Chris Dunn, the legendary author of the Giza Power Plant says that the Great Pyramid was an energy generator that can be restored. Don’t miss a word of this important conversation. Learn why the King’s Chamber is probably a maser and how the fact that it’s tuned to 440 megahertz supports this idea. Chris’s new and revolutionary ideas are explored thoroughly in this enlightening interview. Could we break the grip of fossil fuels at last with an entirely new power source that would be completely clean and essentially limitless? Chris thinks so, and he tells us exactly why!
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I can’t wait to listen – Chris Dunn’s work on ancient manufacturing precision is without equal. His books are a highly valued part of my library.
Just a fascinating discussion and these ‘in your face’ edifices that seem to be taken for granted always astound me.
To my mind it seems so likely that there have been high civilisations before us that met with cyclic destruction as our solar system enters denser regions of the galaxy that to laugh at such suggestions seems crude to say the least.
To hear accounts of robed Monks stepping out from the stone walls in one of the great Pyramid’s chambers absolutely fascinates me. Didn’t Will Henry experience this?
There is so much mystery all around us and to see people brush off suggestions of a higher order of divine consciousness above us can be a little disheartening at times. Yet, we carry on, don’t we?
The idea of ancient machine tools reminded me of this video taken at a temple in India.
Pyramid power generation may be already being explored seriously as detailed here:
Amazing interactive 3D tour of the great pyramid. If you use a smart phone you can look around 360 degrees in any direction! https://youtu.be/TMzouTzim0o?si=DSf9GUsxjmTRAnGI
Also Earthfiles did an interesting episode on reports from 50 or so years ago of a functional black pyramid mostly buried under ground at a secret military site in Alaska. (It was discovered there then immediately classified)
2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! 2 hour Dreamland! (My protest song for a further half hour each time for subscribers)
Loved Mr. Dunn speaking on sounds and frequency.
It made me realize that the Soffregio frequency sounds Ive been listening to lately,
have done more for me than the regular meditation I’ve done for years.
This is our next step.
I agree; they have lulled me to sleep for decades.
So many great insights with years of research in this interview. I am going to list a few of my own thoughts.
1…These ancient ones were absolutely astonishing in many, many ways.
2…What did the exterior of the G-Pyramid look like at completion? From what I have read, “The original casing stones were made of highly polished Tura limestone, meant to reflect the sun’s rays, and were accurate within 1/100th of an inch. All total, they were around five feet long, five feet high, and six feet deep and weighed around 15 metric tons each once the face angle was cut, being around 40 metric tons before that for the full block.” So, did the original casing stones have another purpose other than beauty?
3…The Great Pyramid is both mechanical and spatial. Everything placed inside/every chamber has a purpose that makes our planet work, intended design by the original builders.
4…These ancient ones must have had a greater understanding of the nature of humankind and the soul.
5…Were they also preparing a place/home not just for themselves but also for incoming humanity?
6…Another thought and fun to speculate about: Hathor Temple at Dendera, SNAKE LIGHT BULB=Umbilical cord. Snake and shedding of the past/new life emerging as a growth process. Re-emergence/regrowth/reincarnation???????
Here is a quote regarding Nikola Tesla.
“Nikola Tesla needed no model to test his inventions; they appeared before his eyes as functioning realities that he could stop and start as though they were really there. “If he thought of an object it would appear before him exhibiting the appearance of solidity and massiveness.”
The Miracle Mind of Nikola Tesla | Tesla Universe