Long time KPFA broadcaster Ralph Steiner has amassed a remarkable group of recordings of news announcements and interviews about the Roswell Incident. This edition of Dreamland begins with a recording of the first radio news report about the crash, and then Ralph takes us through a terrific history of Roswell, as told in interviews and recordings he has collected over his long career. Much of this material has never been heard before, and it has never been brought together in a single program anywhere. Fascinating new insight into the Roswell Incident. We will also hear the ORIGINAL recording of Colonel Jesse Marcel, who actually recovered the debris, describing what he saw, and Congressman Steven Schiff discussing the strange reaction of the Air Force when he instituted an investigation of the incident by the General Accounting Office. Ralph can be reached at timelessdreams@comcast.net.
Whitley and Anne Strieber will be honored with a life achievement award at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles this Saturday, October 1. For more information, go to ConsciousLifeExpo.com.
Mr. and Mrs Strieber will be appearing on a Friends of the Institute of Noetic Science program in New York City on October 22-23. Whitley will read from his new book, Solving the Communion Enigma, due out in January, and Anne will read and discuss close encounter witness accounts. Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan will also be speakers at the event.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
I’d like to see the pix too,
I’d like to see the pix too, but excluding that, this is one of the very best Dreamlands (and subscriber interviews) that I’ve ever heard. And I’ve been listening _forever_!! !! !
Ditto all of the above about
Ditto all of the above about the pics.
I have been trying to attract the attention of visitors using a powerful, green laser pointed skyward here, in North West Washington, with no luck. Any ideas from anyone?
I would like to try the thought experiments as mentioned by Ralph Steiner.
Ralph is an old friend of
Ralph is an old friend of mine but haven’t been in touch for a number of years, he may have showed me the pictures but don’t remember now. He told me about the contact and sighting stories he mentioned in the subscriber interview plus much more, hoping he will be back with Whitley soon. Was hoping there would be some contact information for Ralph.
The pictures are available
The pictures are available now. Sorry for the delay.
Thanks Whitley, fantastic
Thanks Whitley, fantastic pictures…
What a great interview.
What a great interview.
Wonderful interview Whitley.
Wonderful interview Whitley. Interesting to note that UFO experiencer, researcher & author Karla Turner (Into the Fringe), who was one of the first to public discuss the military abductions aspect of the UFO/abduction phenom, died suddenly in 1996 from a very rare and aggressive form of cancer.
Very interesting.
Very interesting.
Berkeley looks a lot like
Berkeley looks a lot like Santa Monica in this particular photo! West St. and Channing Way.
Loved this interview!! Thank
Loved this interview!! Thank you Whitley & Annie for bringing all of this info to us here. 🙂