I’m Unknowncountry’s Out There editor and I also often write these show descriptions, and I’ve just listened to one of the most incredible Dreamlands that I’ve heard in my 10 years of doing this.
As Whitley puts it in the second half of the show, “I think this might be the most important interview I have ever done.”
Whitley interviews Laird Scranton on the Mystery of Skara Brae, which may sound obscure but is actually one of the world’s greatest and most important mysteries, relating directly to why we even have civilization on Earth.
In the second half of the show, while listening to Laird describe some very deep secrets of the lost past, Whitley has a blinding insight about his own role in the world and where we are going from here. It’s an amazing moment. There is no other way to describe it.
Do NOT pass on the Mystery of Skara Brae! Get it from your local bookseller or order it online.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Wow. Okay. I came to listen after hearing Laird’s show in Aug 2020. Powerful show. Thank you, Whitley. You spoke of stacking rocks and “home” that is in your dreams. I too have an incredibly familiar “home” that I go to often in my dreams. Funny thing is that it is underground. It’s a never-ending cave that is very much home to me. Strange.