For the first time, the strange sounds that have been present in our world are being connected with triangular UFOs. The sounds being heard are so loud, that it’s difficult to believe that the triangles or some sort of conventional stealth aircraft. As one of Linda’s guests comments, ‘audio connects to fight or flight responses in the brain.’ But why have the triangular craft suddenly become associated with sound when they have been almost universally observed to be silent.
These sounds are focused on the human mind, and we must ask the question, what if the entire planet was subjected to this phenomenon at the same time? Don’t miss this provocative, disturbing and shockingly informative interview. (This is a reprise of a report done for subscribers. Linda’s new report will be available in the subscriber area on Saturday, August 23. Normally, her reports will continue to appear first on Dreamland.)
Dreamland will be on hiatus next week. Have a wonderful Labor Day!
In September, we will be starting an exciting new year of programming. Joseph Farrell will be back, joining Uri Geller, Matthew Fox, JZ Knight and many more in our new lineup. And, as always, there will be more exciting reports from Linda Moulton Howe, and weekly visits from familiar guests and new. Dreamland: Unique in the world.
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
Next week for subscribers, I
Next week for subscribers, I will be reading the chapter of the new book that was involved in the synchronicity with this event.
The fact that this event
The fact that this event coincides with the writing of your new book is not a coincidence, Whitley. There are no coincidences regarding your relationship with the unknown.
It looks like George Noory.
It looks like George Noory.
Oh also, George Noory isn’t
Oh also, George Noory isn’t that tall, plus, his legs are skinnier.
Hmm, most curious.
This is
Hmm, most curious.
This is odd.
Couple of years back I had recurring dreams of being used in some macabre ‘war’ between red and blue short devils.
This picture has reminded me that a blue dwarf, with whom I came to establish a trusted and much valued moonlit brotherhood, always allowed me options, whereas the red ones were somewhat less inclined to do this.
Fascinating photo.
I’m looking forward to seeing
I’m looking forward to seeing the other two photos.
Not to go against the grain,
Not to go against the grain, or to sound disrespectful, I love this site and everything it represents…but, as for the subject in the photo, has a bird been ruled out as a possibility? Especially some kind of hummingbird? The wings moving that quickly could give the “beard” appearance, as well as a heat and motion sensor activation. Again, I really, truly do believe in the little people and inter-demensional realities and their beings being present around us….but, not sure in this case.
Is there a link to the other
Is there a link to the other 2 pics? Maybe those will show more?
AACK!! I can’t see it in the
AACK!! I can’t see it in the picture!
It took a while.
It took a while.
It took me a while, than yep
It took me a while, than yep there it was, the pink cat or dog like face with dark almond shaped eyes, horn(s) and the tall fairy or magician hat, woe!
hard to know exactly what it
hard to know exactly what it is, but at first, reminds me of a kid with a towel over his/her head running from path to…? So add’l photos would add lot of clarity, tx.
Synchronicity…I’ve been
Synchronicity…I’ve been checking out the history & lore of the faeries this week especially the history behind the 1920 Cottingley fairy photos made famous by Arthur Conan Doyle. As to these latest photos there is definitely something there.Check out http://www.earthfiles.com for all 3 photos.This is wild!Thank you Whitley! Can’t wait for your new book.
Intriguing but not good
Intriguing but not good enough to be what I would consider pictorial evidence of this type of life, if it exists. I’d welcome the other two pictures. But the fuzziness of the image here keeps this from being much more than an anomaly. In 2014, with the technology we possess, should these types of creatures exist and walk our woods, an acceptable standard would be a certain clarity associated with the images. Look forward to learning more since, with an open mind, there are always possibilities. Thanks for the images, Whitley, as always.
Very, very strange.
Very, very strange.
I don’t think that the sort
I don’t think that the sort of proof that we can achieve of things that are entirely of our world is going to be possible with anomalies like this. For example, notice that the camera has captured the forest around the creature with perfect clarity, but not the creature itself. Therefore this is not an issue of focus, but something else. But what? What would cause a small part of an image taken by a camera in good operating order to be out of focus like this? One thing would be speed–the thing is moving too quickly and is therefore blurred. In this case, this is probably what is happening. But there is enough clarity to tell that something is present, and enough detail to make it pretty clear that it isn’t a bird or an animal.
As the first reports of these things come from ancient Rome, right down to the red peaked cap, one has to wonder why it would be that they are wearing exactly the same clothing after 2000 years? Probably, it’s because this is not entirely what it seems, or even entirely understandable. Looking at this picture, and the other two on Earthfiles, we are looking directly into the unknown. Proof, in the conventional sense, remains a distant goal, I would think.
I went and looked at Linda’s
I went and looked at Linda’s pictures on her website and that little pink thing is really moving.
Thank you once again,
Thank you once again, Whitley.
Thank you Whitley and
Thank you Whitley and Linda!
Still shaking my head – I don’t feel any sort of threat looking at this little gent. He seems frankly to just be going about his business – what ever that business may, indeed, be.
In folklore (particularly German), they always come at night to help out (make shoes, and make toys, clean up a mess etc) – Are they here to help out now?, Do they perhaps shake their head and say”you silly humans! look at the mess you have made!” Now we will have to come and fix this for you again!! When you look at his picture, he almost seems intent and busy. Not a trouble maker, as trolls are depicted …..Very curious…….
A German name for them is Heinzelmännchen. And yes, also Kobold.
“Heinzelmännchen are gnome-like creatures found in the Black Forest of Germany. They are rarely seen, however always helpful to creatures and people alike.
„Wie war zu Cölln es doch vordem,
Mit Heinzelmännchen so bequem!
Denn, war man faul:…. man legte sich
Hin auf die Bank und pflegte sich:
Da kamen bei Nacht,
Ehe man’s gedacht,
Die Männlein und schwärmten
Und klappten und lärmten
Und rupften
Und zupften
Und hüpften und trabten
Und putzten und schabten…..
Und eh ein Faulpelz noch erwacht,…
War all sein Tagewerk….. bereits gemacht!“
To English:
“How was it Colln was so comfortable with Gnomes!
After all, you were lazy: …. you lay down
And when they came by night,
Before you think it,
The little man and swarmed
And folded and made loud noises
and plucked
and plucked
And jumped and trotted
And were cleaning and scraping …..
And when the lazy man awoke, …
Was all his day’s work ….. already done! “
It looks like a Schmoo
It looks like a Schmoo slinking away.
Absolutely fascinating photos
Absolutely fascinating photos and synchronicities.
Now take a breath and consider that this may be a plea for help.
“Gnome: A legendary dwarfish creature supposed to guard the Earth’s treasures underground.”
Is FRACKING going on or about to begin in that area?
Could this be a desperate plea from very subtle beings to those of us who are prepared to listen to help them protect that area?
Perhaps this is warning us that the Earth is about to be turned over and that which is below will surface?
Lastly, doesn’t it look more than a little like a GREY wearing a small red tunic?
Gotta hand it to ’em. Those
Gotta hand it to ’em. Those little dudes sure can come up with some clever disguises! They truly possess a sense of humor and quick thinking to keep from getting caught, but like all us, they occasionally slip up.
I feel that this is both ‘inner’ dimensional as well as inter-dimensional. Many years ago, during meditation, a Native American shaman took me on a little journey to the center of our galaxy, where he showed me the black hole that is powering it. Of course it was not a black hole, but a worm hole. What astounded me was that on the other end of the worm hole was the interior of our planet. A few years later I read Barbara Hand Clow’s ‘Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions’, which gave me a better perspective on the vision I had experienced with the shaman.
So yes, possibly these beings also live ‘underground’, but also are able to traverse reality (or realities) through a series of wormholes, not unlike ‘underground’ subway systems. What’s a metaphor you? 🙂
If you take into account the strange sounds, earth changes, and the interconnectedness of all things, especially living things at this particular ‘time’, what goes up must come down, and what goes in must also come out (ha, ha). The fact that this little being was in a ‘natural’ setting just shows that they are connected to nature in all its forms. Life IS precious and we must protect it the best that we can.
Just this morning there was a powerful earthquake in Northern California. A couple of weeks ago Robin Williams’ ashes were scattered in San Francisco Bay. ( A bit of an imp himself, and also with a warm and giving heart. He was ‘Mork from Ork’, and so much more). I think a lot of synchronicities are gong on right now, but only to those of us that take the time to notice them. No one else, even on this message board, may see the connections I have just made, but it doesn’t matter to me as long as I get it on a personal, spiritual level.
This all so cool!
We are all but certain that
We are all but certain that it’s not a bird. We explored the possibility that there might be some sort of a bird in the region with long, thin legs that might move very quickly, but there isn’t anything. It’s not a hummingbird because we can identify it’s exact location in relation to the camera due to the three images that all show it in different positions. From this, it has been determined that it’s 44 inches tall. As sure as we are that this is a genuine anomaly, we’ll never close the door to conventional possibilities, of course.
Yes, looking at the three
Yes, looking at the three photos, its clear to me that it isn’t a bird, which I thought it might be at first. I also looked at the 1920 Cottingley fairy photos made famous by Arthur Conan Doyle on the internet. Interesting. There were 5 taken, the 5th at a later time than the others and even though the girls who took them claimed later in life that the first 4 were hoaxed (which doesn’t mean they were, the girls could’ve changed their stories for a number of reasons) it seems they still stood by their claim that the 5th is real, according to wikipedia anyway.
You know, maybe energies from different times and space open up around us and give a peek into other realities…and I think maybe those openings are stronger and more frequent in certain places on the earth, like Skinwalker ranch, Whitley’s cabin in NY, Sedona, AZ, Four Corners etc. Maybe they are as freaked out by what they see as we are by them:)
My God yes, Cosmic may have
My God yes, Cosmic may have lowered the veil. I think I can see it now.. you decide.
Photo one… the classic Gnome.
Photo two… the gnome/projection with a white orb above it and slightly to the right.
Photo three… the fading projection/manifestation with the wormhole/norway-spiral type astral/ectoplasm beam emanatinmg from the fading triangular orb.
Look, dwell on what I’ve suggested and look again at the three pics. I honestly feel I can see this possibility but remain open.
Norway spiral…
My Goodness, 1947.. just noticed that. I swear this just fell together.
Pic one… that’s not a
Pic one… that’s not a Gnome’s coned hat.. it’s an ectoplasmic spiral, once you rethink what you’re observing.
No, I don’t know what all this is but I feel it’s really, REALLY important for someone that that place is left alone.
They are even prepared to share secrets of manifestation so please listen and consider the possibility.
I want to leave this culture and civilisation but giving up isn’t an option, not when others are so prepared to try.
More coming through.
More coming through.
William Henry’s Sufi Wormhole dance on the cruise ship jumps to mind too.
Take a look at this and feel my twirling vibe. It’s all I can do:
Von Hausenberg: Yes, dead on!
Von Hausenberg: Yes, dead on! It does not appear to me to be a hat, nor the ‘pom-pom’ on top that appears in the second photo. I see the pulling and stretching effect as the being may be coming out of, or going back into the portal. The white ball doesn’t look at all like it is part of the hat—but indeed an orb that is probably really a portal. Actually,our human minds can probably handle the idea of a gnome better than it can the concept of what may really be going on.
I also noticed on Linda’s
I also noticed on Linda’s earthfiles.com site that the second picture shows the white orb hovering over the being with nothing connecting to the entity underneath.
I wonder if the ‘message’ of this incident is meant as an invitation of some sort? Is anyone brave enough to try and spend some time sitting in the area of the camera and see if it comes back???
The reddish thing? Looks like
The reddish thing? Looks like a bird to me.
Cosmic and everyone, I guess
Cosmic and everyone, I guess the question now is, well, how do we move forward with this next?
The moment Cosmic mentioned wormhole it was like a light coming on.
Now, the little people are real it seems to me. I took several photographs a few years back of my workstation here at home and noticed on one of the digital snaps, an orb with what looked like a face.
The face, albeit vague, resembled Tibetan features with oriental eyes and a look of kindness and wisdom. Maybe that’s a stretch but, it gets better. For the past couple of months, I’ve been taking a few drops of White Powder Gold most days. Usually 2 drops in the morning and two in the evening.
The very first night, I repeat, the first night, I awoke inside a very odd dream with two Tibetan Monks, though their features were much ‘squishier’. Their faces reminded me instantly of the descriptions of so-called aliens in Tim Good’s ‘Alien Liason’ back in the 90’s when I read it.
One of the Monks spoke to me in a strange tongue that sounded like ” Wirra Hirra Wirra” or something like that. Meant nothing to me until a few days later when I remembered the orb face pics and Tim Good’s book.
Consider then that when, throughout history, people have seen the little people, or Gnomes, Dwarfs or Trolls that they are actually encountering a conscious being, Orb-like in nature that can project an impression or real manifest image. Even cameras can capture them it seems.
As Cosmic mentioned, can moving between realities be part of their skillset too?
All this is just amazing and has made for a magical weekend. Phew, it just keeps getting more and more interesting.
Outstanding weekend, thx UC.
I am particularly curious
I am particularly curious about the fact that the camera has two photos time-stamped at the same time. Assuming the data is genuine and not manipulated how can the camera take two images at the exact same second? I’m not familiar with this type of camera but I suspect it needs 1-2 seconds to pre-process the image and allow the flash to recharge.
Possibly, this may indicate some kind of temporal overlap occurring in the immediate area as the images were taken. Also, the sequence may be showing the entity leaving this dimension instead of entering.
P.S. — Was this video ever
P.S. — Was this video ever debunked? (You may want to turn the volume down a bit. The music is cool for about the first ten seconds…)
A town somewhere actually put up a statue of one of these things they claim has been seen for years, but I can’t find the reference.
Lots of hopeful people here,
Lots of hopeful people here, but all I see is probably an attempt to destroy what credibility Linda Howe and Whitley still have. It is very easy to flawlessly alter the metadata on a digital picture. I would hope it is something more but…
Perhaps someone would be kind
Perhaps someone would be kind enough to explain this sticking point for me.
There is a clear branch in the foreground that is very close to the camera and doesn’t have any leaves… and yet it has a tree in the background that overlaps its branches (with leaves) over it.
In 3d space objects in the foreground overlap objects in the background, not the reverse. If I stand behind you in a photo several feet away, you would not see any of my body parts overlap yours.
Perhaps the author of the photos can shed some light.
Link below.
@ El Gringo, that is a very
@ El Gringo, that is a very interesting observation, I had not spotted that. You might like to ask Linda Moulton Howe that question (earthfiles@earthfiles.com), to see if she can get a satisfactory answer for you.
I have just emailed her my observations about the EXIF data not quite matching the times the original author says they were taken. We are only talking about a second difference but the report suggests that two were taken at 18 seconds past 07:38am and the third at 20 seconds past – but all three photos have EXIF data suggesting 19 seconds past.
Also the images posted on Earthfiles have EXIF data suggesting they were saved from Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Macintosh, so they are not the original images – they have maybe just been saved for uploading to the web but non-the-less, not the originals.
Another observation is that if these images are in order, then this thing is walking backwards….also the left hand ‘eye’ on the first image is actually part of the twig that is immediately to the left which adds to the potential illusion of a face – I’m not saying it isn’t a face – just that the left ‘eye’ is not part of it.
@Sherbet UFO – Thank you.
@Sherbet UFO – Thank you. Will do.
Exif data can be compromised. Also, while I’m not familiar with this camera, I’ve hacked my Canon (to get a wider FOV).
You’re right. If it is humanoid, it is walking (sprinting) backwards at least in the first frame.
According to the camera site, it can trigger as fast as 1.2 seconds…
@El Gringo, yeah, I read that
@El Gringo, yeah, I read that too – thanks.
I had a look at the user manual for that camera earlier today and it mentions the same thing there. I took that 1.2 second trigger time as meaning the time it takes to trigger the first picture, after it detects movement….as an option, you can set it to take a series of shots after the trigger but nowhere was it made clear what the minimum time between these burst fire shots might be.
The original poster of these images suggests that there is a two second gap between the first and last image. That is why I am querying the identical EXIF ‘time taken’ for each photo…but agreed, it can’t be difficult to alter EXIF data. I assume the likes of Adobe and other image tool developers subscribe to a law or code of conduct with regards to the modification of it…but at the end of the day, it is just noughts and ones – they can be changed at will, given the correct tool.
You just have to hope, that if there is some kind of hoaxing element (not from Linda of course), that it can be revealed from the inspection of the photo header info – but then again where there is a will and the knowledge to manipulate that, we are back into the grounds of guesswork, in the absence of other clues.
Reminds me of the being they
Reminds me of the being they found in Russia, it was called aleshenka
I have pix of some creatures
I have pix of some creatures like this but I call them turkeys
If that is a turkey, then I
If that is a turkey, then I am willing to bet a wolf can Fly.
@El Gringo
-Re:Your analysis
@El Gringo
-Re:Your analysis of the gnome photo.
If you can put the 3 images
If you can put the 3 images in order (make a little mini-animation) it highlights how weird it really is. I’m sure they are used to seeing bears and such jumping around from position to position, and this would really stand out.
One other thing, in the second image (from Earthfiles) that white thing looks like a disconnected orb or something floating over the figure, not a cotton ball on his pointy cap. Curiouser and curiouser.
A point to note is that
A point to note is that digital cameras as with film models before them, see further into the infra-red spectrum than we do. Point a remote at a camera while looking at its screen and the remote will light up like a torch.
Therefore it is quite understandable that images will be captured by cameras that are not seen with the naked eye. In this case the “creature” wanders into view of the camera and is quite likely alerted to its presence by the infra-red motion sensor. It might even see this as a light.
If we approach this from the viewpoint of folklore legends then these creatures lower their vibrations so that they can interact with our world, as their normal existence is at a higher rate of vibration than ours. The other point is that in earlier times they were more commonly seen. Perhaps we have driven them away -made our world more materialistic.
Andrew Clapham
A point to note is that
A point to note is that digital cameras as with film models before them, see further into the infra-red spectrum than we do. Point a remote at a camera while looking at its screen and the remote will light up like a torch.
Therefore it is quite understandable that images will be captured by cameras that are not seen with the naked eye. In this case the “creature” wanders into view of the camera and is quite likely alerted to its presence by the infra-red motion sensor. It might even see this as a light.
If we approach this from the viewpoint of folklore legends then these creatures lower their vibrations so that they can interact with our world, as their normal existence is at a higher rate of vibration than ours. The other point is that in earlier times they were more commonly seen. Perhaps we have driven them away -made our world more materialistic.
Andrew Clapham
A point to note is that
A point to note is that digital cameras as with film models before them, see further into the infra-red spectrum than we do. Point a remote at a camera while looking at its screen and the remote will light up like a torch.
Therefore it is quite understandable that images will be captured by cameras that are not seen with the naked eye. In this case the “creature” wanders into view of the camera and is quite likely alerted to its presence by the infra-red motion sensor. It might even see this as a light.
If we approach this from the viewpoint of folklore legends then these creatures lower their vibrations so that they can interact with our world, as their normal existence is at a higher rate of vibration than ours. The other point is that in earlier times they were more commonly seen. Perhaps we have driven them away -made our world more materialistic.
Andrew Clapham
A point to note is that
A point to note is that digital cameras as with film models before them, see further into the infra-red spectrum than we do. Point a remote at a camera while looking at its screen and the remote will light up like a torch.
Therefore it is quite understandable that images will be captured by cameras that are not seen with the naked eye. In this case the “creature” wanders into view of the camera and is quite likely alerted to its presence by the infra-red motion sensor. It might even see this as a light.
If we approach this from the viewpoint of folklore legends then these creatures lower their vibrations so that they can interact with our world, as their normal existence is at a higher rate of vibration than ours. The other point is that in earlier times they were more commonly seen. Perhaps we have driven them away -made our world more materialistic.
Andrew Clapham
let’s get Marla Frees input!
let’s get Marla Frees input!
My earlier post I do not see
My earlier post I do not see but I mentioned that I had seen a gnome before. I live in a very spiritually active locale with many portals in my own home. Gnomes are described thusly:
“Paracelsus uses Gnomi as a synonym of Pygmæi, and classifies them as earth elementals. He describes them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.”
George Noory is not this creature lol but he had a guest on last night names June de Young and she predicted major earthquakes along the East Coast and California. Maybe these creatures are sending a warning through Whitley and this photo.