Dr. Gary Schwartz is back on Dreamland with some remarkable new research on healing, and Anne Strieber asks him the question: is it real? Then we reprise one of Linda Howe’s classic interviews with a drone eyewitness. Linda will return from vacation next week.
After his powerful research into the afterlife and existence of God, Dr. Schwartz has been asking the question, ‘does the mind actually have the power to heal?’ Listen as he takes us on an enthralling journey into the art and science of healing, and we learn why it is real and, above all, why it works.
This is an empowering interview, not to be missed by anybody who considers it important to understand the mystery of healing, and wants to explore it in their own lives.
Gary Schwartz is a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona and director of its laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. He is also Director of Development of Energy Healing for Canyon Ranch Resorts and is the author of the Afterlife Experiments, the G.O.D. Experiments and many others.
Read Anne Strieber’s inspiring diary, "Seize the Day" about her experience taking medium Glynnis McKay to meet Gary Schwartz. Click here.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
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