Graham Hancock is one of the great adventurers, authors and visionaries of our time, and here he talks about his new book Entangled, about life as it was lived 24,000 years ago. Amazingly, this deeply channeled book paints a picture of the Neanderthals as loving beings that has only in October of 2010 been confirmed by science. Was Graham Hancock in touch with real people from the deep past while writing Entangled? Listen to this interview and find out!
Hancock has followed in the footsteps of the ancient shamans and taken Ayahuasca, traveling deep into its hidden world, and returning with stunning messages for us about what we have lost and what we may regain.
Graham’s website is GrahamHancock.com.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
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Enjoyed these interviews with
Enjoyed these interviews with Graham Hancock immensely, hope you have him back soon..
I am reading Entangled right now, so far an amazing book, not typical Hancock fare but glad he wrote it.
These are splendid interviews
These are splendid interviews with Graham Hancock. I was especially interested in the idea that Entangled may well be based on truth. I read it & wondered that. By the way, I highly recommend the book.
Always good to hear the both
Always good to hear the both of you talking about esoteric subjects. The vine of the soul is something I am very interested in. Thank God Graham sought out help for his mental or emotional issues. He has always been someone I admire as I do Whitley and Anne. Keep up the great work and yes I am always telling people about you and your website/books.