it feels. If you are in the ‘zone’ with these other people or beings or their ‘craft’ that may exist outside the time stream it makes sense…kind of. 🙂
Thank you COSMIC and EVERYONE for your comments. It gives me a chance to ponder many possibilities.
One more thing…This is a little movie by Bryce Zabel.
Hope for the holidays…Enjoy!
Whitley, I think there may have been a mistake, or maybe something was changed after the YouTube video was posted. I’m watching this on December 22, ~8:00 AM EST.
In the setup to John’s video, at 46m 19s (https://youtu.be/x5nTRvHLZwU?si=bqVNv6VNnQsi39q9&t=2778), you say that the video may be “cut into the show after editing” if there were problems with the share. It seems that is what happened because we don’t see the switch to someone sharing, and it seems John’s video is cut in. After the video plays, John says he “didn’t remember this abduction.”
Then later, at 54m 30s (https://youtu.be/x5nTRvHLZwU?si=ORADFgSW0N4upHUQ&t=3265), another portion of video is awkwardly cut in to the episode where you set up “a short video” in which “various renderings have been done to try to see a little more deeply into what’s there,” and you then say “Let’s just look at the rest of it now.”
Should we be seeing something different in this second video? Because it’s the same video the we see earlier, in which John says “Holy crap, holy crap, this is crazy, fuck,” played twice in a loop. If this is meant to be the same video and different renderings have been done, this is not explained at all.
In neither instance of the video are we seeing any footage of the inside of a craft. In both cases, what we see is the cell-tower-with-blinking-red-light and what appears to be a disc-shaped craft above it. The video is continuous and there is no cut to a change in perspective from the inside of the craft.
Or am I interpreting this incorrectly, and is the whole video meant to be showing a view from within the craft? If so, this is not explained at all and I would really appreciate a better explanation. For instance, it is not addressed at all how this video was “geolocated to a spot… a hundred feet in the air,” as described above.
With all of the editing anomalies—the mention of the share potentially not working, the cutting in of segments, the fact that quantum imaging developer Steven does not have an opportunity to add anything to the discussion after his initial introduction even after you tell him at 45m 17s “we’re going to get to you Steven in just a minute,” the 8-minute dead air segment from 59m 50s to 1h 8m 21s, and the mention in the YouTube description that “Unfortunately, an additional ad was also placed”—I am thinking that something we were supposed to see was edited out in error. Is this the case? Please explain.
This is not meant to be critical; I just want to make sure we are seeing what we’re supposed to be seeing. I think we all want very badly to see what is described above as “the first UFO interior ever filmed by a witness,” but this is not discussed at all during the episode.
Please do a follow-up to explain better what we are supposed to be seeing in this episode, and if any of the above-mentioned anomalies are errors.
Thank you, Whitley, from a devoted fan.
The video is confusing. We THINK that the circular object at the top is the ceiling of the object and that you can see the cell tower through either an opening or a transparent skin of the object. I realize that this is not the best of videos, but it was shot under extreme circumstances by someone who was inside a missing time experience while he was using the camera on his phone. We know that there is something extremely anomalous about the video because the camera is clearly at the same altitude as the cell tower. As there is nothing around the tower (we have geolocated it from the phone’s data), John had to have been a hundred and fifty feet in the air when he shot the video. But where would he have been standing? There isn’t anyplace other than an object that is hovering at the same altitude as the tower. I theorize that the craft may have opened something to make the cell tower visible, in order to provide him with a frame of reference when he found the video.
Incidentally, Scott, I am replying from memory. Your comment was somehow deleted. We had no intention of deleting it. I know you didn’t because it’s not in the trash.
Thank you for responding, Whitley. I have a better understanding now.
I still see my comment, by the way, so I don’t think it was deleted.
As long as I’ve got your attention—man, do you think we’re ramping up toward some kind of reveal or disclosure? It feels like an unprecedented level of high-strangeness activity.
Thanks for so many years of your courage and insight. Happy 2025!
I just located The Fourth Mind on Amazon Kindle. Previously, I could not find it (which I assume is the case if you tried to order it prior to Dec 21). As of today, Dec. 22, if you have subscribed to Kindle Unlimited, you can order the e-book and watch “for free” under the Kindle Unlimited program which allows you 10 free ebooks at any one time. However that option is NOT available until Jan. 25. In fact, it looks like none of the versions come out until January 15. Also, without Kindle Unlimited, the ebook is listed at $8.99 (not the lower price Whitley gave). But you can preorder that. From what Whitley said on the podcast, physical books, audio books, as well as ebooks will all be available Jan 15. As of today, Dec. 22, that’s the update.
Stood in a line.. They seem to like people standing in a line.. Been there, seen that.. but……. everyone in the line outside my window seemed to be standing next to a tree and certainly seemed to be a persona extracted from my cellular memory.
Fair enough.
They seem to vacuum my memories to project a manifestation.
Good job I’d not been reading Playboy..
That ‘moving in line’ thing reminds me of something…I seem to remember reading an account where someone described a line of greys ‘doing the Conga’ out of a bedroom closet.
This looks like one of the rooms where the table raises from the floor. I’ve seen these rooms in tarnished copper and gun metal gray. Has anyone seen beyond the light fixture above, besides me? I’ve seen the fixture shrink, go further into the ceiling. In the ceiling is a perpendicular room where more “grays” are moving equipment and tools to the opening, for use below. It’s odd saying like this. I’m currently making some sculptures to depict this.
It’s a shame we don’t have the original video, as I would like to see a few things attempted on it…
The first and main one would be so-called ‘stacking’ of the video frames at points where the camera is fairly static. That is a technique normally used in astro-photography, where you take a video of a planet (Jupiter for example) and combine multiple frames using software. The resultant static image normally far exceeds that of a single video frame in detail. The whole point of the technique is to minimise noise (or technically speaking increase the signal-to-noise) within the image. It could be that ‘John’s’ video is so lacking in detail that there is no real common point to track in each frame but it would be worth a go.
The second would be to get individual (ideally stacked) frames from the video, as the camera is panned to try and get a mosiac of the extent of the room that was included in the video.
An additional thing that could be done (even without the original) would be to look at a Spectrogram of the audio. There are a couple of things I noticed that would be worth trying to isolate. One is the noise in the background at the beginning of the video. It almost sounds like something rattling, like an old air conditioning unit fan…but could just sound like that. The other is some very quiet stuff at the end, that to my ears, almost sounds like unintelligle whispers, or very low level speech.
Are these FOOTSTEPS of the visitors in the audio of the video?
World UFO Day…Wednesday, July 2, 2025
“I want to believe.” These are the words of notorious X-Files hero Fox Mulder, who convinced an entire generation that the truth is out there – we just have to find it. But on July 2, it won’t only be sci-fi enthusiasts trying out their ET sleuthing skills, as everyone on planet earth will have to opportunity to celebrate World UFO Day.