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What does the close encounter experience mean to spouses? Anne Strieber and Lisa Romanek, both spouses of well-known close encounter witnesses have the first-ever discussion about their lives with Whitley Strieber and Stan Romanek.

But what have Lisa and Anne seen? Why do they believe their husbands?

During this conversation, startling facts emerge about the efforts that both couples have made to document their experiences. The discussion shines a powerful light on the struggle of spouses to understand, on the conflicts that the experience produces in relationships and, above all, on what happens when somebody realizes that the strange claims their spouse is making are not due to mental illness, but reflect a shocking truth.

Lisa’s website is

Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.

Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.


  1. Kathy are stating a fact that
    Kathy are stating a fact that there will be no program download today, or stating that one isn’t posted yet?The Subscriber Interview is in place and working 🙂

  2. I don’t have anybody helping
    I don’t have anybody helping me today, so there is a bit of chaos. I THINK that I have fixed this and you can now hear the correct Dreamland!

  3. FINALLY!! It is playing
    FINALLY!! It is playing Dreamland instead of Revelations. What in the world was wrong with it I’ll never know. There wasn’t even a Revelations file on the server, and yet it still kept playing it. Well, please enjoy Lisa and Anne, the show is a real winner, and I am sorry for the hassle!

  4. It may have been a previously
    It may have been a previously deleted Revelations show/file that was on the same HD from some time back. A similar thing happened to me recently. A good low-level format of the free space on the problem HD should rectify it. Think back and you should find that there was a Revelations show on that HD at some point.

  5. Anne and Lisa . . . great
    Anne and Lisa . . . great discussion! Thanks.

  6. I have always been fascinated
    I have always been fascinated by UFOs and visitors, as was my brother, when we were kids. He had “friends” in our yard only he could see. We are in our 50’s now and my neice is grown and married, but I remember her when she was about 5, she saw the cover of Communion and just went plum crazy screaming with fear.
    My brother has always worked for secret government defense contractors and has never discussed any of his jobs with me and laughs at UFOs now.
    I have never seen one, but would love to at a safe distance!
    I’m afraid my neice has been abducted; she was way too afraid of the book for a 5 year old.

  7. Happy Birthday, Whitley!
    Happy Birthday, Whitley!

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