Freddy Silva has been researching crop formations for over thirty years, and has deep understanding of them. Earlier on Dreamland we had Andrew Collins, who feels that the formations are manmade, but not necessarily hoaxes, as he thinks that some of them are made by unknown means by people with special powers. Michael Glickman was with us two weeks ago, and he feels that virtually all of the formations are anomalous in origin.
Now Freddy Silva takes the broadest view, explaining how to tell the difference between hoaxes and genuine formations and discusses the fact that the formations appearing in England may be a sort of transmission that could be coming to an end. But crop circles have also become big business, so are very human artists replacing the strangers in the field, replacing this remarkable transmission with something that only looks real?
Freddy goes deep into the past to discuss what’s happeng. For example, there is a fascinating discussion of why there have been periods of temple building in human history, cycles that are almost entirely unknown. This is an unusual and fascinating conversation, filled with wisdom and insight.
Freddy Silva’s website is CropCircleSecrets
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Beltane is with us again and
Beltane is with us again and I wish all of you a very blessed and bountiful Beltane. Blessed be.
Unable to download Special
Unable to download Special Interview Weather, it loads to about 98% and then stops.
I live in Alberta Canada.
I live in Alberta Canada. Our weather is as usual. Almost boring. Perhaps we are being left out of these weather changes???
Wish this “Outbreak of
Wish this “Outbreak of Storms” climate change audio had been the one made available publicly to share with our FB friends rather than the crop circle one. Climate is on everyone’s mind, crop circles are not. It would have been a more effective bait for the hook to lure in new subscribers. Perhaps you could make it available to non-subscribers later so we could share? Likely not, due to band width costs I guess, but more subscribers equals more $ to purchase more bandwidth, so perhaps consider the idea.
Thank you Whitley for Freddy
Thank you Whitley for Freddy Silva interview. At last someone with some credible answers based on robust, scientific research!
I really appreciate hearing
I really appreciate hearing Freddy Silva after hearing both Andrew Collins and Michael Glickman in the two previous weeks. Silva’s middleground approach of being open to ideas but credulous of hoaxes and fakery is a standard that I wish many ‘investigators’ would emulate. I also liked how we’ve heard from all sides of the spectrum in the crop circle debate with this arc of interviews, and I’m glad that Whitley as an interviewer is willing to have guests on Dreamland that aren’t in total agreement with him or the other UC/Dreamland hosts, but who still bring an interesting discussion to the table. If only everyone involved in investigating the ‘edge’ were able to do the same.