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Marla Frees interviews the developer of Matrix Energetics, Richard Bartlett.Matrix Energetics has transformed Marla’s life, so she talks to him from the context of somebody who has personal knowledge of what he does. PLUS a mind-bending new report from Linda Moulton Howe, perhaps her most astonishing ever!

You will find out what Matrix Energetics is,how it works, and what power it may have in your life. There will be no better place to get an insider’s view of this powerful and transformative process.

To learn more about Matrix Energetics, go to

Marla Frees’ website is, and don’t miss Marla at the Dreamland Festival!

Do NOT miss Linda Howe’s report, it is among the most astonishing she has ever done. It involves two English investigators actually witnessing an apparent conflict between UFOs in an area where the mutilation of sheep is common. Read Unknowncountry’s story about the sheep mutilations, here.

Watch the video she refers to here.

NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.

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