
Dr. Iya Whiteley brings stunning insights and ideas into areas like astronaut mental health during long term deep space travel, pilot encounters with UAP and how we improve our abilities to perceive and interact with our visitors, and how
our children both can be helped and can help us in this greatest of all human endeavors. You will never have encountered anyone like Dr. Whiteley with her great knowledge and advanced insights. This important interview is not to be missed!
Want to find new ways of understanding contact, perception and communication for yourself and your children? Connect with Dr. Whiteley on her Childbirth Visions website: Click here.
To learn more about Dr. Whiteley’s full range of work including pilot and astronaut psychology and UAP issues, click here.
Get her wonderful book to share with your baby, the enriching Earth Designs. Click here.
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Absolutely fascinating discussion. Communication is an art form and essential skill set that modern humans have allowed to atrophy. Reengaging this multi-sensory connection with each other and the Earth is essential for the future of humanity.
I hope that all people who listen to this conversation really take some time with it to allow it to enter their Earth Consciousness…I don’t know any other way to describe it, and I just struggled a while to come up with those words. In any case, do listen to this interview.
Crickets: I have always loved the sound of crickets! As a little kid, I Imagined that the sounds of crickets in the night were actually the ‘sounds’ of twinkling stars. I know so many people that can’t sleep if they hear a cricket or crickets. I’m just the opposite. They are a comfort to me. In China and Japan, crickets were kept as pets, both for their singing and fighting abilities. On the full solar eclipse here back in April, once totality was reached, the crickets began chirping in our back yard!
Cymatics I’m very familiar with, and years ago I became familiar with a father and son out of Scotland that were composers, and broke the ‘code’ of symbols on the walls of Rosslyn Chapel:
I was very lucky that I also got to speak with Stuart Mitchell in a teleconference (days before Zoom). I asked him a question that I had thought about regarding cymatics and the Earth. Was it possible that crop formations were created by sound? He got very quiet, then answered: “I’ve never thought about that!”. But I have wondered about it many times, over many years. The pictures on the cover of her book, ‘Earth Designs’, are similar to some (authentic) crop formations.
I would love a chance to speak with Dr. Whiteley myself, especially about the senses and children…and dreams.
One thing about cymatics that is not really made clear (generally speaking), is that sound generates a three dimensional structure. So rather than just a flat metal plate with sand, creating a distinctive pattern for each note in an octave, if you have a cubic tank of water with particles of say flour suspended in it, when you play the same sounds, the flour particle coalesce into nodes and anti-nodes, thereby creating complex three dimentional shapes, like double-pointed tetrahedrons, cubes, dodecahedrons etc. These shapes morph from one to another as the note increase in frequency, as they do with the flat plates and sand. You could, in a very real sense, refer to them as three dimensional mandalas.
With respect to these shapes, there are a couple of interesting points. Some say the pyramids at Giza are actually double pointed tetrahedrons, one point to the sky, the other underneath the sand, just like one of the cymatic solid shapes. I also saw some research regarding giant globular clusters of galaxies. There are some areas were these have coalesced into tetrahedron eggbox-like structures, just like the flour in the massively scaled-down cymatics water tank examples. I know you know this stuff Cosmic but others might not 😁
With regards to crop-circles, effectively being two dimensional cymatic structures, I have thought along those lines many times, as I’m sure we’ve discussed before in the comments, Cosmic; However, a thought came to me earlier…in the case of crop-circles, what would be the equivalent of the flat metal plate, or the three dimensional water tank? Cymatics need a reflecting boundary in order to create standing waves…so unless there was some temporary plasma boundary to encase the crop circles whilst they were being created, I don’t see how standing waves could be set up.
Last point, if you consider that the human brain cavity it vaguely spherical, the skull being the boundary, I could quite easily see how standing waves could be set up in the brain, if applied with a specific frequency. That leads to all sorts of questions about whether cymatic structures can be generated with certain brain waves, or thoughts…and whether those could be transmitted from one brain box to another, knowingly or otherwise. And could cymatics be used as a weapon…Havana cigar anyone?
Cymatics has been occurring as synchronicity for me to study more. Does anyone know of images created when two notes are played together? I would love some kind of digital cymatics imaging software, but apparently the science is not up to that yet.
Starting a post.
Hi Sunbow, you might find this project interesting, which is along the lines of what you’re describing…
Sunbow, I know this is not what you are asking for in regard to cymatics, but for a person like me who needs visuals to understand, this is a good video…I thought others might like it as well.
Sunbow…check this out:
The Music Made Visible App
What a shame the Google Play link doesn’t work on my Android phone 😕 I might have to dig out my iPad as that app looks really good.
Sunbow, if you’re up for a full on nerd-fest, there is a fascinating tutorial on YT that shows how to use a visual programming language (within the programs Max and MSP, normally used for creating audio filters, audio phase shift diagrams and all that geeky stuff) to simulate particles on a 2D Chladni plate, that will generate cymatic patterns. He makes reference to hooking up audio inputs to this simulator but doesn’t go into details…
YT Video – Cymatics with Max/MSP
Getting Started with Max/MSP
The mathematics of Chladni patterns (used in the YT video)…
If none of this makes any sense then (waves hand)…
“These aren’t the (Cymatic) droids you’re looking for”… https://youtube.com/shorts/uLZZivwb2Wo
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One of the best yet!!
Thanks to you both!
That explains a lot, for me. Being on the spectrum, I see things differently. Mary Rodwell sees this.
Early on in the interview, Iya was just starting to talk about crickets before being interrupted. She said “If you slow down a recording of crickets, it sound like…” and never got around to completing that sentence, as far as I know (apologies if I missed it). Anyway, I did a bit of searching and found that there is some controversy around this topic. There is a particular recording by Jim Wilson, known as ‘God’s Chorus of Crickets’, which purportedly contains a slowed-down version of crickets chirping, that sounds like an angelic choir (clearly singing a repeated series of pleasant sounding notes)…except no one has ever been able to replicate it. Below is a link to an interesting YT video debunking that recording…
…however, even on newer recordings of crickets, even though there is not the same kind of melody present in the controversial version from Jim Wilson, I have to admit, they do still sound quite beautiful to my ears.
“Cymatics need a reflecting boundary in order to create standing waves…so unless there was some temporary plasma boundary to encase the crop circles whilst they were being created, I don’t see how standing waves could be set up.”
Funny you should mention that, because I was going to mention in my posting the sighting of orbs in the some formations as they are being laid down, but forgot to do that:
Most authentic formations are laid down without observers. This person got lucky, and no one has been able to prove any manipulation on his part. So, maybe a temporary plasma boundary might created as the crop is is laid down by harmonics and frequencies that we cannot hear. Linda Moulton Howe also reported on these lights or spheres in the fields in 2003-2004 right here in the USA.
I’m not sure why someone can’t appreciate the sounds of crickets as they are, rather than manipulate their songs to sound like a choir of angels. That’s just nuts. Since I’ve never been witness to an actual choir of angels singing anything, I’ll take crickets just as they are.
“Appreciate the sound of crickets as they are.” Really? Let just one get in your bedroom while trying to sleep. The worst. And you are not supposed to kill them. On that note Whitley has done a great job this year with Unknown Country. He deserves a raise. Donate now…crickets 🙂
Dr. Iya Whiteley, thank you for this interview and for your work in awakening the dormant human potential……I believe you knew your soul’s purpose before entering into the physical.
“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” – Gautama Buddha
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
What wonderful quotes!