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John Hogue returns to talk prophecy and explain to us how he managed to correctly predict that Donald Trump would be the Republican presidential nominee back on January 8, when talking on Dreamland about his book Trump for President: Astrological Predictions.


He’s back to discuss the soon-to-arrive Trump-Clinton campaign and to tell us why their stars make it a much harder contest for him to predict than most—and this bearing in mind that he has correctly predicted the last 13 presidential winners, dating back to 1968.


We go beyond the election to talk about his update to one of the most uncannily predictive books he has ever written: Nostradamus and the Anti-Christ. Prepare to be astonished and chilled to the bone when you hear the logic behind his growing belief that Nostradamus’ third antichrist may already have lived and died, meaning that we are looking right now at the 25 years of upheaval that are predicted to follow his death.

To explore Nostradamus and the Anti-Christ, click here. To join John’s free email list, click here.

Please note that Trump for President: Astrological Predictions, does not advocate on behalf of a Donald Trump presidency. It is politically neutral.

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