1. Looking forward to seeing this one.
    Having trouble with the link.

    Appreciate you! 🙂

    1. Never mind, I just discovered there isn’t a show this week. Happy holidays all

  2. Happy 4th July for those in the US.

    For those in the UK, happy 4th July too, marking a general election and landslide victory against an inept and morally bankrupt government.

    1. They’re all the same people Sherbie. They switch it around every 12 yrs or so regardless of the vote imho.

      I wouldn’t be at all surprised if those in governance are generally mind controlled by some unseen group or relic entity.

      Just political theatre to keep the peace. Fair enough if it works I suppose??


      1. You’re probably correct Von Hausenberg …same ****, different coloured tie.

        I’ve often wondered if they get in power, then they have a visit from someone ‘really’ in power, to inform them of their boundaries…and repercussions if they stray beyond them.

        But yes, maybe it is all theatre and social engineering …so wasting our energy booing and jeering the latest bad guy on stage, is just one planned act of a never-ending series…indended to keep our eyes on the show and away from whatever is twitching the cutain backstage.

    2. Thankyou Sherbet . I am hopeful for a better outlook for my Grandchildren .

  3. Happy 4th of July to everyone.

    It’s absolutely pouring with rain here in Britain this weekend so I’m envious of your festivities.

    Have an enjoyable and relaxing time all.


  4. It is my theory that it is these so-called ‘visitors’ that Whitley has been writing about for almost 40 years who are in control… I call it the karmic energy system in place here on Earth and it’s all about patterns, a dance so to speak. The patterns repeat endlessly in our own individual lives and on a world-wide scale, in politics, financial arenas, social environments and cultural milieu… on every level. When I see a pattern repeating in my own life and don’t like it, is it just because I believe that I have already learned the karmic lesson that it has for me? Or do I just need to learn to see my place in the dance from another perspective? The saying goes: History repeats itself. I would add: until the observer within each of us ‘sees’ it from as many perspectives as possible; this is freedom from the pattern of repetition.

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