Joseph Farrell is back on Dreamland at last, and he has some extremely dangerous truths to tell, so listen up! We’re NOT going down the rabbit hole at all. On the contrary, we’re ESCAPING the rabbit hole because that’s what Joseph Farrell is all about! Listen as he and Whitley range the country they know best: real conspiracies, false assurances, skillful lies that disempower and confuse, and all the rest of the junk the mainstream puts out to keep you confused, sad, afraid and just feeling plain helpless.
You are NOT helpless, so listen up!
Engage with Joseph and his considerable tribe in the GizaDeathStar community. Click here.
JOIN WHITLEY AT CONTACT IN THE DESERT MAY 29-JUNE 3 Click here to find out more!
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Wow, wow, wow! There was so much in this talk that has been in my thoughts and consciousness the last few weeks that is just mind-blowing, and bringing up even more….I don’t know where to begin…so maybe… I won’t.
Dolan’s books…Yes!
I’m so glad that Havana Syndrome was discussed. There was an article here recently where I commented on a piece about Dr. Garry Nolan—and Havana Syndrome and UFOs: https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nzkq/stanford-professor-garry-nolan-analyzing-anomalous-materials-from-ufo-crashes
Good and evil? I went back and forth with G Cameron about this very thing in the last couple of days. It brought up some questions that I’m still thinking about how to address directly to Whitley, if he’s open to them. All I can say at this point, without going into all the details, is that we do have to control the nature of our thoughts, which many of us are aware of…but it’s bigger than that.
I’ve been processing all of this for a while, but there is more of a sense of urgency at this time…I can’t even go into it.
Thanks for that link to the Nolan article! I read it after seeing your comment at the other post.
Will be very interested to hear your questions and whatever else you can say, when you can say it.
Loved this show, thanks.
Wait! My favorites only chatted for an hour? Fascinating, insightful dialogue. Thank you both.
Yes, there certainly is a lot to think about here!
If a group of humans has broken away from the rest of us, I certainly can’t blame them. I’d like very much to break away from our impossible species and the mess we’ve made too. If this is true, it feels sinister in many ways, but considering it long-term I’m heartened to think that there will be humans who survive in some form. (Just read Masters’ “The Extratempestrial Model” so this is on my mind.)
Regarding demons, sadly, I had a horrible experience with something that appeared to be one of those. As to what they want, it seemed to me that it wanted control and power, and that this was simply its nature. I don’t know any more than that. https://elenedom.wordpress.com/2010/03/17/39/
But I’ve encountered far more angelic beings than evil ones.
The Shroud of Turin definitely tells us that something more is going on than we ordinarily think is possible. Can other people be resurrected in that way? I’ve wondered if perhaps this transformation into light, or whatever it was, has happened again and again but we didn’t have evidence like the Shroud so we never knew.
However, even if death were transcended, in terms of a physical resurrection being possible for the mass of people, that wouldn’t mean a despot had no means of control. I’m not afraid of death, but I’m certainly afraid of torture– and it’s torture of a person’s loved ones that causes the most terror.
Anyway, I can’t imagine a worse development than having huge numbers of people avoid the death of their bodies! There would be no room for them! Why would we want that? The message of the Shroud isn’t so much that we continue to live physically as that we are so much more than our physical bodies.
Olivia Harrison, George’s wife, said that at the moment of George’s passing, the hospice room lit up like a movie set. Being that George was a spiritual practitioner, I have no doubt he left this world in an enlightened way. When John Lennon was assassinated, George was concerned that the manner of his death may have hindered his transition.
Similar phenomena occurred during a memorial gathering for George at The Lake Shrine Pacific Palisades.
Good to see Mr. Farrell back on Dreamland.
When Joseph mentioned the abilty to assume a physical form, but then to just ‘let go’, it reminded me of hearing about a rare reported sighting, which I think was mentioned by Preston Dennett. The basic details were that someone whitnessed two humanoid aliens stepping out of a landed UFO. Two Sasquatch type creatures approached them, had some kind of discussion and then just collapsed to the floor, as if dead. So what was that? Aliens or demons, masquerading as Bigfoot?
Another interesting account I heard from a recent documentary ‘Sasquatch and the Missing Man’, involves an account from Wes, host of ‘Sasquatch Chronicles’. He recounts a massive Bigfoot type creature, that stepped across the road in front of him and his brother, whilst out driving. They stopped…and in complete shock, after being intimidated by it for a minute, watched as this thing ‘collapsed’ as if it had been switched off…but then took on the movements of what can best be described as a four-legged spider – head low to the ground and arm and legs joints jutting above the torso. It then proceeded to smoothly move, or ‘glide’ back across the road, whereupon it disappeared into the woods. Again, was this an entity ‘letting go’, or perhaps ‘assuming control’ of a Sasquatch?
Sasquatch and the Missing Man.
Mr. Farrell’s visit on Dreamland is very timely! Many things happening in our World may be attributed to exactly what he and Whitley discussed. How about the upcoming U.S. election??? I hope you have him back again soon Whitley.
According to Dolly Safron, i think it’s also in her and Preston Dennot’s book Symmetry, that little bag that can be seen in Hyroglphs is what UFO pilots carry. It contains the floating sphere that is used for piloting/interfacing with the craft. Great show so much interesting but also very concerning info! I have a hunch that that Dark Tech was used to influence the drunk driver to hit John Mack.
I think that “little bag” is something else, and probably ties into creation. The ones that really stand out in particular are depicted by the ancient Sumerians and appear as buckets (of water?). More interesting to me is what usually appears in the other hand, a pinecone-like object held up to what may be a Tree of Life. Maybe the pinecone-like object is an omphalos, often representing the naval of the world and considered sacred in many older cultures. It could also represent some kind of communicator/communication of the gods…or an actual pinecone, itself a symbol of creation.
“The Giza Death Star Revisited” and “The Demon In The Ekur” by Joseph P. Farrell.
“An Akkadian”Book of Job” titled ludlul Bel Nimeqi (“I Praise the Lord of Deepness”) refers to the “irresistible demon that has exited from the Ekur” in a land “across the horizon, in the Lower World [Africa].” Zechariah Sitchin – “The Wars of Gods and Men”
Also, “A New Science Of Heaven” – Robert Temple
(plasma, a life form?)
As an ultrasound scientist,I am very very interested in the entire Havana Syndrome incident, and others that have not been so intense. Experimentation is taking place.
Mr.Farrell and Whitley’s discussion is in the 2024 top five Dreamlands.
5 star ⭐️ gentlemen.
The show did contain some material that was interesting and/or scary. It’s a pity, though, that it was not mentioned once that the Havana syndrome
has now been shown to be a tour de force of the Russian spooks.
Indeed Pascal. Was it a probing parabolic ultrahigh frequency US? Was it co-opted Alien technology the Russians have?
We are very close to a low frequency trans dermal drug delivery. A small molecule (atropine?) will be first , but the real goal is Insulin. Imagine, no needles.
But I digress… The mere fact that one can leave an area and the waveform subsides leads me to believe it is operated by humans.
Very interesting idea about the Mandela effect. Good show 🙂
Discussions on radio frequencies, interferometry, scalars, resonance, and phase conjugation can be found in several of Joseph’s books. Some would include the original Giza Death Star series, Reich of the Black Sun, Microcosm and Medium, SS Brotherhood of the Bell, and his 9/11 book Hidden Finance,Rouge Networks and Secret Sorcery. The Mandela Effect is mentioned in Microcosm and Medium.
Let’s not forget Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden’s work on Scalar Weaponry, etc. The U.S., Europe , the Soviet Union, now Russia, China and others have developed and had these technologies for a very long time. It is nothing new.
There is also the emerging awareness of third party “Non-State” groups.
Some might even include “Them”.
For what it is worth; Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, a senior research fellow for the Institute of Macroeconomic Research under the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and reportedly close to President Putin’s inner circle…said the there is a group of extremely powerful private persons seeking to reshape the world. This group, she added, has assets of about $300 trillion, which it will use to legitimize its power and create a new world government. Koryagina’s story appeared in Pravda on July 12, 2001.