Leslie Kean, the famed author of the New York Time bestseller “UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record,” has just published a remarkable and definitive new book, “Surviving Death: a Journalist Investigates Evidence of the Afterlife.”
As Whitley is in regular contact with his wife Anne, who transitioned in August of 2015, this is one completely extraordinary interview. Listen as Whitley (and Anne!) speak with Leslie about her expertly researched book and the tremendous personal adventure she has had creating it.
There is only one place in the world where an interview like this could happen–right here on Dreamland!
Get set for a very special experience.
“Surviving Death” is available in bookstores everywhere, and online in hardcover or as an ebook. Don’t miss this deeply researched and profoundly enlightening book!
Learn more about Surviving Death and Leslie’s work. Click here.
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Thank you, Whitley & Anne. So
Thank you, Whitley & Anne. So filled with info … unexpected and yet answering questions. There is such exquisite beauty and love, deep caring for this world on which we walk, and for us … I listened to this after i listened to Dreamland, which were after Jeremy’s show. The order made a difference to me… not my usual order, but just happened this way. There is reassurance here would which i guess i am supposed to pay attention to… as there are no coincidences. Thanks for your care …
Another great interview.
Another great interview. Thank you, Mr. Strieber.
Great interview! I look
Great interview! I look forward to reading Ms. Kean’s book. I read Soul Survivor years ago after Whitley interviewed the authors and I found it fascinating. The topic of Reincarnation is one that I find very compelling. Thank you Whitley for delving into it and my best to you & Anne!
after listening to Stories
after listening to Stories From a Life: 8….. I recall the dreams mentioned some weeks ago..about the “flood”. What I was listening to here is a foreshadowing of said “flood”. It still strikes me that water IS the embodiment of that different world. AND, like a tsunami, it will sweep over all. For me, the message between the lines: Learn how to swim.
Theres lots more included, but thats what I’m hearing.
PS: L. Kean… right on!
The idea that Anne needs
The idea that Anne needs Whitley to meditate to remain attached here led me to think about the role the visitors might play. What if the role of the visitors involving the dead is to give those who are no longer physical, a way to interact with the physical. By their nature, the visitors are much more advanced than we are and they have more skill in working with the soul. They may act as an anchor for consciousness to ride upon. Consciousness that wants to return to earth can be assisted by the visitors. Maybe this is why Anne and the visitors appear to be interconnected to Whitley and others here in the physical world. They are helping Anne, as they are helping us to grow and evolve.
In the past week, I’ve had
In the past week, I’ve had some interesting interactions involving my uncle, who passed last Tuesday. The previous Sunday evening, he collapsed at home from a cerebral hemmorhage. He was transported to a local hospital, never regaining consciousness. The doctors felt that surgery might be beneficial, but the initial prognosis was that due to the intense bleeding and pressure in his brain, he might be without any brain activity. A decision was made to transport him to another facility for further testing. In the meantime, I had been notified of his condition, so I ‘checked in’ with him. I have done this for years with those that have already passed, so this was something new for me. I do not ‘think’ about much when I check in, I just do it and observe the first ‘view’ that pops up. In my uncle’s case, I saw him standing in a river fly fishing, one of his favorite past times. Later that day, I spoke with my sister and just told her that the tests would just delay the inevitable, he was no longer really here. After the family got the results of the tests, it was confirmed that my uncle was indeed without brain activity, and my aunt was given that very hard decision of unplugging him from life support. This was a different kind of situation for me, and when I checked in with my uncle again, I saw him standing in a white room looking at me and asking, “Where the hell am I?”. I just explained to him what was going on and advised him to go back to the river and fish a while longer, which he did. Even though my uncle’s consciousness was more or less ‘free’, there was still that attachment to his body and my aunt, who would not leave his bedside. The next day, my aunt had life support removed and my uncle passed about two hours later. Curious, I checked in with my uncle again. He was in the white room, but this time he smiled at me and gave me a salute and disappeared from the room.
My uncle’s funeral was Friday, and before the service they ran a slide show that included a video of him fly fishing in a local river, and it was identical to the way I saw him on the first day after his health emergency. There was a beautiful spray of flowers on his casket, and as a friend of his was delivering the eulogy, one flower fell from the casket to the floor. Hello, Uncle Bill! Later, at the cemetery, there was an Air Force honor guard and all kinds of saluting going on!
I am not sure if any of this means anything, or how these connections work. I no longer have to go into a meditative state to make these connections to the other side, I just ‘do it’. My uncle’s state of limbo before his body truly died was interesting, and also kind of alarming too. I actually prayed that my aunt make a decision quickly, or failing that, that his body just shut down completely on its own. It appeared that right after he collapsed he went to his ‘happy place’, but that after a time the cohesion of that illusion began to collapse, leaving his consciousness in a state of confusion. Once I told him the problem, he understood the situation, and was able to recreate the illusion of fly fishing in order to bide his time his body shut down. So, what might have happened to his consciousness if his body had lingered for a longer, indefinite period of time?
My dad passed in feb 2016.
My dad passed in feb 2016. Ive felt my dad around and it got me thinking what part of him was it that I could identify as being my dad and thought he must give off some sort of energy signature that I can reconisge, being his daughter do me and him only have this connection ?