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Italian UFO Investigator Paola Harris is Dreamland’s source for European UFO information, and she comes to us this week with a wide-ranging report from Europe. She has a long history in the UFO field, beginning as assistant to J. Allen Hynek. Then Linda Howe interviews the editor of Trends Magazine about the 2008 economic outlook. A NOT MISS! This week, she reports in detail about European UFO sightings, then discusses her new book, Exopolitics and her experiences at the recent National Press Club press conference on UFOs. Paola’s website is
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
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Incredible report from Linda
Incredible report from Linda – Gerald Celente correctly predicts the 2008 financial crash 9 months before it happened and identifies the reasons for it.
Incredible report from Linda
Incredible report from Linda – Gerald Celente correctly predicts the 2008 financial crash 9 months before it happened and identifies the reasons for it.