What is actually happening to mankind right now and how can we navigate thefuture? Barbara Hand Clow says that we are moving into a region of the galaxy that is going to change us and our world profoundly, opening up what she calls our “lenses of consciousness” and enabling us to completely change our relationship to reality.
For over 20 years, she and her partner Gerry Clow have taught thousands of students worldwide how to navigate the nine dimensions of reality, lead more conscious lives, and find a place for ourselves in the future.
Many of us feel an acceleration. Barbara Hand Clow understands and explains to us this week how we can understand it, too, and how to use it.
Editor’s Note: there is also an incredible and unexpected discussion of oil, the oil spill, the actual purpose and quantity of oil on earth, and how we should use it.
Barbara Hand Clow’s website is HandClow2012.com.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
I have always been able to
I have always been able to listen to past shows… and it seems now I can only listen to the newest. ? Maybe I am doing something wrong… and I do not understand the downloading process. Do I need to have an MP3 player ? I really enjoyed being able to listen to the shows.
Hi, Paula.
When you find
Hi, Paula.
When you find yourself on a page that only has a few interviews, look on the right hand side for the words “Full Archive.” Click that, and you will have access to the older shows.
Also pay attention to the links at the top of the page; they will tell you which archive is which — i.e., Dreamland, Dreamland Special, Mysterious Powers, etc.
As for downloading, if you’re on a Windows computer, right-click the link and select “Save As.”
If you’re on a Mac, hold the Control key down and select “Save As” or something similar (the save option is different depending on which browser you’re using).
You can, if you like, rename the file to something other than the default name. I name my files like so:
… where “AS” is “Anne Strieber,” and the rest is (hopefully!) obvious.
Finally, .mp3 players. If you have the space (and are thinking about getting an iPod sometime in the not-too-distant), get iTunes (http://www.itunes.com will work). It’s free, and is the only client (that I know of, anyway) that will let you add a playlist to your iPod.
I’m on a Mac, and while I have iTunes, I use an old competitor called Audion. Most of the paranormal radio shows I listen to don’t end up in iTunes, because I noticed it changed the carefully crafted file name I gave several of my files (I think a Coast episode went from ctoc_am_WS_AS_06JUN08 to simply Coast to Coast AM.
Also, I think iTunes is a bit of a resource hog … so if you don’t need to sync your iPod, Audion is good, and I’m sure there are countless small .mp3 players available on Windows.
Sorry for the length, and hope that helps.