Our resident psychic medium Marla Frees is an expert on the relationship between psychic energy and physical well-being, and here she interviews on of the great masters of just how energetic principles relate to our overall health and spiritual growth, Dr. Robin Kelly. Larry Dossey says of Dr. Kelly?s work discovering the hidden connections between body, mind and spirit in this way: ??no form of medicine can be complete that does not recognize these interactions.??
He talks about how bones and ligaments are actually semiconductors, and can be used to move energies through our bodies in ways that bring us not only greater physical health, but spiritual advancement.
Listen as one expert questions another about the miraculous relationship between the body and the spirit, and they discuss how they have worked to help people free themselves from the toxicities that surround us, both physical and spiritual.
Learn how to build your health by massaging your ears! And that?s just the beginning of this joyous and informative journey of an interview.
Dr. Kelly?s website is HumanAntenna.com.
Marla Frees website is MarlaFrees.com.
NOTE: This show summary, previously published on our old site, may contain broken links.
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