This Dreamland starts out with a stunning report about a UFO sighting in Ontario that is strikingly similar to the Stephensville, Texas UFO incident of 2008. But then it moves on into one of the most amazing dialogs we have ever broadcast. Listen as Linda Moulton Howe opens up to Whitley Strieber about a conversation she had with a 33 year veteran of the intelligence community who told her that his job for all that time had been to monitor the activities of three alien races on earth, who are not only here but who have been here essentially since the beginning of time. In addition, in this astonishing show, she describes how she has been able to interpret the meaning of the strange images in the skies over Stephensville and now Kitchener, and how they relate to an ancient Sumerian language!
And there is more. Much more. This is just spectacular.
As your Dreamland editor, I personally guarantee that you will never forget this program. –Al Harlow
Subscribers, our archive is FULL of past shows on these topics!
For Linda’s 2008 Stephensville Report click here.
For Whitley Strieber’s epic 2005 show with ‘Shoot Them Down’ author Frank Feschino about the Air Force’s policy of attacking UFOs,
click here.
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Wow!!! Another awesome show
Wow!!! Another awesome show with Linda. Now I understand why the government can’t divulge the truth about us, the aliens or our planet. It would make religion, governments, taxes, laws, and everything else seem irrelevant!! They’ve kept this secret because they have to preserve some bit of order even it doesn’t ring true!!! And it doesn’t ring true to a lot of us!!!
Excellent! While I did not
Excellent! While I did not hear anything really new, I did hear things that I knew about discussed in a different ‘light’. 🙂
Since the beginning of these odd, squiggly lights in Stephenville, I have felt that the lights are communicating. They even reminded me of a web site that I stumbled across about 6 years ago that showed the Languages of Light. Oddly enough, I remember one photo near Stephenville (And former President Bush’s ranch) where I swear the lights formed into an uncanny resemblance to a cowboy hat!
It was also nice to hear Linda slip out of objective-reporter-mode and allow us all an additional glimpse into her character and the extraordinary human being that she is.
…And a great question from the man who took hundreds of photos in Canada: “How could you not want to know…” what is causing these lights? The answer is simple. Fear. People do not want to know, because they are frightened at the possibilities, and frozen like deer in the headlights of a reality that they could not possibly understand, the scope of which is so far beyond them they dare not ask the questions. They are not seekers of truth, nor do they listen to their hearts.
Great show!
Hello Whitley and other
Hello Whitley and other listeners,
This was such an incredible program. I’m left with different feelings about it. One is that we are living in a multidimensional world on multidimensional levels. The cross-roads of whatever 9/11 was/is and UFOs is profound. I sense a connection – from the human perspective somehow. The other feeling is the wonderful relationship between you and Linda – and, therefore, all of us. We are struggling and striving to figure things out and reach the light at this long and mystifying tunnel. I so appreciate the work you both do and feel less ‘lonely’ when I am in your company.
Kindest regards,
Ditch global warming,adopt
Ditch global warming,adopt climate change for the better linguistic and psychological value in truth and less controversy.
Have you deciphered Hamlets mill yet?And if you did who would listen brother?
Listen to Alex Jones and you will see the 2nd civil war looming just around the corner.Listen to his words and you would think he had the MOTK message tattoed on his heart.On many shows he mentions things that has such a resonance with your astute visitor that its uncanny.He desires zero evil for humanity and unearths secrecy and corruption.
Perhaps you should merge with Alex Jones,Gerald Celente,Ron Paul,Peter levenda,Richard Hoagland and Graham Hancock and start a daily show so that you could all be together and be a shining gem for intelligence and human wisdom.
You are marginalized in many ways but your exile would end by expanding your views via MSM which would influence the masses.
Use some of the methods the NWO does.
Ditch global warming,adopt
Ditch global warming,adopt climate change for the better linguistic and psychological value in truth and less controversy.
Have you deciphered Hamlets mill yet?And if you did who would listen brother?
Listen to Alex Jones and you will see the 2nd civil war looming just around the corner.Listen to his words and you would think he had the MOTK message tattoed on his heart.On many shows he mentions things that has such a resonance with your astute visitor that its uncanny.He desires zero evil for humanity and unearths secrecy and corruption.
Perhaps you should merge with Alex Jones,Gerald Celente,Ron Paul,Peter levenda,Richard Hoagland and Graham Hancock and start a daily show so that you could all be together and be a shining gem for intelligence and human wisdom.
You are marginalized in many ways but your exile would end by expanding your views via MSM which would influence the masses.
Use some of the methods the NWO does.
Great program.
Great program.
I love Art Bell. So cool to
I love Art Bell. So cool to hear Whitley and Art reading together. What a team. How great would it be to have Art Bell back on Dreamland for an interview in 2012!! Whenever I hear Art I think of driving across the country picking up distant broadcasts from the edge — old school — fired through the ether from a powerful radio tower. Intelligence beamed across the plains. Strieber/Bell 2012. You have my vote.
Hi Whitley and all,
Hi Whitley and all,
Listened to the Dreamland program about the UFO over Kitchener. Good show. I do find the editing a bit too crisp or abrupt. It removes some of the naturalism of the questions and answers. I wondering if the witness interviewed is still seeing the UFOs now? If so, maybe we could take a little trip up up the highway as my family doesn’t live very far from Kitchener 🙂
Looking at You Tube, there’s been quite a few video’s posted of UFOs over Kitchener this year.
Not to steal any thunder from Linda’s show, here’s one that appears to match the flashing and colours as described by Linda’s witness. This was a You tube viewer’s response to one of the Kitchener UFO’s videos posted and it’s better than the other ones that have had the most views so far.
Well, I do not understand why
Well, I do not understand why they cannot divulge. The fact that they are irrelevant makes it more insane that there is zero disclosure. Are we an species of cowards? How can nobody that knows of these facts not step forward? It is time to make all things Relevant, We have no more time for the petty and inconsequential.
“Now I understand why the government can’t divulge the truth about us, the aliens or our planet. It would make religion, governments, taxes, laws, and everything else seem irrelevant!!’
I’ve been waiting for someone
I’ve been waiting for someone to tell us the truth for years. My comment is based on my belief that the truth is too much to handle for a lot of people and I also believe that some would simply freak out if they found out. And so my comment is not based on what I would like to see happen but what I think would happen if they did tell us. Believe me I would like nothing better than finding out what has been kept secret from us for so long. We have a right to know!!!
hm! I like comments by 19
hm! I like comments by 19 Times – what a power combo that would be! a conference in the future perhaps?
Whitley, and or Linda, or
Whitley, and or Linda, or anybody with the urge for some additional inisight on these lights, which are not ET in nature, look to Dolores Cannon’s new book “The Convoluted Universe Book 4” specifically chapter 40. It details to a certain degree what the phenomenon is…