UFO researcher and close encounter witness Peter Robbins offers undeniable proof that NASA is concealing things on Mars and the Moon by altering images. This takes the form of a series of images gathered from NASA’s various websites covering the moon and Mars. None of these images have been altered in any way–except by NASA. And therein lies a terrifying truth. NASA is hiding structures on the moon and Mars. It’s that simple. The proof offered here is damning. It is overwhelming. What is even more shocking is that much of it is a) tremendous and b) in a state of ruin that suggests that it is very, very old.

This show asks a huge question: WHY is NASA doing this? What it appears to be hiding is the remains of some sort of very ancient solar-system wide civilization that was destroyed, probably, as is theorized in Whitley’s new book The Fourth Mind, by the massive catastrophe 12,000 years ago called the Younger Dryas. But why hide it? It seems an act of really extraordinary evil to conceal something so important that is obviously too old to have any present national security significance.

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  1. I think the black rectangle corners are not original parts of the images. Rather, some one redacted parts of the images, and then same person or someone else airbrushed over the black rectangular areas to hide the redactions.

  2. This, according to Edgar Cayce…….

    Aliens and UFOs – Are They Real? | Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.


    Edgar Cayce and Aliens

    There are two mentions of UFO/Aliens in the Cayce readings. One is as Cayce is going back through a woman’s incarnations when he comes to her life as a Mayan priestess, saying: “The entity was among the priestesses of the Mayan experience. It was just before that period when those as from the east had come [Atlanteans], and there were the beginnings of the unfoldments of the understanding that there were … those that were visiting from other worlds or planets.” (1616-1)

    The other reading implies aliens, calling them the “people of the universe” and those of us on Earth as “man.” Here is that reading: “Man may become, with the people of the universe, ruler of any of the various spheres through which the soul passes in its experiences.” (281-16)

    The Strange Case of the Moon Dweller

    Cayce’s reading on a Moon colony is 264-31 for a 42-year-old female homemaker: “As it has been often presented by one school of thought, the dwellers upon the Moon (the satellite of the earth) preceded the abilities for matter (expressed in a form that is known as matter in the earth). And this entity was among those that so dwelt, and is influenced by two sojourns there.”

    Here Cayce is explaining that prior to souls being able to incarnate, meaning a soul becoming embodied in flesh or physical matter, preparations were being made by soul entities living in a colony on the moon. He is telling Mrs. 264 that she was among those beings.

  3. This may seem like an odd suggestion, Whitley, but have you thought about running all this past Laird Scranton? I feel like he could offer some insights on these features.

  4. Is Richard Hoagland still around doing lectures/podcasts? He was on this stuff 30 years ago I’m guessing.

  5. A humdinger of a show and thoroughly enjoyable. Just what I needed.

    This business of structures on the Moon and Mars is intoxicating. I could listen to such discussions from dawn ’till dusk. Thank you for this.

    A quick aside, and forgive me for throwing this in here but… will autographed hardback copies (for international postage) of The Fourth Mind be available at some point?


  6. All three rock types exist on Mars. Sedimentary and igneous probably dominating on the surface. Sedimentary can produce some odd shapes and igneous intrusions into softer sediments that erode away could produce crazy structures too. That said, nature has nothing to do with the blurred and blacked out parts of the photos. The cover up is obvious. What treasures and surprises await on the moon and Mars. Great show!

  7. I have always been fascinated by Mars! In Grade 4 I did a project about Mars, drawing the so-called canals of Mars. I really believed that there were canals there. I was 10 years old. That was over 50 years ago.
    Shamans who have journeyed there report seeing “trains” filled with the dead, skeletons or bodies. I have read about this more than once but I can’t remember exactly where. Are there any experiencers out there who have also been shown these images or visions?
    Whitley visited Mars (at least he thought it was Mars) where he danced with ecstacy in an ancient University. He stayed there for a while, “outside an enclosure” of some kind.
    I have a primal belief that there WAS once life on Mars and that the ancient war in space written of in the Vedas are a recounting the utter tragedy of Mars’ destruction. I feel this is true in my gut, my very bones.
    The MOTK said that we “killed” Mars. I want to know who is this “we”? Does mankind/humanity also carry this as ancient karmic trauma? Do “They” or “Them” also carry this as ancient trauma?
    I think the moon may have been formed naturally, but was probably engineered into “place” in order to facilitate the birth of life on our dear Earth. Terry Lovelace and Jerry Wills were “taken” by visitors to the Moon and shown huge structures and workings. How many other experiencers have been shown this? If the visitors have been around for 1000’s of years, it just makes sense that the Moon and other Moons, planets and their various satellites would be exploited by those who travel in space.
    Wonderful show, Whitley!
    And, thank-you to Peter for all of his hard work in contributing to this subject!

    1. “The MOTK said that we “killed” Mars.”
      Yes, I was shocked that little tidbit was in ‘The Key’.

      I can clarify that, but not prove it. Yes, it sounds very farfetched, even to me.

      Over 35 years ago I remembered another life on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. I was a scientist and I specialized in ‘programming’ crystals for various functions. It sounded crazy remembering that. My ‘job’ was important, and a great aid to that civilization. I was a very tall (typical for my people) male with blonde hair. My government approached me to develop a weapon—to destroy Mars. I not only balked at doing such a thing, I was executed for not going along with it. Apparently, they found someone else willing to develop the weapon.

    2. An extract from ‘The Key’…

      WS: “There was an actual, physical battle?”
      MotK: “There is a sacred science. It enables complete mastery of time and space. You had access to this science and used technology based on it. You went to war. This whole solar system bears scars from the battle, some of them terrible. You remember this, because you fought.”

      WS: “I don’t remember a thing.”
      MotK: “Your species bears a wound in its soul that makes you deny the reality of the past that is plainly visible all around you. Mars was murdered by you. At that point, intervention occurred, as it will again when you destroy this planet, as will probably happen. This is the trigger for intervention, the destruction of a living world.”

  8. At a press conference on May 31, 2023, NASA publicly made a few statements:
    Some sightings [of UAPs] are anomalous
    Privacy [concerns] limit investigations
    UAP data is difficult to interpret and can be easily skewed
    Stigma and harassment hamper research
    NASA is committed to transparency
    That last point got me, because I instantly thought, yeah right… I don’t think so.
    This podcast proved that hunch correct.

  9. Mr. Robbins does a great job presenting his findings in a way that inspires questions as much as providing answers.

    The altered (redacted?) images strike me as, dare I say, a smoking gun. We’ve all heard that this secrecy was going on for decades, but seeing the photos is eye opening. I am not quite ready to make assumptions, or otherwise assume anything, but the evidence appears to be damning. I am willing to be wrong, though.

    I admit to erring on the side of pareidolia when it comes to some of the images, and it’s a hard assumption to shake. Again…willing to be wrong.

  10. Fantastic conversation with Peter Robbins. What an opportunity to see these photos and hear the two of you discussing them, given your knowledge and background!

    Will The Fourth Mind be coming out in hard copy anytime soon?

  11. Are we supposed to believe that there is a worldwide cover up? The U.S. does not have a monopoly on photos from the moon and Mars. And indeed, at least one of the photographs shown during the show was credited to the European Space Agency (and to a German university) in addition to NASA.

    1. Author

      The airbrushing is there. Period. Make of it what you will.

  12. Thanks, Cosmic, for telling us about the part you played/didn’t play in the ancient history of Mars…
    And also. thanks, Sherbet, for the exact quotes from TMOTK… I find that it’s all too easy to get “lost” in reading the Key and then reading it again, and again, so I’ve given it a break for a while. The lovely thing about that book is that when you read it, vistas as vast as the cosmos open within you, your heart and soul are encompassed by a yearning… it can become darned obsessive!
    I read today that the helicopter on the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has made over ten flights since Perseverance landed there, I wonder why so many? And what EXACTLY are they looking for/at?? I’d love to see the photographs that were taken!!

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