Marla Frees has an intimate conversation with ever-popular Dreamland guest Echo Bodine. They explore Echo’s healing work, and there is a powerful and illuminating discussion of cancer and the role it plays in our lives that will give you a new insight into the meaning of this and other diseases, and the experience of dying.
Echo has had a powerful life experience full of tragedy and perseverance, and shows us how to transform our own difficult experiences into part of the learning and deeper meaning of our lives. As Echo puts it, ‘I have come to understand the meaning and wisdom of my childhood growing up with two alcoholic parents.’ The powerful emotions that emerge as Marla and Echo discuss the alcoholism in both of their families will not soon be forgotten.
This is a deeply personal interview with a very powerful healing personality, whose effectiveness has been proved over many years of service to her fellow man. Don’t miss Echo Bodine’s website, EchoBodine.com.
Marla Frees’ website is MarlaFrees.com.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
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