Whitley had to evacuate his home due to the Pacific Palisades fire but he has returned and is safe. Next week, we have an extraordinary show that PROVES that NASA is not telling the whole story about Mars and the moon.
The Telepathy Tapes has stormed to the top of the podcasts charts around the world because it makes an overwhelming case that telepathy is real, and in this show producer Ky Dickens tells us just why that is true. Of course, many of the close encounter witnesses who are involved on Unknowncountry know this because of their own life experiences. The Telepathy Tapes tells the heart-rending and inspiring story of how unvoiced people on the autism spectrum can communicate telepathically, and how this discovery is enriching their lives and freeing them to contribute to society in wonderful new ways. Later in the show, there is even a remarkable apparent moment of telepathy when Ky Dickens texts one of the unvoiced people to get him to answer one of Whitley’s questions. His response strongly suggests that he has telepathic awareness, with or without conscious awareness of it, of what is being discussed in the interview.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
5A few months ago, whilst paddling across the often murky seas of the Internet, I noticed this delightfully weird little gem glistening just below the surface…
Telepathy 101: A Primer for the Gift of Infinite Voice
I just started listening…
I listened to an interview a couple of months ago that Grant Cameron did with Ky about this. It is really important information, and I’m so glad she’s on ‘Dreamland’.
I have a grandson on the spectrum, who is verbal now. When he was very little, about two, I discovered that he had another ‘gift’…it involved a crow, and a type of ‘proxy’ communication via telepathy. (I know, hard to explain!). I have telepathy at times, too.
WOW…I’ve been collecting crystals for years.
I hope that everyone hears this…and takes it to heart!
I have a crystal but I’m not certain if anything happens, very large one by my bed. Its like the grounding sheets I have… nothing earth shattering happened. Sometimes I feel like a sucker for new age “betterment.”
An extremely profound and wonderful show. Every child is precious and the ones that the system does not deem valuable, may be some of the most valuable souls in the human community.
Indeed if the ‘telepathic web’ is considered to only relate to thoughts, it is the tip of the iceberg, a side effect of the Unity of Consciousness which is the underlying foundation upon which everything rests.
Whitley, this could not have come at a more perfect time. My son is having experiences, now, more frequently. I wrote him a text stating we can try to communicate with our phones. I get too emotional, so my words carry intensity. I have agreed to pipe down and wait for him to communicate through text. We shall see….
New Human!!! Mary Rodwell!!!
I wonder is my kiddo kniws it’s safe with the Others and that’s why he’s so jovial and unworried. Might he be seeing through my eyes? This is such a breath of fresh air.
Good Lord, a home run if ever a show was.
Gobsmacked. Bravo.
One of the best shows ever! Thank you.
FABULOUS SHOW! I am listening to the entire podcast today…already half way through & I have laughed & cried from the revelations. These Earth-Angels are here for a very important mission & they will be our greatest teachers!
Ky Dickens, you are a beautiful soul that has opened doors and gives me hope for the future of humankind. We have Asperger’s syndrome in our family. He has a hard time relating to others socially but is able to work at a repetitive job which is a relief for his mom. Several years ago, I remember his mom saying, “He never lies.” After watching the interview yesterday, I had this song cross my mind.
Bing Videos
Ky Dickens, you are a beautiful soul that has opened doors and gives me hope for the future of humankind. We have Asperger’s syndrome in our family. He has a hard time relating to others socially but is able to work at a repetitive job which is a relief for his mom. Several years ago, I remember his mom saying, “He never lies.” After watching the interview yesterday, I had this song cross my mind.
Yes! A great show, thanks to both of you! I guess I have always known, at some level, that telepathy was true. It is carried out instinctively, on different levels, by many I’m sure don’t realize what is actually happening. I have had telepathic communication with various individual species of animals on a regular basis throughout my lifetime. Occasionally some other person has witnessed it happening and been awed! It occurred to me gradually, that it seemed unusual to that person, so I realized that not everyone took the ability for granted as I had. Occasionally I have telepathic contact with a certain individual and that person realizes it too. Most importantly I believe I have had telepathic messages from beyond extremely often and for all of my remembered life.
The Telepathy Tapes Podcast: Do listen…
Episode 7, where Asher is discussed, I was blown away when his source of information is disclosed as being like a library. Without going into detail, that is my experience and also why I was given the moniker ‘Cosmic Librarian’.
Go beyond this interview with Whitley.
Best Dreamland in years!
This comes to mind. I keep this wisdom from C.S. Lewis on my desk so I can see it everyday:
“And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.”
One of the most beautifully positive interviews yet, and that’s saying a lot. Thank you for shining the light on this.
I just received an email from U C mentioning that this Dreamland was, “…mysteriously taken off public view.” Though later restored.
The email reminded me of several garbled, voice-like glitches at several points during the show. Anyone else hear anything like this?
Yes, IKNOWWHATISAW. I noticed it too, several times.
The anomalies sounded like voices to me, and it certainly could be a function of the recording itself. But when I got the email, I wondered if it was something else. What else I do not know.
Yeah, I did notice them but they seemed to coincide with Whitley moving his arm(s), so I suspect the microphone input was getting disturbed somehow.
That makes sense. I’m not in the habit of watching the video feed. I’ll take a gander at it and look for that.
I’m so glad this interview has been restored. I have told others to watch it, that the content is wonderfully amazing and hopeful. Thank you, Whitley, for your continued presence with us. Just renewed my membership for another year!
I’ve listened to all the Telepathy Tapes podcast episodes that have been realeased so far and I have to say, in doing so I’ve gone through quite the wringer, emotionally speaking.
The next step would be for me to watch the videos on https://thetelepathytapes.com/telepathy-tests-library
to swage a few nagging doubts I’ve had whilst watching some of the Akhil tests. As mentioned in the tapes, this doesn’t satify the scientific testing rigour required for proof, due to the physical contact between the mother and child. I also noticed that the mother moved her hands quite a lot during the tests I watched, within the periphery of Akhil, which could conceivably raise concerns about transferring non-verbal cues. However, I would like to see the other test videos, to prove to myself that there are no grounds to refute these astonishing claims. The anecdotal evidence alone is quite compelling and is enough to get my immediate interest.
If, as suggested, the other tests are scientifically rigorous enough to completely eliminate any foul play, then I swiftly move from awe and excitement, to frustration and anger, that the mainstream Scientific community and surrounding institutions are willfully ignoring clear and irrefutable evidence; Their response being more akin to conforming to and indeed forcing (through various means) an orthodox religious-like materialist belief system, rather than following the science, regardless. My hope is that the so-called Gatekeepers of this astonishing knowledge will effectively be neutralised by increased public knowledge of what is going on in the non-verbal autistic community, coupled with a brave push towards more honest open-minded post-materialist scientific enquiry.
If you haven’t listened to the Telepathy Tapes podcasts yet, then I urge you to make time to listen to them.
As one of the ‘spellers’ suggested, we may be seeing the budding of the next stage in Human evolution.
I thought I had heard pretty much everything by now, and was even getting perhaps a bit jaded about everything anomalous and weird, but this is ASTOUNDING!!!
If even part of what’s claimed here is true, it is some of the most important information we could possibly have about the human species and our place in the universe. It’s concerning that the podcast was attacked and taken down for a while.
I know absolutely that telepathy is a fact, since it’s something I can participate in myself to some degree. Really, it’s been so well proven, we shouldn’t have to bother with the naysayers anymore. But what the non-speakers are doing is a step beyond.
There was a Star Trek: Voyager story in which some of the Borg were meeting in a mental space much like The Hill, where they could be themselves, out from under the control of the Borg collective mind and free to express themselves however they wished. How fascinating to find out that there really is such a “place.”
It seems like there are no limits to what humans can accomplish if we open to the possibilities! I’m going to share this widely.
The Cylons in Battlestar Galactica could commune in a virtual space too and their consciousness could also reincarnate into a different body. The Android in the series ‘Dark Matter’ could lucid dream and commune with others of her own kind in that space. Also in the Bobiverse book series, the post human copies can commune with one another in a virtual space, over vast distances. There are quite a few others where Humans have developed psi abilities.
Also, is anyone aware of the final stages of the book ‘Childhood’s End’ by Arthur C Clarke?
SPOILER ALERT: In that book, an alien presence makes itself known on Earth. Their ultimate (but initially hidden) task is to shepherd humanity through the next stage of their evolution. After a certain point in time, all Human babies are born with psi abilities, including telekinesis and telepathy. They eventually commune with one another to collectively decide their own fate and that of Earth.
Yes, I read and have a copy of ‘Childhood’s End’. Interesting that you mention it. I’ve felt for a while that humanity should grow out of adolescence soon and become adults.
Many of us aren’t there yet, but hope springs eternal…
“After a certain point in time, all Human babies are born with psi abilities, including telekinesis and telepathy.”
It is perfectly possible. There is nothing fundamentally in place regarding the physical/biological wiring of the human organism that prevents a soul from incarnating here totally without the veil of amnesia.
The same veil blocks both (nearly all) memories of our past/other lives, and, I suspect, our access to telepathy.
I say “suspect” regarding telepathy as my telepathic experiences haven’t been distinct and repeated enough to know for certain the amnesia veil, or a part of this energy dynamic, is *exactly* what blocks telepathy. Regarding other/past life memories, I am totally certain of the mechanism there, regarding the veil.
My sense is our full Light Being natures are perfectly capable of living incarnate, collectively and individually, in the human species.
This implies telepathy, telekinesis, other/past life memory, and a whole lot more.
Almost certainly we would not be able to take our truly *full* energetic nature into human bodies here, as a continuous 24/7 life experience, until and unless we had training on how not to blow the wiring of our human nervous system. But that kind of training is possible, I am totally certain.
There is currently in place some kind of agreement that we – or *almost* all of us in some way – submit ourselves to for living totally behind the veil of amnesia if we incarnate on Earth at this time. This agreement is collective. It is not imposed by any outside force aside from our collective human-focused consciousness, and our individual willingness to participate under the agreement.
How, why, and when this agreement may be individually and collectively relinquished has been on my mind for a very long time. The idea of “throwing the switch” that I mentioned in the message board thread is directly related to this.
Maybe we are finally at that place, or very close to it. I think it is possible.
I haven’t listened to any of The Telepathy Tapes yet, but I do look forward to this experience, very soon.
Haven’t listened to this episode of Dreamland, either. Can’t wait!!
I don’t believe it is a conscious agreement, but more of a collective “spell.” Our dis-empowerment this way creates an advantage for the power brokers both in the shadows as puppet masters and in the open as world leaders (puppets?). I know that sounds a bit paranoid so maybe that is going too far; but one thing is for certain, the collective and individual trauma of humanity has created a toxic veil between our realities. At one time, people were born with DNA that allowed them to act as mediators to cleanse and purify the family and clan of trauma and negative feelings that accumulated. It was a necessary service. Then those positions involved into a position of power as a “priest” and then a paywall formed with increasingly organized religions harnessed for early nation states’ empire building agendas. Now here we are in a toxic situation, mostly created out of our own energetic debris. Those few now with the DNA lineages that were not snuffed out during the various versions of the witch hunts are often still marginalized and feel “hunted” and fearful (thus the paranoid part). The toxicity of the world is appalling! I just returned from Athens, Greece and to be in a 2600 year old city that has never been “maintained” or cleared energetically with thousands of years of patriarchal domination was hard on me.
Virtual reality is the egoic operation system’s copy of the organic web of life, the complex intricately and intrinsically linked communication network of the organic matrix of Life on this planet at least. Our jealous egos, always trying to be “the greatest” and live forever, are jealous of it and keep creating machines to replicate it (an us, its vehicle). Yes, the Cylons had that as do any networked machines.
Whitley, you said, “At one point, the Palisades Fire was moving down into our neighborhood. I have returned but may have to evacuate again.” I was wondering how close the fire was to you??? Thank you for this update and hope you stay safe. SUCH A TERRIBLE LOSS FOR SO MANY PEOPLE.
As a fellow Dreamlander please know how sad I am to see the devastation your community is suffering. Went through something like it years ago and had to start over from scratch in my 50’s. It’s hard but possible….. my heartfelt sympathy to you and yours!
Hey Whitley! I rarely post – but when I read you’d been evacuated because of the fires I wanted to reach out – having lost everything from a hurricane years ago I know first hand the heartbreak! Glad to hear you’re safe now and my heart, prayers and sympathies are with your community! The effort to re-build will be a long one and I hope to add my own hands to the many. God Bless!
Absolutely remarkable Whitley. Thanks for bringing this to us!
I just finished listening to tape…..Ep. 9: Telepathy Across Dimensions…..WHITLEY, towards the end of this tape I was thinking of a quote from Anne. One of the spellers said, “WHEN EGO IS GONE, WHAT IS LEFT IS LOVE.”
Listening to TT episode 3….
Interest in developing telepathy and if crystals are worthwhile.
I have always thought that telepathy is normal, one of the abilities that we are taught to suppress and ignore. My brother and I had lots of telepathic conversations before he was 3, when he started talking, becoming more independent. My neice often showed signs of knowing what we were thinking. My grandson is on the spectrum of autism (a diagnosis that doesn’t really make sense to me) he is verbal, and he has often spoken about the dead loved ones telling him things. My mother died when he was 2 and he would often say something like “Granny said…” My daughter lost her fiance when he was 3 and she had a lot of trouble over his death and my grandson would seem to know when she was thinking and told her “Pat said …” which was very relevant to her thoughts at the time. My aunt has stories of my mother when they were kids that indicate that she knew what people were thinking. I have had lots of experiences of knowing what people are thinking, and decided that if you want to hide something you can’t as long as you worry about someone finding out because a telepath will know it immediately.
This reminds me of Temple Grandin’s book, which I read many years ago. As an autistic woman, she received a doctorate and went on to revolutionize the meat industry to discovering how cows showed their stress and terror in the slaughterhouses and she created a more humane system to minimize that.
I loved the telepathy podcast.
My close friend was an Art Teacher at what we call a “special school” for children with a variety of special needs. During our Black Saturday bushfires a lot of locals to the school lost their lives, some who’s families were still unaware of their passing. Yet the children were telling the teachers the names of dead people and some were telling my friend that “the dead people keep coming! ”
I sent her the podcast and she wasn’t a bit surprised.