Riveting new information about Mars this week. Why are there indications that an enormous nuclear explosion might have taken place on Mars eons ago? What caused Cydonia to look like an archaeological site? Was Mars ever earthlike? Dr. John Brandenburg lays out evidence for a huge nuclear explosion that essentially destroyed life on Mars.
Dr. Brandenburg was one of the early researchers on the Cydonia project, and is now Senior Propulsion Scientist at the Orbital Technologies Corporation.
In this wide ranging interview, he tells us what he thinks might have happened to Mars in the distant past and why it is so universally associated in human legend with war and catastrophe.
Whitley Strieber and John Brandenburg have known each other for years, ever since Whitley became involved in the Mars project and contributed the funds that made the first analysis of the Mars face, conducted by Drs. Mark Carlotto and Brian O’Leary, possible.
As never before, this interview will open a completely new door for you into Mars’s mysterious past. Read John Brandenburg’s book Life and Death on Mars.
Next week on Dreamland: Whitley Strieber is once again have experiences with the visitors, but he is now far beyond where he was when he had his early encounters. Listen as he discusses his latest encounters with Timothy Hogan, who is an expert on meditation and the ancient symbols that are playing a role in Whitley’s current experiences.
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This was a completely
This was a completely engrossing interview in 2 parts. I could have listened to much more. My mouth was open, metaphorically, throughout the discussion. I am looking forward to reading the book.
There’s a reason why Mars is
There’s a reason why Mars is called the God of “War”.
Fascinating interview,
Fascinating interview, Whitley! I know your guest stated that Earth was just beginning to show life when Mars was hit by a nuclear device. But that might be a clue.
Wouldn’t it be possible that Mars and Earth had a conflict back then and exchanged kill shots (not necessarily with the same type of weapon)? Only, life on Earth resumed from basic beginnings because it was bigger and could take the hit. Is there any evidence of such an event on Earth around that same time?
Another possibility is that Mars was pushed by a nuclear device into an orbit away from Earth to allow more stable terraforming of Earth. Any evidence of that?
If neither of these apply, we better hurry to find out what Mars did wrong and avoid the same mistake.
What looked to be a face was
What looked to be a face was just an eroded mountain. No harm done.
Absolutely spellbinding
Absolutely spellbinding interviews and I haven’t managed to get a thing done since I started listening this morning, on rising. Terrific stuff. Now, I’m gathering that the reference to a photograph taken on the Martian surface is the one with the apparent figure sitting on a rock with its right arm held out before it? If so then, again, great stuff.
was it just blacked out like
was it just blacked out like a local sporting event? I rememember seeing the original face image, then Ronald Story and his encyclopedia on e.t. phenomemena came out in early 2k (and it was good) explaining the difference between the original image in analog and saying later digital images showed the ‘pile of rocks.’ Now we know there isn’t that much difference and in some cases analog is sharper, as in this one where the duck is quacking and sayin I’m a face. notice? It was a scam by the debunkers. This was a face and it was felt a connection to!
@evo “…your guest stated
@evo “…your guest stated that Earth was just beginning to show life when Mars was hit by a nuclear device…”
Bearing in mind that dating these events is fairly inaccurate, what about the possibility that the Martians escaped to Earth after the nuclear exchange and unpacked their genetic ark, to continue life here…effectively making us all Martian descendants!…
…Maybe that explains why our natural circadian rhythm seems to be closer to that of a Martian day than it is to an Earth day?!
I think the evidence is very
I think the evidence is very poignant and says a lot. However I think w are leaving a couple things out that give us more direction into what actually happened. I think a couple of things that are important to te into this is Phobos, the odd moon of Mars and the Asteroid belt have something to offer our investigation. Great talk guys, hopefully it will be revisited with the evidence of Phobos and Asteroid belt, which many believe was indeed a living planet and was destroyed, taking with it Mars.
Here is an excellent article
Here is an excellent article on the humanoid ‘figure’ on Mars, captured by the mars rover cameras.
(assuming this is the one that was refered to in the interview)…
…which includes stereoscopic images, to allow you to make your own mind up, with regards to whether this still looks human-like in 3d. There are also links to high definition images, where you can have a go at finding it yourself.
My own opinion is that there are certain aspects of the object that still look humanoid in 3d but there are others that start to take on a distinct rock-like appearance.
It is also worth pointing out that in another in depth article I read on this object, some years ago, the estimated height was about six inches – not exactly human proportions!
Great show Whitely, I’ve been
Great show Whitely, I’ve been with you since the beginning; l’m pretty sure I was your 11th subcriber, I know it was under 20; anyhow Its been Alot of shows and this was really one of the very best! I would love to read your guests book Morningstar Pass, but it’s really quite steep just now. I do hope he re-releases it for kindle. : )
More like this, definately more like this. BB.
@sherbetUFO: You make a
@sherbetUFO: You make a valid point. Life on Earth could be of Martian descent in several ways. Intelligent Martians could have escaped, as you say, and “unpacked their genetic ark.” They might have planned for that by applying a weapon on Earth that wiped out much of its resident life while leaving possibilities for life intact. They might also have simply introduced their life-forms and these then proceeded to establish themselves. OR Earthlings might have ironically caused such consequences by kicking up debris on Mars with the explosion they caused that brought Martian organisms in meteors to Earth. Of course, there might have been similar developments even without the war scenario.
@evo Quite – there are many
@evo Quite – there are many possibilities.
If a technological race were deteremined to inhabit another planet, where the new environment was incompatible, some of the possibilites would be to:
1). Terraform the new planet, then move over when the process is complete.
2). Genetically modify your own race, so that you are compatible with the new environment.
3). Engineer a race on the new planet, that you can transfer your conciousness into.
The thought just occured to me, that if a race were under an extreme threat of extinction by another external waring race, a perfect way of stopping them coming after you would be to opt for number 3 above, then nuke your old planet. i.e. make ’em think you’re dust…just a thought.
Thank you to John for
Thank you to John for mentioning that the Klingons of StarTrek are a caricature of the human race. I’ve thought for a long time now that if StarTrek was real, then our species would not be the kind and loving Federation. In our current mindset we are definitely more like one of the “bad guy” races from the series.
I question all of my own odd
I question all of my own odd experiences, but something about Mars’ destruction touches me on a very deep, personal level. I have some very ancient memories of the past, and I am not so sure that whatever happened to life on Mars was not somehow tied to us. While the things that allegedly could have happened on Mars occurred in the very distant past (billion years?), well before human beings supposedly had evolved on Earth, something feels off to me about the true nature of Mars’ destruction and some of the scenarios presented. I have always felt that the human race is far older than our science currently suggests, and I also feel that we somehow played a part in its demise.
I feel a confusion about this that is hard to describe…
Great interview, and Brandenburg’s book is now on my reading list.
A Piece Of Mars Is Missing:
Explanation: What created this unusual hole in Mars? The hole was discovered by chance on images of the dusty slopes of Mars’ Pavonis Mons volcano taken by the HiRISE instrument aboard the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter currently circling Mars. The hole appears to be an opening to an underground cavern, partly illuminated on the image right. Analysis of this and follow-up images revealed the opening to be about 35 meters across, while the interior shadow angle indicates that the underlying cavern is roughly 20 meters deep. Why there is a circular crater surrounding this hole remains a topic of speculation, as is the full extent of the underlying cavern. Holes such as this are of particular interest because their interior caves are relatively protected from the harsh surface of Mars, making them relatively good candidates to contain Martian life. These pits are therefore prime targets for possible future spacecraft, robots, and even human interplanetary explorers. – NASA