Theresa Mayville of Malaology.com joins Whitley for an incredible, empowering and magical discussion of the energy of mantras, the mystery of the number 108, lost human powers and the effects of a long-ago war in space. Theresa not only makes incredible 108 bead malas for use in saying mantras, she has deep understanding of the ancient gods and their meaning, and the power of those mantras. Given that the number 108 also reflects the design of the solar system (listen to the show for details), could it be that the ancient mantras and the use of a 108-bead mala to repeat them reflects a lost science of the soul? And was it lost because of a war in space that destroyed the previous human world–perhaps not a war we participated in, but a war OVER us? And if so, who won?
Don’t miss a single second of this fabulous show!
Explore Theresa’s video blog. Click here.
Visit Theresa at Malaology.coms
The Sanskrit immersion course mentioned in the show can be found at https://gaiea.com
Listen to the mantras discussed in the show:
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One of my favorite Ganesha Mantra Videos 😀
So grateful for this lovely, hopeful conversation, Whitley.
I love this one – Thank you!
This was a wonderful show. I cannot stress how important to life mantra meditation is. One who does not meditate is living in poverty. Twenty minutes daily will change your life drastically!!!
Om Namah Shivaya:
= Out-Breath Ahhhmmm, In-Breath UMmmm fading to silence, Out-Breath Nah, In-Breath Mah, Out-Breath Shee, In-Breath Vie, Out-Breath YAhhhh, In-Breath Silence.
Aum Kali Kala Hum:
= Out-Breath Ahh, In-Breath uMmmm fading to silence, Out-Breath Kah, In-Breath Lee, Out-Breath Kah, In-Breath Lah, Out-Breath Hu, In-Breath Mmmm fading to silence.
You now have the keys: open the doors of Perception to your core center of Consciousness and BE!!!
🙏Beautiful!! Thank you!
Thank you.
I can’t find the Aum Kali Kala Hum mantra anywhere and was wondering about its meaning. Can you elaborate? Thanks.
Aum is the sacred sound of being – of Consciousness. kali is the feminine sound (Goddess) for Time. Kala is a male word for time, not generally personified as a God, but the balance to Kali as a mantra. Hum is the spiritual heart, the center of being.
Thank you
Note that although Kali is commonly shown in fierce form, there are many other forms. To get a glimpse into the depth of Kali philosophy, consider the 12 kali-s
This was great and empowering! Right now, I’m looking at my statue of Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles, a gift from my son several years ago.
I’m not religious either, but I revere wisdom wherever it comes from. The Gita is one of those magical sources.
The Faces of God
I was in Hyderabad in 2005, which just happened to coincide with the Ganesh celebrations. I have never before or since seen as many people together in my life. The mood on the streets in amongst the crowds was just electric…the only downside being my ears were ringing for hours afterwards, from all the noise! Before I left, I bought a beautifully carved wooden statuette of Ganesh, which now sits at home, to remind me of that wonderful experience. I’m not sure if any obstacles have been removed in my life courtesy of Genesh but if so, any assistance is greatly appreciated! When I was there though, it was fascinating to meet colleagues who believed deeply in his power to assist in that regard.
What a beautiful synchronicity! Ganesha does so much more than remove obstacles. He is the gateway to wisdom, spiritual progress, and countless blessings. May you be so blessed!
Thank you…and you too.
May Ganesha bring you many blessings and delights!
Interesting show, thanks. May you find a new sounding board person! I’m sure all the regular commentators here would be happy to give it a try!
Absolute dynamite.. Good Lord!
🧨💥It was super fun for me as well! Thanks kindly.
Such an inspiring interview, thank you.
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.
Nikola Tesla and Ancient Vedic Philosophy and the Properties of Space
Key insights
🌌Math is not created by man, but rather discovered, as it is the language used in everything in the creation of the universe.
💡The concept of energy never ending but changing from one form to another, as explained by Nikola Tesla, aligns with the idea of the immortal soul mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita thousands of years ago.
⚛️The number nine plays a significant role in controlling and creating the numbers three and six, which ultimately shape the universe.
Another interesting one, that I mentioned in the comments a few weeks ago…is if you multiply the following together, you also get 108…
1 to the power 1 (=1)
2 to the power 2 (=4)
3 to the power 3 (=27)
…for that reason it is know as a ‘hyperfactorial’…cool name!
Obviously, you can omit the ‘1 to the power 1’ when multiplying…but it’s an interesting sequence with it included.
Also, as I mention in an earlier post, the 5th hyperfactorial…
5⁵×4⁴×3³×2²×1¹=86400000, interestingly is the number of milliseconds in a day 😎
I’ve also heard that the 6th hyperfactorial is, coincidentally, the telephone number of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
I phoned it but the number was disconnected…I will try again in a few Trillian years 😉
Hahah! 🍔🍕
Fine pun there, Sherbet!
I didn’t remember about the phone number of the Restaurant. It may be disconnected now, but it will have been in use in the far future, I expect. Although– do people have to call ahead from our time for reservations? I don’t know, but anyway, Don’t Panic!
I used a smidgen of artistic license on the telephone number…and completely made it up, sorry!…I seem to remember there might have been something in the HH Guide about a telephone number but I think it was a coincidence related to a girl who’s poetry was shockingly worse than the Vogon’s. I don’t know about the booking procedure at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe but I seem to remember payment was achieved by depositing 1p in a bank before departing…so with compound interest being what it is, over the time from now until (just before) the end of all things material, it would pay for a slap-up meal, all expenses payed 😂
And wasn’t there something about them finding Marvin again…he’d got there early, so ended up parking spaceships for 100,000 years whilst waiting for them to turn up… “typical”.
When I wrote the stuff above, I had that song from the movie…”So long, so long and thanks…for all the fiiiiish”, rattling around like some kind of ear worm…unless, perhaps, my Babel Fish is on the blink?
UPDATE: Nope, it’s fine….Panic over.
Indeed, Marvin had to wait for ages, though I don’t remember the details. I know it didn’t do his sour attitude any good.
I seem to remember, too, that there were bizarre twisty tenses involved with describing all this, but couldn’t come up with anything better than “will have been.” I’ll have to dig out my copy of the book!
That reminds me Elene, I need to turf out my books too…although these days I tend to do the audio equivalent of being fed grapes, and listen to it on Audible. I predominantly use my eyes all day at work, so swapping senses is quite refreshing.
Yes, it’s also very interesting for healing. We can focus on the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras for healing on all levels. I’ve found that when choosing gemstones for a mala for the purpose of healing, it’s best to choose stones that resonate with these three chakras. This will align our physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
The solfeggio frequencies for these chakras are 396, 639, and 963, respectively, and no other chakra includes 3, 6, or 9. Tesla understood that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 created the building blocks of the Universe and that they affect energy, frequency, and matter.
“The universe is a symphony of vibrating strings. We are nothing but melodies. And through the vibrations of these strings, we are interconnected with everything in the universe.”
There is a beautiful version of the Gayatri Mantra by Tina Malia and Shimshai, that I love listening to…
That is divine ~ Thank you! This is my favorite (it’s a different take. I play it on loop for much of the day) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4AvH5E07wo
Oh, I’ve never heard that version…it’s wonderful ! Thank you too.
I don’t know all the details of the story, but it seems like you had a Muse, Whitley. It seems like your muse was not really comfortable with being one for whatever reason. From what I have read that muse relationship can be a toxic one, so maybe she did you a favor. It definitely seems like it did bring up some stuff for you about that attachment process that needed to be routed out and because you were willing you received the blessing of assistance with that. Ultimately, we are trying to connect to our own highest potential directly from what I understand. It’s good for us to have help along the way, but sometimes we can become dependent on it. I think this is a hard lesson for everyone’s journey. I myself, struggle with it in both ways. I feel held back and blocked sometimes by my relationships, but yet I am emotionally attached to them and don’t want to be alone in the world. This is a complicated topic for me so I will stop here, but I appreciate the information here and have resubscribed after a haitus. I don’t watch and listen to a lot of podcasts like most people. Yours is one of the only ones and I always appreciate your personal and genuine manner. I’m very intrigued by the interviewees insights on the Hindu history and will be looking into it some more. Thank you for the inspiration. I am going to get a Ganesh mala asap!
Great insight on the muse idea. That is exactly what it feels like to me. I agree; she did Whitley a favor. We grow in discomfort. May Ganesha bring you many blessings and delights!
Just a note here. For a few days now I have had the thought run through my mind of, ‘WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE LIVING IN THE FOURTH DIMENSION.’ I have checked out a few videos to get their educated guess. THEN, I check out the new crop circle and see this. It was an emotional jolt for me. Also, I did post a comment in regards to the interview this week but it did not get past the subscriber page. ALSO….. included on the posted website, there is a really good interview with Physicist Harold E. Puthoff if anyone cares to view it. I did not include the crop circle website either thinking it might hold up this post.
Carollee, you may want to read ‘Alchemy of Nine Dimensions’ by Barbara Hand Clow. She covers much of what you’re discussing.
COSMIC, thank you for this…….
I would also like to say that the deepest comment for me was that primitive humans may have been collateral damage in a war between ET ‘Gods/Goddesses’ (the winners) and ET Demons/Demonesses (the losers). Reading the Shrimad Bhagavatum I was struck by the likelihood that I was reading about a galactic history event by people describing miraculous deeds they did not understand!
Reading a lot of translations and also contemplating the potential rarity of our big moon being in a perfect orbit makes me think that Earth may have been the Jewel being fought over! Not that I think it to be the only issue between these two groups. Also if one considers the mess that Earth and our history have arrived at, one must consider that they are still battling undercover.
Guard your souls with Compassionate Love as your compass!
Scribbling notes as fast as I can. What a worthwhile listen – I am going to dig out my Mala, which has been tucked away in a drawer for a very long time. I had asked a friend who was visiting India to bring me prayer beads and if memory serves, it has a hassle. I loved the look of it and draped it over my mirror for a while and because I didn’t realize what it was and its meaning, I put it away. I’m very excited to bring it out and to pray the beads — not sure if they’re ‘seeds’ and I will be counting them — I must thank my dear friend once again, but with a full explanation, that he chose well without knowing anything about the subject. Divine intervention perhaps. And, it seems to fall into that category of “everything in its own time.”
Yes ~ everything in its perfect time. Timing is divine 🙂
This was a fantastic interview, thank you!
I had an encounter with Kali a few years ago myself, but it was far less terrifying than Whitley’s. It must have been at some time when women’s rights and lives were particularly under threat by current politics, because I was thinking about the power of women and how Kali embodies that.
Unlike Whitley, instead of seeing her in front of me, I started to become her, expanding and taking on a sense of gigantic strength. And I knew that the feminine principle on this world could never really be suppressed and would always prevail in the end, and that Nature’s power to create and to destroy would always supersede the efforts of humans to override it. And that despite the terror and destruction we may experience, ultimately we are safe and the Mother cares for us.
I don’t remember the details, and I feel like I’m not describing this very well, but it was an incredible experience.
I too keep wondering what the deities we perceive “really” are. The concept of egregores seems to be coming up everywhere lately, and I think there’s a lot of validity to that. My best understanding, based in part by what one of the beings told me, is that they had an existence before humans, but they have willingly taken on the “costumes” humans apply to them in order that we can relate to them.
I suspect that women probably have a different experience of Kali than men do. After all, it’s a man under her feet and a man’s head she is holding. (The message is that we have the bigger egos, which is not wrong…) Anyway, thanks for this post. Kali was scary to me, for sure, but the help and support have been so very wonderful–head in hand or no head in hand!!
I’m glad you’ve gotten through that disconcerting transition and that it’s been fruitful. It seems like an awful lot of us are living through extreme endings and shifts these days.
It was gobsmacking when you described the terrifying experience and then summed it up with something like, “It was the most valuable thing that has ever happened to me.”
This is all new to me and looks worth exploring. The 12 Kalis, in 3 posts, beginning with:
Around a thousand years ago the Tantras (a specific class or writings) came to express some profound aspects of human consciousness. There was a lead up of hundreds and perhaps a thousand years to get to these ideas and then the writing made them available. The Tantra path is the path of the ‘spiritual householder’ and should not be confused with modern sexual neo-tantra.
There are more ancient Sanskrit texts than Greek and Roman combined, thankfully scholars who translate to English focus on what they find most profound. These three posts are deep and even reading them several times one must grow with them.
The Sanskrit texts are so subtle and sophisticated that they are a) hard to translate into any western languages, which do not have sufficiently nuanced words to really do the ideas justice, which is why I am learning Sanskrit, and b)so multi-dimensional that the linear thinking that characterizes Western intellectualism cannot integrate them in sufficient depth to convey their meaning. The west simply has not developed ideas as big as those conveyed in these extraordinary texts.
Whitley, can you please interview Malcolm Bendall? He had a really unusual life (starting with a Tibetan master approaching him in a mall as a teenager) and is now involved with bringing back some of the ancient mythological technology, the Vajra: Plasma technology that incorporates the sacred geometry you two talked about. He is emphasising the importance of Sanskrit in interviews but everybody only wants to hear about the technical aspects. His mind is all over the place so it is hard to follow sometimes. I guess that is also why Joe Rogan thought him to be too weird to air their interview. I would love to hear you two discuss Sanskrit and India and the whole weirdness surrounding both of your lives. This is a pretty good overview. https://youtu.be/pp8urchKeYM?si=xazwu30cVzTpXKhz
Everything is a personification of everything.