Mark Carlotto is a PhD in Electrical Engineering and specialist in optical analysis–and a brilliant, open-minded scientist with some excellent information to share both about Mars and about our lost past. He published the first peer-reviewed paper about the Mars face in Applied Optics. He tells us the truth about the NASA coverup of the truth about the face. Here, Whitley asks Mark where he stands now on the face, then they move into his book about our lost past. Mark is a distinguished scientist who is willing to look past the established model of reality and ask the questions that the mainstream will not ask–or dares not, as Whitley maintains in the show. We go in this show from Mars to the lost human past and ask the question: what part of the human story is not lost, but suppressed.
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Mark’s website is MarkCarlotto.com
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Amazing that subjects so profound and disturbing can be so entertaining, This was a great Dreamland Whitley, Mark’s grandaughter standing outside the window looking in lent quite a vibe to the conversation,
I started being very interested in ancient civilizations and archaeology when I was about 10 years old. I remember telling my parents that I felt that humans had been around a lot longer than anyone knew. Of course, they had no idea what I was talking about and did not even acknowledge what I said.
Mars…I do have ‘memories’ of its demise…Active imagination…or ‘real’? I just don’t know with certainty, but maybe that’s by design.
This was a great conversation, and I wish I had been there!
There were several meteor strikes 5000 years ago (3114 BCE was significant). There are tales of a 20 year winter in both the America indigenous myths and in Egypt. We see civilization recovering (not an easy task) and therefore were more advanced for a while, but gradually having less sophisticated architecture as noted.
The procession of the equinoxes is something Einstein proposed and it was proven in 1905, but ancient civilizations knew about it and also it is in the bible. That said, if we think of an ellipse, there are two max points (similar to two solstices). The procession of the equinoxes is gravitational and not well understood in its ramifications for life on earth. As stated the 25,000 year cycle would have a node at 12,500 years. There is no reason to think linearly, and these time spans change with numerous unknown factors. It is fascinating to try and associate this large cycle with climate and architectural changes. This is a very logical and scientific way of glimpsing the past.
The Greek astronomer Hipparchus (190–120 BC) is credited with first discovering the axial precession of the Earth, which leads to the observational ‘procession of the exinoxes’ (i.e. the gradual movement of the position of the constellations) over an approximate 26,000 year cycle. This axial movement, describes a repeating circular path and therefore has no ‘node’ as such. It can be imagined just like a toy spinning top, where the axis position slowly wobbles (describes a circle) in the opposite direction to the fast spinning of the top itself.
The only link with Einstein, eliptical orbits and precession, as far as I know, is that related to the precession of the orbit of Mercury around the Sun, where its perihelion (or closest approach) shifts over time. There is a discrepancy between classical Newtonian calculations and the actual observable motion…that is where Einstein’s theory of General Relativity comes in, to explains these differences. But the precession of Mercury’s elliptical orbit is not related to the circular precession of Earth’s axis and therefore is not related to the ‘procession of the equinoxes’.
But I agree that it is fascinating to speculate how these cycles could affect the climate and therefore Earth’s inhabitants.
Ya’ll might find this article by Walter Cruttenden interesting regarding the precession of the equinoxes :
While I am doubtful of a binary star model, there are other objects in the Oort cloud, mostly seen in the effect on the outer planets, the solar system is a whole and every part affects Earth. Even if a very large planet is not in the Oort cloud, the Oort clouds overall mass (and therefore gravitational effect) in any direction cannot be assumes to be the same, so this is a real effect.
The great part of the article, which I believe is very accurate is that the procession and every age affects consciousness and that affects civilization. The ancients watched and had direct wisdom from experience. Right now, in the cusp, everything is changing.
My understanding is that, like mercury and like a top, the Earth’s orbit slows down. That is why the procession of the equinox relative to the Zodiac circle of stars is in reverse of the order during the year. Like a top slowing down, the Earth’s orbit slowing down causes it to wobble. Pisces is now transitioning into Aquarius. We are in the cusp, a gravitational lull. Each age does not have the same length, but depends on the zodiac sign our solar system’s center of gravity is balanced upon.
During the show, Whitley asked why scientists would want to suppress anomalies, and Mark Carlotto gave his answer. I would like to point out that just a couple of days before the show was aired, user Milk posted on the message board the answer given in The Key (I am copying it again at the end of this message).
I am not endorsing any particular point of view on this topic, but it is certainly a nice synchronicity!
**** Conversation with the MOTK: ****
“Have any people from earth ever gone to other worlds?
A whole world of human beings has been evolved artifically off planet, and they come and go freely.
What are you talking about?
Human beings are being born and raised off the earth. You can find their habitations if you look. They live in this solar system.
My God. How many?
What do they do here?
They enforce mankind’s blindness by preventing science from exploring the key mysteries of the past and discovering a practical means of expanding into the universe, and they maintain the official secrecy that keeps the question of whether or not aliens are here from being answered.
Terrific show and right on cue.
I was, it has to be said, somewhat disappointed, to see some of your countrymen shooting at the sky people.
You’ll let thousands of military age foreign personnel/operatives stroll in without a shot being fired yet…?
While I don’t believe it to be a big or widespread problem it is, I have to say, a p**s poor reaction. Not good.
It’s nice to hear what I wrote to you about, so long ago, about a pole shift involving ice melt. The raft effect and plate distribution…uh, I shutter. This also reminds me of vitrified forts, in Scotland, what with the mention of a war between Earth and Mars.
There was a war…some have memories of it.
OWLBRIDGE69, could you expand on your profile picture? Is it your drawing? It makes me interested :3
Sanskrit classics refer to vast huge wars, more than one, over the many ages.