First, Linda Moulton Howe returns with the monthly Howe Report. This month, she tells us the inside story of the Solar Observatory shutdown and the probability that the claim that this occurred because of a child pornography investigation may not be the whole story. Linda will be with us once a month with a half hour report, and will appear whenever events warrant. We’re glad to welcome her back!
Next, Whitley interviews ghost hunter extraordinaire Craig Nehring about his incredible adventures and the extremely prolific EVP results he has achieved over the years. Listen to some truly unique stories, such as that of the breathing house, and being warned by a ghost of a crime that was taking place literally around the corner. And then there are the voices in the axe murder house, and footsteps and even a game being played in one of the most haunted schools in the world.
Fun, fascinating and provocative as always, Dreamland prepares for our soon to be complete move to our new website. And yes, we’re getting closer!
Visit Linda Moulton Howe at
Explore ghosts and ghost hunting with Craig Nehring and the Fox Valley Ghost Hunters at
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The FBI’s cover story is
The FBI’s cover story is child porn was being transmitted from the IT servers using the tower. And they were worried about a possible shooter.
Enjoyed Craig’s talk. I have
Enjoyed Craig’s talk. I have orb pictures taken in my basement. My cat (then a kitten) would dart his head back and forth as if he was watching something that I couldn’t see. He would bat his paw at the unseen anomaly as well. I brought a digital camera down there and started taking pictures. There were orbs everywhere! Got a picture of him chasing an orb around the cat food bag. I could not see them with my naked eyes though. After that experience, I became a believer in orbs!
Great show Whitley!
Great show Whitley!
Hmm… One of the symbols in
Hmm… One of the symbols in ancient Greece for the keeping of secrets was a naked child.
Whitley, the interviews with,
Whitley, the interviews with, “Linda Moulton Howe on the Solar Observatory Mystery and Ghost Hunter Craig Nehring” are excellent. Thank you all.
James Day…..I totally agree with you on this.
Von Hausenberg…….I simply had to post Hilary Price’s cartoon for today.
The answer to the question
The answer to the question posed, “Is there anyBODY down there?” Of course, It’s going to be “No.”
Haha –the ghosts answered truthfully, as there were no bodies there!
Why am I surprised that the
Why am I surprised that the official explanation is a shriveled turkey! We’re living in a ‘post-fact’ society, and we should all get used to the mind-numbing narrativa???
Hey Whitley,
great show.
Hey Whitley,
great show. Craig Nehring must have seen alot in his day. That new book sounds like great Halloween reading.
My particular bend on ghosts is:
1) They are recordings of some event that are burned into reality(maybe dark matter). Those are images without independent thought.
2) conscious energy that is just under reality and can stretch the barrier outward into the physical.
Heres my thing though….
If the ego evaporates when the person dies, then how do so called mediums talk to those people? does the Higher self put on an “ego mask” or is it safe to say that the personality/ego leave some residual parts that the Higher self keeps?
say, where can I get Craig’s new book? I looked at amazon and found nothing.