
The Dark Man is one of the great human mysteries. Never heard of him? Not too surprising, he’s a secret. But he’s there, hidden in the strange places of the heart. He is the secret soul of this time of the year, when the leaves blow and the harvest moon rides the sky, and the dead walk among us. Darragh Mason sings the song of the Dark Man in this provocative interview, filled with hidden and suppressed information.

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  1. Could the “Dark Man” be related to the biblical Watcher’s and free will? Did they contaminate the then purity of the humans when they arrived?

  2. There was certainly a lot more to be covered (I’m familiar with all of this), but Whitley and Mason did a bang up job with what they did cover. I hope that Mason is on again in the future.

    Aleister Crowley fit The Dark Man mold, and even channeled a being named ‘Lam’. The being drawn by Crowley looked an awful lot like what we would call an alien today. It would be interesting to hear Mason and his thoughts on Crowley.

    The interviews this year have taken on a different character than those in the past, and the directions that they go. High strangeness takes on many forms, and the lore, myths, and magic are a huge part of who we are. And therein lies the key to so much. From half-stags-half-men painted on ancient cave walls , to the horned god of witches, to ‘Lam’ and aliens, there is an odd, mysterious trajectory to who and what we are today.

    More, please…🙂

    Happy Halloween, Samhain, All Souls day, and Dia de Los Muertos to all!

    1. Same to you, and I agree, I’d like to explore this area of strangeness further.

      I feel like it’s all starting to gel somehow in the back of my mind, that all these phenomena are making more sense together than they used to, although I still can’t really put it all into words, and I guess the rest of us can’t quite either.

  3. Whitley and Darragh Mason, for me there is a lot of new information in this interview. THANK YOU.

    ALSO, there is a young teen boy in our family that has had encounters with…….what he calls SHADY because he looks like a shadow. He also said that a lot of times he felt like SHADY was watching him and believes him to be a protector. Most of these encounters happened before he entered his teen years.

    I will only list a couple of his experiences.

    He is with his grandmother and sees SHADY sitting in a tree. At almost the same moment a power transformer exploded close to where they were in the car.

    ALSO, on his way to school, there is a fender bender in the car where he is riding. Right before the accident he sees SHADY outside the car moving past the passenger side where he is sitting.

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