PMH Atwater is 86 years old. After a difficult, dangerous, incredible and wonderful life, she brings to us the wisdom that has been gained from the terror she has known from abandonment and rape to the wonder she has found in as intense a spiritual quest as you will ever be witness to. She experienced a devastating rape, unwanted pregnancy and miscarriage and the almost unimaginable emotional upheavals that are going to accompany such an ordeal, then overcame it all in a quest that included the exploration of powerful spiritual states that brought not only wisdom, but also access to such tings as out-of-body travel and the discovery of the hidden patterns in her past life experience.
This edition of Dreamland, which exposes for all to see, the true power of the human soul, is a deeply enriching and wondrous experience.
Visit PMH at PMHAtwater.com.
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indigenous people were asked their thoughts on aliens. did not know the word. shown a photo. described the beings as big ”ants” who would take your spirit underground if you messed with them.
They got it right ! But there’s more…
PMH Atwater is always a delight to listen to.
Talking about synesthesia, I have something which is apparently related to that, in that I see dates (a year specifically) as a physical strip, with January close to me on the left and December about an arms length away to the right. I find thinking about dates quite difficult, unless I can visualise that strip.
Anyway PMH talking about that reminded me of a BBC Horizon program, that featured a very high functioning autistic savant from the UK called Daniel Tammet. He was unusual, in that he was able to lucidly describe exactly what was going on in his mind, when he experienced a synesthesia-related cross-over with physical forms and numbers. He also had an incredible facility for learning new languages (he learned conversational Icelandic, from scratch, in a few weeks and went on their national TV and had a really good chat with the Icelandic host, who quite obviously was astounded, as their language is notoriously difficult to learn). But the main reason the scientists found chatting to him fascinating, was his ability to multiply any two numbers together, almost instantly, with six figure or more answers. Apparently, according to him, each number had a very specific shape. When he saw those two numbers, he would see them in his minds eye…and here’s the interesting bit…like two complex jigsaw pieces, there was only one very specific shape that could connect the two…and this complex connecting shape, in his mind was also synonymous with a number…the product of the other two. He just saw the shape and knew what the answer was. Incredible.
That was interesting…and incredibly weird…
There was the strange ‘feedback’ on Whitley’s side, while on Atwater’s side the colors and lighting changed moment to moment, with a little echo happening with her too. On top of that. I could see/sense a being right behind her. I may listen again, but just with audio. It all kind of overwhelmed me!
Her experiences are a lot like mine, and all over the place too. Plus, we were both professional bankers at one time…and I also remember a lot of past lives. But, what does that mean to remember other lives? I have ideas but…I read this take on reincarnation vs. the ‘Law of Return’ several days ago and it got me to thinking about it all again in a different light:
Whitley asked Atwater about her purpose and she said that she didn’t know. It was the perfect answer, because it changed my trajectory again at that point.
The key may be in the words, “Know thyself”. That would probably need to incorporate all that you have ever been, are now, and will ever be.
I like it when the the guests don’t just say interesting things or tell good stories, but also shake things up and get me thinking and putting more pieces of the puzzle together myself. That’s what a great teacher does.
Can you have past life recall in dreams?
I had a rather vivid one where I was a WW2 soldier, running in a group past some prefab buildings…and I distictly remember knowing my name, which was different to the one in this life.
And here is the one that confuses me…I had another one, where I was in some kind of special forces team, executing a hit on several people (again within a prefab building…I only just made that link)…but the tech we were carrying seemed way too advanced even for this modern age. I’ve never played any advanced warfare FPS games, so I have no idea where it came from…but the thing that disturbed me the most (when I woke up) was the feeling I got ending one of those people in the ‘dream’. I won’t go into details but it felt completely, horribly authentic…and the most sobering of all, was somehow knowing it would create an indelible stain on my soul.
So if that was another life, as far as I can tell, it was one from the future. I have heard people talk about past lives but never future ones…is that even a thing?
It just leaves me wondering if they should more accurately be described as ‘other dimensional’ lives?
YES, to dreams, and YES, to seeing lives of the future. “Other dimensional lives” is an apt description. I even had an experience where I was interrupted doing a sacred act in the past, by a physical slap on the back that hurt and woke me up. It made me upset, and I cued myself to go back to sleep and finish the ceremony. Instead, I was watching a board room with people sitting around a table. The ‘leader’ said, “We had to shut her down. She was trying to change the past”. That woke me up and I couldn’t get back to sleep the rest of the night.
This was a few years before the movie, ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ came out, so watching that movie was weird for me.
If you realize that ALL time is happening NOW, and that although we feel separate, but are ONE, it’s easier to grasp. Kind of…🙄
And don’t think that I don’t grapple with this stuff too. I do. Having a severe stroke and the after effects makes me ask even more questions, because in my dreams of other lives and just regular dreams , I’m normal, not disabled in any way, whether I am ‘me’ or someone else.
As I kid, I remember having dreams that were so real that I could actually taste food and smell it too. One time I mentioned this in front of family members who were adults and found out that no one knew what I was talking about. I kept my mouth shut after that.
A thoroughly enjoyable interview and I was particularly taken by how relaxing it was to listen to.
I was particularly fascinated by the discussion about Keepers. It would be terrific if Mr Strieber could expand a little more on the keepers he witnessed in the desert cafe.
I’m aware that people such as this pop up from time to time. They will often say something slightly cryptic that gives little away but certainly let you know that they’re watching you and that perhaps you should try harder in some way.
That there is a divine order of consciousness both above us and around us is self-evident if you listen hard enough and pay attention to the world around you as much as possible.
So, as I was listening to this interview, the thought crossed my mind of another interview from 2015 where I had posted a comment. Not the exact month and day but close enough to the March 29th, date that PMH Atwater talked about in this interview. Here is that post again and am thinking about reincarnation.
Edgar Cayce: the Story BEHIND the Story
March 24, 2015…….Mitch Horowitz
Not sure what book this came from, but I never forgot it:
…….The shyest children approached him, and Cayce thought nothing of their friendliest overtures. It could very well be, he told himself with a smile, that he had known them before. One day, for instance, as he dropped into a Virginia Beach barber shop, a small boy casually climbed onto his lap.
The father looked up from his haircut,
“You mustn’t bother that man,” he said. “He isn’t anybody you know.” The boy’s arm tightened around Cayce’s neck. “But I do know him,” he said. “We were hungry together at the river.”
This gave even Cayce a start. For a reading, that only his family knew about, he had seen himself in a previous life on a raft on the Ohio River, fleeing from a band of marauding Indians. The Indians finally caught up to their quarry and massacred them, which was probably just as well, for they were slowly starving to death anyway……
MARCH 28, 2015
Hi Carollee, just in case you wanted to know, that excerpt is from “The Sleeping Prophet” by Jess Stearn …
SHERBET UFO…….Thank you so much for this. I was never sure where I had read it.
Love her
I think Youtuber Jonathan St. Julian, founder of Share Tanzania children’s charity fits the bill of NDE follwed by alien and UFO experiences. She should look him up.
Nice lady. I had the pleasure of meeting PMH Atwater in 1993 at the Interfaith church that I attended in New York City where she gave a talk. A year later in 1994 I spoke to her again at Whole Life Expo also in New York City.
On the question of NDE and aliens was recently asked on a post to a NDE Facebook group. The comments were mostly negative saying that the subject of NDE and aliens was nonsense and and does not happen which I disagree.