Caroline Corey is a talented and respected director and producer, known for her 2019 documentary, Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible, which she discussed on Dreamland on July 24 2020. She joins Whitley again to talk about her new and award-winning film, A Tear in the Sky, which follows a team of scientists and investigators with almost $650,000 worth of equipment in an effort to capture real-time footage of UFOs and UAPs from three separate locations.
In an interview so incredible it leaves Whitley momentarily LOST FOR WORDS, he and Caroline discuss her films, underwater ‘alien’ bases, human consciousness, psychic powers, and a possible communication with whatever it is that is behind this strange phenomenon.
Now that this documentary has been made, there will be a paper or papers written by some of the scientists involved, to be published in the peer-reviewed press. This is a step beyond the official revelations that have been made because it will provide scientists with data involving things like the heat signature of the objects recorded, their speed, size, altitude and many other data points. This means that other members of the community can use the same methodologies to see if they can replicate the results. If so, then UFOs will become a legitimate area of scientific study for the first time, offering granting entities a clear avenue to make project funding decisions, which has not existed before.
The documentary also marks a step towards a future where close encounters are taken seriously, and where witnesses are no longer dismissed. The reason is simple: if we can prove that these objects are here, then there is a basis for serious study of the claims of contact.
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I’m getting an error playing the podcast through apple podcasts – both on my phone and my computer… “This episode is temporarily unavailable”
On my android, the subscriber video link here is working fine and the free youtube channel version too. Try one of those, maybe.
I loved everything, but especially Whitley’s “this will blow your socks off” comment! Hilarious! I love Shatner (I’m a trekkie&trekker) but i’m worried people will take the film less seriously or use him to dismiss it. Hope not, though!
I’m in total agreement regarding Bill Shatner.
About Time
Wonderful project. Wonderful interview, one can feel Caroline’s good energy.
I’ve already ordered my copy of ‘A Tear in the Sky’, and I look forward to seeing it!
Yesterday was a day full of synchronicities for me, and this documentary was part of it. An acquaintance posted this video clip which got the ball rolling. She is the person portrayed in the video clip about Chaco Canyon, but it ended up not being a part of the broadcast. We’ve compared notes in the past, and I let her know that I had a very similar joyous experience at Bandelier National Monument. I have also seen a sky portal.
After my interaction with the acquaintance, I came to Unknown Country and had my “socks knocked off” when I learned about this week’s guest and ‘A Tear in the Sky’! The fact that part of the research was done an Catalina Island was kind of strange too. I spent a weekend on the island when I got to be part of special symposium on marine biology when I was in high school. It was magical too, and besides getting to witness The Calypso anchored offshore filming a special about whale migration, while we were listening to a lecture at a small research facility there, Jacques Cousteau paid a surprise visit, walked in the door, stood 3 feet away from where I was sitting, and proceeded to blow away 10 high school students with his grace, kindness and caring. In fact, everyone who lived on the island at that time were the same way, so UFOs being attracted there is not a surprise. (Added bonus—Catalina and its waters are beautiful!)
I loved being in Bandelier with Navajo Bobby Nofchissey and we took a picture there which is just so irreplaceable for his portrait. Definitely some places are just outstanding- but somehow my destiny has not yet included Chaco though many friends have wild tales to tell.
Yá’át’ééh, Ruth! I never made it to Chaco yet either, but i learnt about it in my Socio-cultural Anthropology courses at Fort Lewis College. The Navajo Nation will always have a special place in my heart. Unfortunately i live far away, in Germany now.
Wow! that was a fantastic interview!
Thanks Whitley!
I look forward to watching the movie about what they have observed- nice interview- it is very difficult to create projects and see them through.
I watched ‘A Tear in the Sky’ this morning, and regarding their investigation, as Michio Kaku said, “It’s about time”. But unless UAPs are showing up near Catalina Island all the time, it was a damned miracle they managed to catch anything at all. My only real frustration is that the team were limited to five days but they did an exceptional job. I won’t go into details, as I don’t want to spoil anything but it is well worth watching. Just bear in mind that a great deal of the time is spent on build-up and discussion, rather than the meat and potatoes of what they recorded and that the program is indended to build a certain level of excitement for the mass audience, rather than going into too much techie detail. It’s a shame they don’t create an Appendix, where you get to see everything in real detail.
During the investigation, there were a couple of specific things that really piqued my interest but strangely enough they were not given more than a passing mention, which I found odd.
Anyway, the inclusion of William Shatner, I’m sure, will attract the Sci-fi audience but seeing as this is meant to open the door to serious investigation by the scientific community, I still question the choice of using him.
Agreed. I’ve watched most of the movie now – and it’s quite good… but I wish it would have spent more time on the data than on the social aspect.
And yes, disappointing they only had 5 days. Presumably for cost reasons. A permanent installation there might yield interesting data.
Whilst we’re on the subject of UFOs… You know that a lot of experiencers who claim to have been in one, say quite often that the place was well lit but with no obvious light source?…Well, just before this Dreamland episode posted, I was watching an ‘Action Lab’ video on YouTube.
The Action lab…Unilluminable room.
And in there, he mentions that if you were in a room, that had mirrors on the walls, ceiling and floor, that a single point source of light, placed anywhere in the room, would evenly light the whole place. So I was just wondering whether it would be possible to create a material that reflected all light but not coherently, as with a mirror. Maybe using nano technology, where light was reflected randomly but with no internal reflection, to diminish the light. That would ensure that all the light was reflected but that the surface would not look like a mirror. Next time you’re in a UFO, can you ask them if that’s the way they do it? 😉 Anyway, just a thought.
If a society does not want to address something, they won’t even if you rub their face in it with photos, films, and scientific confirmation. I hope for the best, but suspect this will all be soundly ignored. Neil Tyson may make a condescending remark about “little green men” and everyone will laugh, then rush off like a herd of cattle to see what the Kardashians are doing.
Yep ”
“If love and hate is the candy – give ’em what they want”
-Edie Brickell and the Bohemians
Does anybody know what happened to Contact in the Desert? There’s nothing about it online for 2022. Did it go out of business after two years of Covid?
Never heard of it. Perhaps you slipped into a parallel universe that never had a contact in the desert, whatever that may be. Just kidding, but I definitely have days that make me wonder if I slipped into another universe where nothing makes sense any more. War in Europe? Seriously?
I enjoy the comments very much and William Christie’s resonate with me usually and especially this one about slipping into an alternate universe where nothing makes sense anymore!! Don’t Buddhists call this “the world of illusion”? I was able to obtain a copy of the book, “Passport to Magonia” by Jacques Valle, which was wonderful all over again having read it when it was first written. Another book “Contact” by Carl Sagen and movie based on the book with Jodie Foster keep coming to mind as though there is much truth in both of these two books. Holographic universe?? Don’t know………..just asking? One thing I have learned for sure is that “reality” is much much more complicated than I ever dreamed or wanted it to be!
Traveler, it looks like their website is still up…
…but no mention of anything in 2022. There is also nothing on their Facebook, Intergram or Twitter pages…so it seems no one is home…but I don’t know why.
I watched…I understand why Shatner is there. Corey wants to reach a wide audience, and most people just zone out with the science and technology, which I wanted to more of…Actually, I wanted a lot more of it, and 5 days was not enough, but a start. Whitley, will Caroline keep us apprised when scientific papers have been done?
Catalina is a very small island, and there is the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies facility there: https://dornsife-wrigley.usc.edu
Without spilling the beans about what’s in the documentary, this facility and what they are doing there may be an attractor. I feel that if there was a place with continuous monitoring on the island (Or on a boat anchored off-shore) so much could be learned about the reality of a ‘tear in the sky’.
The good thing is that the documentary is not just another rehash of anecdotal ‘evidence’. The light/sound thing is a fantastic invention (To know more, folks, watch it!).
I was a little annoyed with this film. It’s great when anyone adds to the overall discussion on this topic–of which I am an enthusiast. But it just seemed like a missed opportunity, as most of the film comes off as fluff. Too many shots of guys setting up and staring at camera equipment, driving to hotels and talking about how we need to get real science involved.
Some of it was interesting, for sure. I just wish there had been more substance. I guess it’s sexy to have Kirk in there, but, it didn’t add anything to the discussion. Fluff.
I watched the film and agree with many of the comments above. I can’t see anything stopping a longer study now. Just the funding!!!
At around 112:20 into the video interview, I lost the INTERNET and land-line. At that time I was thinking about the two cameras. My thought was, this is a message saying (((use your right hemisphere, your intuitive self, shut down your analytical left hemisphere.))) Understanding will come after the visual. I missed the last few minutes of what Caroline had to say. AT&T was here and couldn’t find the problem. The technician suspected an underground cable thing. The reason I am posting this is because in the interview underground/water bases were discussed.
On the same night as losing my INTERNET I had this feeling to check out the PBS Saturday night movie. It was, “Chariots of Fire.” Here again when I heard the runner say, “the power comes from within,” I was reminded of a similar statement Whitley voiced during the interview. This was repeated a few times in the movie. I believe we are a remarkable species worth saving.
There are entities (mostly invisible to our eyes but sometimes when closing your eyes you might catch a glimpse). They are ALWAYS there to give us as much information as allowed. THEY GIVE US DIRECTION BUT WE MUST DO THE WORK.
After several days the INTERNET has finally been restored. A CABLE.
How very strange this whole interview experience has turned out to be for me with Whitley and Caroline Corey.
Tonight, I find out that Vangelis, the Greek ‘Chariots of Fire’ composer, dies at 79. (((Mar 29, 1943 – May 17, 2022 (age 79) · Agria, Greece.)))
The movie was televised on my PBS station on May 14th, just a few days before his death and when I lost my INTERNET/landline.
Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, known professionally as Vangelis, was a Greek musician and composer of electronic, progressive, ambient, and classical orchestral music. He was best known for his Academy Award-winning score to Chariots of Fire, as well as for composing scores to the films Blade Runner, Missing, Antarctica, The Bounty, 1492: Conquest of Paradise, and Alexander, and for the use of his music in the 1980 PBS documentary series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage by Carl Sagan.
Thank you 💖
I also really enjoyed your current podcast. Just you, no guests. I love just listening to your stories!
Kev and I also have so many “events” constantly happening and we just catalog them and in some cases look back and see direct correlations to current events. For instance, the first day that I was able to visit Kevin on set was Wed 7-14-21. They had all the equipment running for 80 hours yet within a 30 minutes after I arrive and we wondered out loud if “they” would appear, Dave Altman captured the first UAP with the naked eye. Coincidence?
Kev and I both send our love!💖