This week we begin a 4 week journey into the world of UFO secrecy. For the first two weeks, we’ll be talking to Dr. Irena McCammon Scott, who had an Above Top Secret (Coded) clearance and worked at the Battelle Memorial Institute, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Aerospace Center.
During the first week, she tells us about her experiences working in the defense establishment and coming across many different indications that something is being intentionally hidden from the public.
She offers informed speculation about this, including the possibility that at the very top of the pyramid of secrecy is a non-human presence that is actually supervising the secrecy and dominating the government’s efforts.
This interview ends with a shocking personal disclosure: Dr. Scott had a UFO close encounter that led to a murder attempt!
This is the beginning of a month of powerful disclosures on Dreamland.
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Next week. Dr. Scott discusses her extensive knowledge of the scientific study, much of it secret, of UFO experiencers.
You can reach Irena at Irenascott.com.
Get her books Sacred Corridors and Inside the Lightning Ball from Amazon through us!
To get Sacred Corridors click here.
To get Inside the Lightning Ball click here.
Then Whitley has Diana Walsh Pasulka as his guest for two weeks. Dr. Pasulka has written an explosive book called American Cosmic that explores the world behind the curtain of secrecy as never before, thanks to her unprecedented access to inside information and the insider community. She and Whitley are longtime friends, so this will be a deeply personal conversation as well as a highly informative one.
To learn more about American Cosmic got to AmericanCosmic.com
To get American Cosmic through us, click here.
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