
Journalist George Knapp and Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP) director Colm Kelleher join Whitley to discuss the incredible new book that they have written with program director Dr. James T. Lacatski to discuss this amazing program, just revealed in their book Skinwalkers at the Pentagon. They detail the amazing depth with which the AAWSAP program, formed within the Defense Intelligence Agency, explored everything from bizarre events at the Skinwalker Ranch to exotic means of propulson which might explain how nonhuman entities can defy the speed of light in order to travel the universe.
This book represents the first time that this extraordinary program has been revealed to the public. Don’t miss this amazing interview, as Whitley asks George and Colm what was discovered in the program and the amazing directions the studies may yet go.
The publication of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon is a seismic event in the ongoing process of disclosure. We consider this edition of Dreamland one of the show’s most critical inflection points. Not to be missed!
To get this important book, click here.
Follow George Knapp on Mystery Wire and listen to him every Sunday night on CoasttoCoastAM.
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first comment. you have a lot of echo and feedback which reminds me of being monitored.
We’ve been using a new system. It’s still got some kinks to be worked out. The distortions are less later in the show.
Why would anybody want to spend time monitoring something that was public anyway? (Although weird stuff happens to Dreamland audio all the time, for sure.)
I listened to a couple of hours worth of interviews with Bigelow, in which I’m sure he mentioned, that the reason he sold Skinwalker Ranch, was because of the serious nature of the so-called ‘hitch hiker’ problem experienced by some of the team members. He didn’t go into details regarding what actually followed them home but clearly it seemed he did not want to be, even indirectly, responsible for that…and so passed on the mantle to someone else ( – according to Wikipedia, Brandon Fugal, via Adamantium Holdings).
Mention of viruses in this interview reminded me of the revelation that Mr Smith (The Matrix -1999) had about the Human race being a virus, infecting Earth. It seems maybe even our own consciousness is a landscape that others can proliferate but as ever, the Why of it, is a long way from our grasp. Maybe for the same reason that viruses do…because thay can?
A virus is an app whose job it is to invade the host and infect the DNA so that it produces the material necessary to meet the needs of the parasite.
Extremely well done discussion. If one studies UAP , then one is studying extremely advanced sentient ‘beings’ / intelligence with super natural abilities. I think they are trying to wake us up to being more. If you have read it, go to the message board and let us discuss more…
I wondered this as well. Like baby steps towards a reveal (that’s already occurring), with the possible intent of bringing more of humanity together via a common cause: officially recognized UAPs.
I so appreciated that Mr. Streiber mentioned in the previous weeks interview, how this book and interview with its authors would be presented next. It gave me time to purchase the book and read it prior to listening to and enjoying this great discussion. The book is revelatory for the many “underground” activities of governmental involvement of and support toward, as stated in this book, the wide field and scope of this subject and its objective experiential interloping into our reality, or as we might be slowly recognizing, as perhaps an already-natural part of the world we live in. I found the reflection that there is a viral aspect to this phenomena as indicated by ranch visitors and their personal circle upon returning home from the ranch to be one of the most important concepts that I believe needs more unpacking and philosophical ruminating. I believe it may work alongside Ann’s statement that this has something to do with what we consider our dead (forgive any slight to the exact quote), and in that is indicative of how what we consider consciousness – and how little we comprehend it, is a rippling out in ways not entirely seen or utilized.
Very, very interesting show today. It put me in mind of Dr Greer’s CE5 program using group meditation to contact these entities and also Robert Munroe’s book where he encountered “aliens” of various races gathered together to observe the earth “changes”. Also Lisette Larkin’s extraordinary book “Talking to extraterrestrials” where she communes with them via telepathy after a lifetime of contact. The common theme in all of these is the warning about what we are doing to our planet.
Very interesting discussion. Thank you for this.
With regard to the reports of visitors to the Skinwalker ranch bringing something back with them (hitchhikers) in the form of visitations by shadowy figures, wolf-like creatures standing on their hind legs, blue orbs, and poltergeist activity etc. The book also mentions how it appears to have a contagious aspect.
These are metaphysical experiences and phenomena reported by scientific people. Wouldn’t it be worth at least experimenting scientifically with traditional metaphysical techniques to see if any of them can counteract these unwelcome, frightening, and dangerous intrusions?
I’m thinking of space clearing and other forms of sanctifying space. Things like:
Smudging with sage
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Bells, chants, and incantations
Visualisation (joint or individually) of an impermeable shield of white light forming an aura of protection around the house
Such methods are known in various forms among cultures all around the world.
There may be clues in the occult lore of the Western Mystery Tradition. For example, the book “Psychic Self-Defense” by the early 20th Century Occultist Dion Fortune (available free online in pdf format). Note pages 24 onwards where the author describes accidentally creating a wolf-like thoughform.
Also, consider the History program episode at Skinwalker where a Rabbi visits and during the discussion of his plan to recite a prayer to open a gateway a UFO appears in the sky.
UFOLOGYWEB, I agree. The items that you mention for clearing and sanctifying spaces are sound. I always keep white sage for smudging…It works. For those in doubt, Dean Radin wrote a book that everyone should read, ‘Real Magic’, and you can even find it here at Unknown Country Store. There is valuable information in the book that anyone can use and understand.
I think that science, the paranormal ( actually, undiscovered science) and traditional metaphysical techniques all deserve a place at the table.
We don’t know what we don’t know…
I’m thinking that the presence of gilsonite in the local environment may be a red herring… But that the shape of the impact crater that the Skinwalker Ranch lies in, may have some real significance.
Could it be that the crater acts like a parabolic dish, in focusing energies to a focal point? Maybe we are talking about natural energies created by Earth resonance but what might happen at that focal point? Could it be enough to create a portal of some description, or perhaps weaken barriers to allow others to penetrate between dimensional layers?
Another thought I had about the landscape acting as some kind of resonance chamber, was that the frequencies it enhances could be affecting the consciousness of the poeple that visit there and that their unbridled, untrained thoughts could be unintentionally manifesting as the phenomena reported.
Maybe both of those is true.. that it has opened a portal and locally amplifies consciousness, to manifest thoughtforms.
I have had similar thoughts ! Thank you for putting that out there.
My pleasure. The idea seems to come up in a few places. One is that the great pyramid might have been used to project the consciousness of initiates into the cosmos by inducing resonant frequencies of around 428Hz into the King’s Chamber. Andrew Collins mentioned that pits created around certain megalithic monuments could have been purposefully built to resonate at a harmonic of the Earth’s resonance, which might alter the consciousness of whomever was inside the hole / chamber.
There also seems to be a correlation between social behaviour (seen in periodic depressions and wars) and sunspot activity. Maybe the suns activity, through a coupling of magnets fields with the Earth, affects the Earth’s ‘Schuman resonance’ frequency, which in turn affects humans consciousness?
There is also anecdotal evidence of John Keely being able to control the spin, or elevation of objects, when vibrating at their proper resonant chord, with his thoughts alone.
Meteor craters have been overlooked as to their importance in many parts of the world. There is one in Australia known as Gosses Bluff (Tnorola). After a series of synchronicities about 17 years ago, I did some research on this crater that was created by a meteor or comet impact around 142 million years ago. It was called Gosses Bluff by the European settlers, and was thought to be a small mountain range. It wasn’t realized as an impact crater until the 1960s. The aborigines already had a clue about their sacred Tnorola, however:
“A Western Arrernte story attributes its origins to a cosmic impact: in the Dreamtime, a group of celestial women were dancing as stars in the Milky Way. One of the women grew tired and placed her baby in a wooden basket, or turna (also known as a coolamon[9]). As the women continued dancing, the basket fell and plunged into the earth. The baby fell to the earth and forced the rocks upward, forming the circular mountain range. The baby’s parents, the evening and morning star, continue to search for their baby to this day.”
I also wonder about shocked quartz, which is associated with impact craters. It is also associated with nuclear ‘impacts’, such as the testing of the first nuclear bomb that was done at the Trinity site in New Mexico. In his book, ‘Trinity’, by Jacques Valle, he speculates on how the testing at Trinity could have opened a portal resulting in a ‘UFO’ crash soon after in 1945.
And here we have it again.
My comment dissappeared after posting and editing a couple times.
Let me try again below…
I’m thinking that the presence of gilsonite may be a red herring… But that the shape of the impact crater that the Skinwalker Ranch lies in, may have some real significance.
Could it be that the crater acts like a parabolic dish, in focusing energies to a focal point? Maybe we are talking about natural energies created by Earth resonance but what might happen at that focal point? Could it be enough to create a portal of some description, or perhaps weaken barriers to allow others to penetrate between dimensional layers?
Another thought I had about the landscape acting as some kind of resonance chamber, was that the frequencies it enhances could be affecting the consciousness of the people that visit there and that their unbridled, untrained thoughts could be unintentionally manifesting as the phenomena reported.
Maybe both of those is true…that it has opened a portal and locally amplifies consciousness, to manifest thoughtforms.
Sorry for all the repeated posts…The’ve all turned up now after Whitley pulled them out of the Spam folder.
Attempt number 3 at posting…
I’m thinking that the presence of gilsonite may be a red herring… But that the shape of the impact crater that the Skinwalker Ranch lies in, may have some real significance.
Could it be that the crater acts like a parabolic dish, in focusing energies to a focal point? Maybe we are talking about natural energies created by Earth resonance but what might happen at that focal point? Could it be enough to create a portal of some description, or perhaps weakens barriers to allow others to penetrate between dimensional layers?
Another thought I had about the landscape acting as some kind of resonance chamber, was that the frequencies it enhances could be affecting the consciousness of the people that visit there and that their unbridled, untrained thoughts could be unintentionally manifesting as the phenomena reported.
Maybe both of those is true.. that it has opened a portal and locally amplifies consciousness, to manifest thoughtforms.
… And as I posted that successfully, an owl hooted loudly, almost sounding like a laugh, right outside where I’m sat!
So, as I was listening to this interview the idea of a higher dimension kept entering my thoughts. I found this short video, (only 7:51 minutes) that I really like. Could a fourth ‘SPATIAL’ dimension be part of the mystery? Somehow it getting waaay to cozy with our 3-D EARTH SPACE? Bleeding over/into somehow? Is this what the visitors are trying to prepare us for? The mystery of moving out of Pisces and into Aquarius? This might also explain how objects seem to vanish into thin air then found again in the very place they went missing. I think this sort of thing is happening more often then we can imagine.
How TOTALLY fortunate we are to have researchers like Whitley, George Knapp, Colm Kelleherand and Dr. James T. Lacatski in our world today. THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU.
I have watched this video several times but am slow to grasp everything he is trying to explain.
What Does a 4D Ball Look Like in Real Life? Amazing Experiment Shows Spherical Version of Tesseract – YouTube
Thanks for this Carolee! Really interesting.
That is a great link Carollee. I’m actually already a subscriber of ‘The Action Lab’ and have seen that video before. Could you imagine if he was everyone’s science teacher?! In the last part of that video, he mentioned that a higher dimensional being could easily create a mirror image of an object in a lower dimension. There was a book called ‘Coevolution’ that I read a while back and I’m sure the author mentioned that after coming back from an epic abduction adventure to another world, everything in his car was a mirror image of what it should be…including all the codes and serial numbers stamped on the car parts… Certainly food for thought.
Extract from Coevolution (Alec Newbald, second edition 2011)…
“Not long after selling the car, I had a rather mysterious and uninvited visit from two gentlemen who claimed they were scientists from the DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research). They were making enquiries relating to the vehicle I had just sold. Of all things they wanted to know where the car—and I—had been of late; whether it had been in an accident involving a power pole or high-voltage electrical fields; and whether any electronic welding had been done on it in the recent past. They even wanted to know if anyone had worked on the fuel injection system recently….”
“…They showed me a photo, supposedly of my former car’s injection fuel-air mix circuitry board but it was an exact mirror-image of what should have been fitted, or so they said!… “.
I hope some of his science videos have found their way into classrooms and YES he is an excellent teacher.
THEN, ‘He mentioned that a higher dimensional being could easily create a mirror image of an object in a lower dimension’ and the book you mentioned ‘Coevolution’ is so intriguing.
cool video
I just checked this this minute. There is absolutely no activity on the site that would cause this. Whitley and I are the only ones who can do anything to these comments and neither of us did this. I just looked at the site logs. Whitley is not even on the site. I will get back with the Webmaster about this again. I am so sorry that it is happening.
I believe WordPress has had some Hash issues of late, so that may be the reason for some of the comments disappearing.
Whilst I’m confident they dealt with the breach I’d certainly consider changing passwords asap.
I have been reporting having these very same problems for a while to Nikki Thomas. She could not figure out the cause. For me it has been happening since at least early September, and I last reported the problem on October 26.
I have to wonder if outside ‘forces’ are causing it, and if they are targeting some of us for a reason. It’s very strange, so I’ll be interested to see if this post ‘disappears’. It’s so bad that I am reluctant to post, and have started saving posts elsewhere in case I need to post again.
I plan on posting on this show later today…IF this post doesn’t show up when I am done.
WordPress have had issues. None of these include credit car details so relax.
UC staff are on top of this BUT, change your UC password. Make it lengthy and relax.
Chi-Com terrorists are behind this imho.. same people that popularise child rape.
I don’t vote BLM but they are affiliated with Chi-Com groups.
Chi-Com/BLM groups are real and you must wake up.
Uknowncountry has not experienced any security issue in relation to this. The site security is not controlled by WordPress nor is any breach affecting the site. In addition, credit card information is not stored on uknowncountry.com. It is stored on a PCI compliant site which has no connection to WordPress.
My best guess is that the spam filter is malfunctioning somehow. I think I will suggest to him that he reinstall it. Unfortunately, if we dropped it all together within a week or so we’d be flooded with Spam.
No worries Al. It only seems to happen after editing, so I guess the trick for the time being is to post after checking it, so I don’t need to edit. Thanks for looking into it.
The webmaster took a look and found that you very quickly attempted a repost, within just seconds of the original post. This is easy to do when it doesn’t appear that the first attempt has succeeded. However, it makes the site conclude that it’s a bot attack and it deletes the post. So the solution for both you and Carollee is to wait at least 10 seconds to see if the post appears before attempting a repost. The log shows that you attempted within 3 seconds.
The post was definitely there the first time I posted it. I then edited it a couple of times, which is when it disappeared. The second scenario was the same. I purposefully posted it again and edited it, and it immediately vanished. Are you suggesting that an edit is classed as a repost, even if the content has changed slightly? Anyway, if the system gets squeaky if I edit too fast after posting, I will give it some time to relax! Thanks and sorry everyone for the repeated posts above, after they were reconstituted.
If a post should go down without you attempting a repost, please let us know.
Also, Nikki told me that she saw some of your posts in the spam folder, Sherbet. I pulled them out and approved them.
Machines are far from perfect.
Very interesting show. Can’t go wrong with these two guests 🙂
This show had a definite better questions are getting better answers feel to it. So much time and effort over the years, my hat is off to all involved. Thank you