Paranormal investigator Sylvia Shults takes us through the notorious Peoria State Hospital, one of the world’s most haunted places, and the most haunted known insane asylum on the planet. And the ghosts are…strange.
In keeping with Dreamland’s tradition of broadcasting genuinely scary interviews on Halloween, this one is–well, genuinely scary!
Dreamland Video podcast
To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here.Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
No subscriber links.
No subscriber links.
randall, have you signed in
randall, have you signed in the the subscriber home yet? there is a link at the top of the page right hand side.
Whitley, please fix the
Whitley, please fix the subscriber links. I am unable to download or listen to the Halloween show
9 PM eastern time – they are
9 PM eastern time – they are working.
Brilliant, beautiful,
Brilliant, beautiful, haunting story. Thanks for sharing “The Pool” with us Whitley. I heard the other day that a suicide happens now every 42 seconds. You are a prophet.
Wow! Thank You Whitley. Loved
Wow! Thank You Whitley. Loved your reading of The Pool. I had nearly the same conversation with my father as you related in your story.
Just you tube or google nanci
Just you tube or google nanci danison’s channel and a lot of things are answered.
Hi Whitley,
I’m a subscriber
Hi Whitley,
I’m a subscriber and I’m unable to download or even listen to interviews on my iPhone. The mobile site doesn’t load properly either. This is very confusing. Any suggestions?
We are not having any issues
We are not having any issues with our mobile site. On our test phones and pads, it’s working fine. If anybody is having continuing problems, please write whitley@strieber.com and Al Harlow will address them. To listen on mobile, use the streamer. After logging in, it will play without commercials. To download programming, scroll down until you see “Go to Full Site,” and download from there.
I really enjoyed the story.
I really enjoyed the story. Thank you.
Still cannot download the
Still cannot download the MP3s. Any click on an MP3 link of the shows redirects to the front page. This was working fine up until the Halloween episode. Whitley, there is an issue, please fix this.
That was quite a story.
That was quite a story. Thank you for reading it.
We are working on the
We are working on the download issue. It’s always difficult when only some computers are having the problem. Our test computers, Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad and Android phone all work fine. But we will find the cause and fix it.