Dreamland: Danny Sheehan talks about disclosure, what it means to close encounter witnesses and why they matter so much. The one thing that almost nobody involved in the high levels of the disclosure process will talk about is close encounters. It’s as if we witnesses don’t exist, and yet we are a huge, silent–and silenced presence. Danny Sheehan, almost alone among the politicians, officials and others who are guiding the process, is willing to open up to the close encounter community, say what he thinks and offer a real, practical vision for when and how we can participate. For, after all, when push comes to shove, beyond the admission that UAPs are real, that we have craft and bodies, is the greatest truth of all: more than anyone at any official level, we the people are on the frontline of contact!

This pioneering talk between old friends Whitley and Danny is not to be missed, not one second of it! Take notes and above all go to Danny’s website, NewParadigmInstitute.org and GET INVOLVED. Write your reps and say it plain: we want this all to come out and NOW!

The only people who can stop the intelligence community and its trolls from beating us up and lying about is and making us look like fools in public are our reps. Let’s make sure they know we are out here, and there are lots of us!

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  1. Thank you Whitley and Danny for a truly remarkable interview. So much information to process here. Some concepts I hadn’t considered like voluntary hybrid programs (needs considerable processing; and clear and concise understanding of why it may be necessary, and/or beneficial, and to whom): plus reaching out to the religious/theological community in efforts of shifting paradigms, amongst so many other innovative ideas/ideals. I can only wish you well in these continuing efforts especially in bringing the 64 page Senate intelligence bill to fruition.
    So much to contemplate from this information packed episode. Many many thanks again for the best in UFO/UAP information sharing.
    Much love and respect, from the UK.
    Caz ✌️

    1. It’s amazing that there IS a bill, isn’t it. I have no idea what will happen in the coming months, but we are in a different world now, with Congress talking so openly about UAP issues– as well they should.

  2. To address a point raised by Whitley: I personally know a physicist who told me he was implanted.
    I’d rather not say his name because he is trying to distance himself from the whole UFO circus.
    In brain scans his implant looks like a calcification (a brain stone). This is strangely reminiscent of what Whitley said about his own implant: doesn’t it appear also as a calcification now?

  3. Author

    It comes through on a CT Scan as a bright dot in the ear. There’s no way to tell if there is calcium around it, but as it has been the same size since 1989 when it was put in, I doubt it. When it was exposed in the removal attempt, it was metal with protinaceous cilia attached to it.

  4. I’ve known of Sheehan’s work for years, and I’m also subscribed to NewParadigmInstitute.org,and receive frequent updates, so I do recommend it. I’m still on the fence about taking the courses that are offered, but considering it.

    One of the things that concerns me is how the United States continues to address the UAP/Non-Human Intelligence issues as mainly under the purview of our nation. This involves the entire world. So the secrecy, and all that goes along with it, is a disservice to everyone. Yes, Americans are abductees/experiencers, but so are people in other countries and cultures (And they may not experience/feel in quite the same way as we do, especially culturally. ‘Witness of Another World’ is a good example)

    1. Yes, secrecy is a disservice to everyone. But other countries should also play their parts in the disclosure process.

      1. Some countries are more open about disclosure than we are. Unfortunately, the military seems to be in charge of most of it, worldwide, not just us. As with so much else, the world often follows our lead, including China and Russia. Everyday people are left out of the loop, including those with compelling evidence that something profound is happening. The hearing with Grusch was taken seriously because it involved the military. Even some scientists are not taken seriously if they do get involved. It’s nuts. Some presidents have acknowledged experiences and been laughed at. But only the military seems to have the gravitas to be taken at their word. They should not be in charge of it, but just one part of it, along with scientists of various disciplines, and fields of many spectrums, including lay people who are experiencers, and even specialists in psychology (and parapsychology), sociology, spiritual, religious—and history.

    2. In many other countries people have no freedom and thus no option for trying to understand the Presence.

      1. That’s right, but there are also many countries where people have some freedom and some power. The U.S. is not the only democracy in the world. The problem is more likely: fear of ridicule, lack of interest, and probably quite often lack of knowledge from some of the world’s governments.

  5. Whitley made a very profound set of comments when he said that some of the beings use their body! They use Siddhas (paranormal abilities or powers, spiritual powers), and not technology for much of what is observed. This is a game changing view. It is likely the same cartel that is keeping the UAP and Presence secret to the best of their limited ability are the same ones who forbid researching PSI in academia and I believe only 1 parapsychology doctorate degree (Jeffrey Mishlove) exists. However many people are naturally becoming more psychic and also the truth of the amazing nature of being human, of being quantum assemblages of vast power, is being discovered and many traditions are assisting in a great awaking to our true nature. The Presence is slowly disclosing itself in a manner that does not allow a materialist definition of them to prevail. Freedom and Truth are prevailing.

    1. Author

      I think this is exactly right. Whether they want to or or not, the visitors are going to force us to wake up our own siddhis.

      1. “Whether they want to or or not” is a very deep question and I have been pondering it. Dean Radin’s meta-data analysis of Telepathy tests results in a zillion to one for humans having telepathy. Humans have eyes to see, but see not. Humans have ears to hear, but hear not. The presence sees and hears and Earth must be an awful place with tortured humans screaming telepathically. I can understand why most humans shut down and distract themselves in whatever way possible.

        The presence is living in a higher dimensional reality and the vast majority of humans are lost in a false materialistic limited dimensional reflection. For them to communicate from where they are at, they burst through our bubbles: whether they want to or not, it happens. Its a new world and we must take it or the consequences are dire.

        1. Author

          There are people who do this. They are very private. But you are exactly right about what they hear of the agony of the human world.

  6. One of the very best! I will listen again.
    Thanks Whitley for hosting a very informative guest!

  7. Why does no one mention the very real, very dangerous, and very bent on secrecy…men in black?
    They are not even mentioned when it comes to disclosure.
    The many folks that were attacked by them threatened and killed make a solid case for the fact that disclosure IS NOT UP TO US.


  9. I think it’s probably wrong to think that all hybrids are dysfunctional, mute (other than telepathy) etc. even if the one’s you’ve met were. I’m sure there also hybrids that can blend in well and seem fairly normal.

  10. When Danny and Whitney started talking about how the Catholic Church and other religions are holding back what the mystics have taught us, all I could think of was the line from Scripture: “My people perish for lack of Knowledge” – Hosea 4:6.

  11. Thank you, Whitley and Danny Sheehan, for this excellent interview. Thinking about the Anunnaki and wondering about their part in our own evolution.

    The Anunnaki, beings from ancient Mesopotamian mythology, have captured the imagination of many. Let’s delve into their intriguing origins and roles:

    Anunnaki Origins:
    The term “Anunnaki” translates to “princely blood” or “seed of Anu.” It does not mean “those who came down” or “those who came from heaven to earth,” as some modern sources suggest. These deities were part of the Sumerian pantheon, born from the union of the sky god Anu and his sister, Ki. Interestingly, Ki was initially not considered a deity but later gained goddess status in mythic traditions. Essentially, the Anunnaki were semi-divine beings, born from the union of a sky god and a mortal female, who was later deified.

    Ninhursag: The Nurturing Mother Goddess:
    Among the Anunnaki, Ninhursag held a central place. She was revered as the “Lady of the Mountain” and the “Mother of All Living. “With her wisdom and nurturing essence, Ninhursag played a crucial role in the creation and sustenance of life.

    Anunnaki Influence:
    According to ancient texts, the Anunnaki were revered as the creators of humanity. Some interpretations even suggest that they genetically engineered the human race itself. The Sumerian king list hints at the possibility of extraterrestrial genes influencing human evolution, further adding to the enigma surrounding the Anunnaki.

    In summary, the Anunnaki are more than just extraterrestrial overlords—they are complex figures with rich mythological backgrounds, intertwined with the very fabric of ancient Mesopotamian beliefs.

  12. Whenever I see the name…NINHURSAG,…my mind has always seen the word as NURSE.

    Ninhursag: The Nurturing Mother Goddess:
    Among the Anunnaki, Ninhursag held a central place. She was revered as the “Lady of the Mountain” and the “Mother of All Living. “With her wisdom and nurturing essence, Ninhursag played a crucial role in the creation and sustenance of life.

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