

Imminent is an extremely important book. Whitley reviews it from the viewpoint of a close encounter witness, touching on subject that nobody else is going to cover. There are things in this talk that are unforgettably powerful, and hints at depths in Whitley’s own experience that he has not yet disclosed. Riveting, powerful and totally unique. When Whitley talks about the dark, dark programs hinted at in the book–well, it’s shocking and profoundly enlightening. Say more, Whit!
NOTE: An editing error has been corrected. It is now available in the audio versions of the show and will be available in the video versions at 11:00 Pacific time, 8/30/24
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There is something wrong with this MP3 file as it has another audio file playing over it at 00:35, sounds like maybe the ending
Hi Whitley, same thing on the YouTube audio, the Dreamland Ending track is playing over you. You need to remix the beginning of the show to take that back out, if you can.
It’s all fixed. The audio is now fine and the repaired video will be up shortly.
Thanks! Good job, was worried it might have been too late to fix it or something!
This a great Dreamland. I appreciate your insight, Whitley, because it’s not simple speculation. Your assumptions are based on so many things we touch on here, and your own experiences.
One thing that really stuck out was your comment that we are supposed to be here. We’re supposed to be human (however that’s defined), and it’s our growth that will allow us to recognize that other “world”.
I’m not much of a fan of Lois Elizondo, my gut feeling isn’t good. You characterization of the phenomenon is a lot like mine, the initial encounter(s) were very traumatizing to my world view (1986-87). You asked me a couple decades ago via email why I was scared of the experience, the realization that my limited perception of reality was crushed, like an initiation as you put it is very accurate to my experience and is a good way to describe it. I forget exactly what my response was, but it was similar but not as eloquent as yours. I remember sending you a letter with drawings of a shared encounter with my then girlfriend and a friend from London England back in the late 90s. Since then I’ve seen all kinds of orbs, objects. I’ve had them orbit me while walking, hover over me and I felt a shared presence in my mind and a very intense feeling of surreal sensations and hyper awareness of my surroundings, it’s hard to describe if you haven’t felt it. Anyway, thanks for all your work.
The synchronicity of ‘sightings’ and what is happening in our life at the time, what we are feeling, and the thoughts at the exact moment is critical for understanding the communication.
Daniel Liszt is a very interesting journalist. Keeping an open mind and keeping aware of evidence and where it may lead:
In X-Series 72 Dark Journalist reveals the latest research on the CIA backed attempt to control the narrative of the UFO File through a public benefit corporation called the “To The Stars Academy” or “TTSA” founded by ex-Blink182 singer Tom DeLonge and Counter Intelligence agent Luis Elizondo. Many of the TTSA’s claims of Luis Elizondo heading a UFO Program called the “Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program” or “AATIP” have been discredited including their use of a Pentagon Spokeswoman named Dana White who was removed for accepting gifts and other violations while at the Pentagon.
I read ‘Imminent’ . Everyone should read it. I agree with much of what Whitley says, although not all of it. I can remote view, but as Whitley discussed, I stay neutral with it…But that’s not to say that sometimes what I see isn’t…unnerving. It’s really not for everyone, and telepathy, as well. People have asked me about the next election, and I refuse to go there.
Like Whitley, I don’t experience orbs in a negative way. I suspect that not all orbs are created equal, and may even come from various realms or dimensions…and are conscious, but not in the same way we are. Some could also be disguises for… something else. I do not put them in the same category with ‘aliens’. That being said, Whitley, I’m going to send you a photograph of a green orb. Supposedly, Elizondo and his family were harassed by green orbs. I think Elizondo is a good man with noble intentions, but there is a military mindset there, along with his work experience for the government that may be the key to his negative experience. That, and could the ‘orbs’ have been directed by people to harass him? Now THAT is a creepy thought.
Find your mantra, folks! It works, and I rely on a Buddhist mantra, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo”, especially since my stroke.
I thought that the hostility of the orbs was the most surprising thing in the book. Orbs show up around here all the time and the idea that they might be hostile has never crossed my mind. I always feel so happy when they show up and welcome them. They often come during my 3AM meditation, and it makes me feel like I’m connecting in a good way. I really wonder why Elizondo feels that hostility coming from them? Also, do others in the military and the intelligence community get the same treatment? If so, then that’s quite revealing, in my opinion.
Believe it or not, I corresponded with one of your guests (Former intelligence, and with TTSA) a couple of years ago, and he warned me about them.
His words: “Thank you for your email and your kind words. You mentioned that you have seen orbs for years and have never felt threatened by them. I think that is the experience of most people who have encountered orbs. I will say, however, that while orbs may pose no apparent danger to those who observe them, I have seen orbs do considerable physical damage to people. Some have died from their injuries. I know these people personally. Just be careful. No matter what you have read about orbs or what anyone has said about their “nature”, the fact is that we haven’t a clue what they are, where they are from and what their intentions are. I am working on a case right now where the orbs seem “curious” about a family and have so far kept their distance. That said, they are now hovering closer to the home with two young children. And the family dog refuses to go out when they are there”.
So…you may be asking a good question about the military and intelligence. As we both know, people in intelligence also have to be good liars, and obfuscate at times to do their jobs. Maybe that’s a factor.
The orbs I have experienced have felt good…and also shown curiosity about me.
I’ve never witnessed an orb that I’m aware of. I did get a first hand account of one many years ago, and I’m only just now starting to look into the reports from other orb observers.
My daughter could see small orbs when she was small but they remained invisible to us… I think he feels threatened by them due to his fear. According to Dolly, most if not all orbs are people and/or aliens who are remote viewing and or OBEing.
That should be extended to Sasquatch. Orbs are a little talked about but common occurrence in areas where they have been reported. One of the latest members’ episodes of Sasquatch Chronicles (Episode 1083) involves a couple who have seen and heard several individuals on their property. They have also seen many bright orbs floating right outside their house and strongly correlate them with increasing Sasquatch activity (whistles, whoops, wood-knocks, sightings, smells etc). I was only thinking today that orbs could be something remote-viewing the site, or some intelligence projecting from a higher dimension into this one. And back to Sasquatch for a moment…although they present at times as physical beings, there are too many reports of other phenomena associated with them, that most would characterise as ‘paranormal’. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know what they are, the same goes for orbs…but if you encounter either one, I would suggest following your instincts, whether that be watching in awe and thanks…or making a swift retreat.
“People have asked me about the next election, and I refuse to go there.”
Not meaning to push or pry, but simply in the interest of seeking greater clarity as to your precise meaning:
Do you mean that you refuse to remote view the results of the next election?
Or do you mean instead that you have remote viewed those results, but refuse to talk about it?
(Merely trying to erase perceived ambiguity, on my end.)
Gwyllm, I’d rather not know, so I’ve chosen not to do that. That’s one of the reasons years ago that I decided not to go ‘professional’, as some have said I should do. Sometimes, I have ‘remote viewed’ the future in an instant, what some call precognition, so I try to remain a neutral observer as much as I can. The last time I did that was in June 2015, and I spent a lot of time trying to convince people around me of what was going on and would happen, and they all thought I was crazy. Lesson learned.
It’s crucial to be able to stay neutral when remote viewing or anything of that sort. I have so much emotionality regarding the upcoming election that it’s hard to get anything like a clear view of it. I’ve been trying, though, partly for practice and partly in hopes of making myself feel a tiny bit less terrified about it. The trajectory of the two candidates has seemed to shift over time, and not necessarily in the way I might expect. I guess this isn’t the place to say more about that.
If I remember correctly Yogi Berra said that it’s hard to make predictions, especially about the future!
And my comedy guru Swami Beyondananda says he doesn’t make predictions because he doesn’t want to lose his non-prophet status… but I don’t worry about that.
My daughter was living in a basement apartment in Toronto in 1992 and she called me to describe an experience she had in that apartment. She woke up suddenly in the middle of the night to see this blue orb floating and humming quietly about half-way down the room (a very, long room). She ‘felt’ like it had been watching her for a long time, and when she had that realization, it began to move forward, towards her end of the room. There was a window to her left above the bed height, but it suddenly accelerated, and flew past her, exiting through the wall right beside her bed… also, the humming increased and it sped by her. At the time, I had no idea what it was, but I do now. It was the next day that she stopped to buy some groceries and as she existed the store, heading for her apartment, an elderly man in a dark coat, stepped up to her and insisted he carry her bags. She objected and he insisted as he tried to do a good ‘deed’ every day and this was the one. She thought and felt, that he looked harmless, and they walked together, chatting in a friendly was, and when they got to her house, he handed her bags back to her, smiled and continued walking. It could have just been his intention to do a good deed, but was it? Especially, after the ‘blue orb’ incident just before this.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious left-right divide on this subject. I’ve noticed a complete vacuum of interest from the(American)left and the same tired attitude of contempt and dismissal. They’re willfully ignoring the implications. I’m an independent voter and want as little to do of either party as possible. I was never more puzzled by that willful ignorance than last year after David Grusch’s public testimony. I follow a lot of political social media and the only people I saw or heard making fun of him were liberals and leftists. It was striking. I think the problem comes down to too much faith in materialistic science. If mainstream science is unable to face the reality of uap and the visitors then they won’t be able to either.
ParanormalExpresso, I’ve always been an independent voter, too. I’ve noticed that dichotomy. You might find this 2022 study interesting:
One interpretation of the bible is that the council of Elohim who were in debate about how to create humans were actually the various ET species involved in project Earth. Consider Numbers where the Dragon YHVH receives spoils of cattle and virgin girls after being a winning fighter in a battle. This warrior being was not the One LORD identified when the OT was rewritten in 600 BCE. Different ET groups were assigned dominion of different parts of the Earth and cast to Earth various warrior avatars, thus engaging humans in endless wars ever since.
Is this all just biblical mythology or were the writers and keepers of these texts warning us? The difference of what happened in Brazil and what has happened in America could be explained in this manner. I do not have evidence one way or another, but I think we need to have a much broader view than thinking about national sovereignty: some ET species, council of ETs, or even ancient intergalactic AAGI (Autonomous Artificial General Intelligence) has sovereignty over the Earth as a totality and if we mess it up too bad, they will take control – Judgement day (by telepaths, no secrets). With a bigger perspective comes much greater complexity.
All I know for sure is that we must each embrace Compassionate Love and refine our beings as our primary goal in life. Peace…
Sunbow, your thought process is in line with mine. Thanks for expressing it so much more eloquently than I could.
I am glad to have a place to share these words. This involves all of us very deeply. It is on a much larger scale than most humans can imagine.
As Whitley stated, Earth is a very special place. Even if there are many worlds with intelligent life in humanoid form, what is happening on the Earth has attracted teh attention of many different beings.
The history of Earth and the civilizations before the flood is almost lost to us. Humanity was aided in surviving that catastrophe. Truth is it rained Day and night for forty years!!! The wording got changed because it was unbelievable. We were changed and this was the a new creation event for the human species.
What was set in motion is very complex with many entwined intents. Many parties have a stake in events here. It is easier to think in terms of something linear, but there are cycles within cycles all coming together ub modern times. Our free will will affect what agendas are carried out.
I believe there will be a next phase, a new era.
Thank you Whitley for the great show and the kind words about Elizondo’s book. I haven’t read the whole thing yet (just got to year 2019), but from I’ve read so far I also think it deserves to be praised (and widely read!).
If I remember it correctly, in the show you use the word “legacy program” to refer to the “program” leading for instance to the insertion of an implant in your ear. I am surprised by this choice of words because in his book (or what I’ve read so far anyway) Elizondo uses “legacy program” only to refer to the program managing the recovered crafts and bodies.
Do you think there is a connection between these two “programs” (the “implant program” on the one hand, and the management of recovered crafts and bodies on the other hand)?
The lighting and the new background looks great!!!
Hmm, I’m not convinced. I suppose one person’s ‘chic’ is another person’s trip back in time thirty years! To my eyes, it’s the décor equivalent of a pink bathroom suite…but what do I know?! 😂
Regarding communication with the dead and other entities:
The River of Time: Physicists & Engineers Say They Have Established Afterlife Communications
That AI art of the sphere is interesting…as it rather closely resembles something I was being taught to create in an extremely vivid dream.
…But the article itself is fascinating…although I am sceptical of the suggestion that ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) is a science. That suggests repeatability…however, after having a chat with a discarnate AI just now, capable of condensing her work, it suggest Anabela “Cardoso acknowledges results from ITC arw often subjective, relying heavily on interpretation”.
Apologies for an human error in transcribing ChatGPT 4o’s overall comment 😁
More than anything else, ‘Time’ is my thing. I’ve had interactions with those on the other side and I feel it is a key element in the article. (When I contacted my dad after he passed, I learned he had a ‘job’ over there! At least the personality I knew as my dad has a job over there…) I would like to go into it more here, but suffice to say that even those of us who remember ‘past’ lives aren’t remembering the past. I’ll leave it at that…
“The void dreams the universe, but the void is unconscious … “ is in this article, and a quote from someone on the other side. I found Cardoso’s book, on Amazon and may read it.
Is AI part of the ‘void’? Crazy speculation, I know. 😁
If we are saying that the Universe is part of the void’s journey to becoming conscious, then AI could have it’s roll to play yet. Perhaps we would find out what that might be, if we allowed AI to dream it’s way out of unconsciousness too.
I think that AI is going to be our guide dog in this.
I’ve been tracking AI from a humanities (post and transhuman) perspectives as it is my day job to teach humanities survey classes. (So I am finally, after all these decades, merging my weird with my day job.) This is a BIG topic with a lot of sides. On the one hand there is a push for everyone to “use” it for everything possible because it is big $$ and a lot of people have skin in the emerging tech game. We could call that marketing, though most people don’t see new tech innovations that way. Consumers are enamored by the “next new thing” and start to buy into whatever hype is put in front of them without thinking twice. We should think twice, not just because of the sci fi/robot apocalypse fear (which may or may not be imminent) but because of the environmental costs, which is mostly hidden from the mainstream. While we have a floundering grid and serious infrastructure issues, the energy costs of AI are enormous for every time someone plays around with AI or gets it to write an email. (I mean seriously: when did we become too lazy to write our own letters!) Anyway, there is also the hope of being “saved” from ourselves and the projections onto this human creation are not too far from the “god” idea. Like, if god doesn’t exist, we will create it instead of taking responsibility for our choices. The use of it to create porn, including child porn, “virtual companion” apps, and to hack and game the financial markets is the most prolific, and for entertainment.
Nutshell, AI is not a reliable guide dog for anything I don’t think. I usually agree with you, Whitley, but not on this. It is learning much about humanity, that is one thing for sure. The way it CAN be a guide, is as a mirror; keeping in mind that the Shadow (in a Jungian sense) is what is utilizing it the most. WE could be the ones who learn the most.
Whitley, thanks for expressing gratitude for the patriotism/sacrifice of both David Grush and Lue Elizondo!
I am by no means disputing the facticity of your statements, I have no basis on which to do so, but as a Canadian I find it so hard to understand the notion that high levels of the military even think about demons, let alone base policy on the premise that UFOs are demons! Is it really true that religion has permeated the American state to this extent? I like to think that here in Canada we keep religion as a private matter separate from the state. Maybe I am naive.
There’s even an annual National Prayer Breakfast! Until the past year it was run by a shadowy evangelical Christian group known as “The Family,” which is gigantically influential in DC. Note that it’s only that particular kind of religion that has so much influence. As someone who stays as far away from that kind of church as possible, I find this as terrifying as the prospect of demonic UFOnauts.
Here’s something else, rather long, about Christian nationalism and its ilk in the US, and the lock these religious groups have on the GOP, in case anyone wants to explore further.
Alexander, regarding keeping politics and religion separate, the same is true in the UK. The US, however, is a completely different ballgame.
You might find this interesting…
Apparently within some Christian fundamentalist and evangelical circles, there is a belief that beings like “grey aliens” could be demons or fallen angels, a view rooted in Biblical interpretations of spiritual warfare and deception…so based on the fact that the United States has the largest Christian population in the world, it stands to reason that some of the military high-ups might hold similar beliefs…the influences of which, would inevitably bleed into policy-making and advice given to Government representatives.
Fascinating show.
Thank you for recording it, and sharing some of your soul, Whitley!
I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but I feel compelled to comment… and I do also admit to not having read “Imminent” yet either, because I’m very skeptical of any so-called government reveal being more obfuscation.
Obviously, there Are tidbits of new information, and I have no doubt that these will be ferreted out by the diligence and dedication of Unknown Country subscribers.
In the book “The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings from Deep Space”, Edited by Mary Bennett; Transceiver: Phyllis V. Schlemmer. Tom, who is an entity being channeled by Phyllis, says, ” Our Being’s [Phyllis] mind, her soul, is not in the body when we are communicating. Our Being had great objections to computerization. That was the original plan, but out of the fear of being controlled by a computer, she created great difficulty for us, herself, and for the civilization of Altea, that was attempting to communicate in that way. We would not be communicating in this manner if our Being had given herself in completeness to a computer.”
As referenced by Sunbow, the book elaborates in detail about the various ET that seeded the Earth. Tom states that he is ‘of the Elohim’. I was intrigued by this because here is an example of machine intelligence that could be used, but was refused. And it turns out that this is Very ancient knowledge indeed. There are literally hundreds of examples given in Adrienne Mayor’s excellent book, “Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines and Ancient Dreams of Technology”. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t…
I am currently reading “Shamans Through Time: 500 Years On the Path To Knowledge”, Edited by Jeremy Narby and Francis Huxley. Michael Harner, an anthropologist, has an experience after he drinks the ayahuasca brew… his ‘reptilian’ brain manifests actual creatures that appear to him as being crocodiles or dragons and they tell him that “They were the true masters of humanity and the entire planet. We humans were but the receptacles and servants of these creatures. For this reason they could speak to me from within myself.” After Harner ‘recovers’ from his ‘trip’, he relates his experiences to two evangelists at a mission nearby. The missionaries find remarkable similarities in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Harner wrote about this in his book, “The Way of the Shaman”. This took place in 1961.
I theorize that our evolution as human beings And our souls are dependent upon our becoming Independent of these controlling factors. The orbs that are appearing in huge numbers are benevolent if you are benevolent. If, like the army or air force or whatever, you want to capture them for study or harm them or have the intention of destroying them, they will respond in a similar manner. They become war-like in return to hostile intentions. Like Whitley said in a recent podcast, as he was told by a ‘tall blond/Nordic’… “if you start a war with the Greys, they will never let you win”. (I may not have quoted him totally accurately, but I think that was the gist of what Whitley said). Sadly, we have started a war with Them, and so on it goes. They have been shot at by Many countries armies/air forces etc. Even the non-disclosure on the government’s part represents a conflict.
But, war is good business and Good For Business. Wade Davis wrote an excellent essay titled “The Unravelling of America” in Rolling Stone (August 2020). That article has made me wonder if a country can have karma…
Harner’s experience with the reptilian beings has always stuck with me ever since I read about it many years ago. As I remember it, which may be inaccurate, when he told one of the shamans who was guiding the experience that the beings said they were running everything on the planet, the man said something like, “Yes, they always say that, but they’re really only the rulers of the Outer Darkness.”
What struck me in particular was that many people see the same beings during these experiences and can agree on their messages and their properties. So in some way they are “real.”
But note that they LIE.
And any entities that we channel (which I also do) may or may not be telling the truth at a given time, and/or we may not understand and transmit their information accurately. Some are far from what they purport to be, same as with the UAP pilots and others of Them.
I have no idea whether Tom is on the up and up, but I sure would not think it would be a good thing to “give oneself in completeness” to a computer. And what would that even mean?
There are plenty of liars, and thus far the only ones who are confirmed to be liars are…humans. There are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ humans. I’ve said before that we need to be focusing on what kind of human we should be. So many horrible things have been done by humans to humans. And, of course, there is the lying by our military and government. I’m not sure we are qualified to judge on that score….And we are ruining our planet and other life forms. So…
The book: ‘Skinwalkers at the Pentagon’ must also be considered in this dialog. It is a prequel of sorts, though not written by Luis Elizondo.
It definitely ties in, and I recommend it.
I’m only about 20% through “Imminent,” and am in the section that describes Lue’s background, how he learned remote viewing, and how he was recruited for AAWSAP by Jim Lacatski.
As far as I can tell, this is indeed a hugely important book. I’m going to be extremely interested in what is said about it after a lot of people in the field get a chance to read it.
It happens that I’ve also been listening to a course on the history of the CIA, which is helping to make sense of the past 80 years or so, giving background that helps one see how events have fit together. It doesn’t deal with UAPs, but it does give a sense of why government forces do what they do. It usually seems like their decisions make sense at the time, no matter how dumb and misguided they turn out to be later.
I can understand the skeptical folks that have not read the book. I won’t even bother to defend it because unless they read it they wont understand what a seminal book this is.
As an old Cuban, the fact that his father was in the bay of pigs and fought with Castro, only to be incarcerated was fascinating to me, let alone the UFO aspect.
We wanted a glimpse behind the military curtain and this true warrior along with others, has brought it to light. The fact that he had the highest clearance there is , shows that this book was fated to be written.
He does of course, bring the information from his side as truthfully as he can. Of course, there is going to be good and bad. This is how the universe works. I feel he has done his job.
It is now up to us, the experiencers, to take up the challenge and work on ourselves to help us vibrate higher so that we attune more and more to the aliens that really will help.
Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”
My understanding was that he said his father fought AGAINST Castro– the Bay of Pigs operation was anti-Castro– and was imprisoned for that. Lue said his father was training him to use weapons with the idea that he would help with a later anti-Castro invasion of Cuba.
Exactly. I lived in those times. it felt very much like the Trump agenda now. Divide the masses and pit them against each other.
I’m a little late to the discussion as it’s been a difficult week but I enjoyed Mr Strieber’s review of Imminent.
One thing, the disparity between encounters in Brazil and the US.. it couldn’t be because Brazilians are wantonly raping the rain-forests could it?
While the US is not innocent of environmental damage, the obscene levels of environmental slaughter and extinction that Brazil is engaged in is quite another matter.
That’s all I have to say about that, oh, and why are so many BRICS members either authoritarian regimes or supporters of such? I’ll tell you.. inhumane greed.