
This week on Dreamland we look into a dark corner of reality, led by the ever-interesting Nick Redfern.
Listen in the car, listen on the beach, listen at home…but maybe not at night.
We all know what Men in Black are, but Nick has discovered that there is an equally weird phenomenon involving women. Or no, maybe it’s actually a little more weird. With Whitley Strieber at the helm and Nick delivering the information, you can be certain of a great show and an exciting story!
Have a wonderful Labor Day, and by the way, for our free listeners, this week you get to listen to the whole show without ads—except maybe Whitley whispering in your ear from time to time about joining this wonderful, vital community.
Nick’s one of our most popular guests. Subscribers can explore his many appearances on Dreamland by clicking here.
Go to Nick’s website here.
And hey, grab a copy of Women in Black. It’s a chilling, fascinating read.
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I find the Men in Black – and
I find the Men in Black – and now Women in Black – phenomenon fascinating. My thanks to Nick Redfern and to Whitley for another great show.
I wrote this comment just
I wrote this comment just minutes before listening to your Dreamland show on Jeremy’s ‘Experience’ comments section. Pardon the cross-post but I thought is was relevant:
… I too have reflected on the nature of the time stream and how we as humans (and all life on this planet), relate to the perceived passage of time, vis. – UFOs (them) and other types of paranormal experiences (us).
I had my UFO sighting years ago and what stays in my mind is the fact that I found myself completely alone during the event when there should have been others nearby.
One school of thought hypothesizes that the witness actually leaves the consensual timeline and temporarily enters another time-space (realm) to interact with the visitors. What if, instead they are entering ours and are taking pains to be VERY careful how their activities are carried out or risk collapsing our entire consensus reality, possibly into a Singularity.
UFOs and the aliens are not going to land on the White House lawn and announce their presence -not because of the social chaos that might ensue, but rather they are avoiding the risk of collapsing the entire psychic framework as a result of their activities. We exist inside this consensus and it may be under a certain amount of natural tension. If you have a balloon and want to let the air out of it with a pin you must be very careful or the whole thing will POP! This internal tension forces the visitors to try and work around it, and while it looks to us humans like ridiculous behavior, they are really trying to be as gentle as they can with any modifications they are attempting.
Hence, the visitors initially abducted individuals (or sometimes two) from very remote places at odd hours so their perturbation of consensual reality would be slight. (Historically, there is a progression here as the interaction is getting more sophisticated over time). But their genius lies in the fact that it’s the stories and tales that get told in the population which eventually spread throughout and serve to alter our consciousness en masse.
Their agenda, I believe is to merge slowly into humanity’s awareness without causing a mortal wound to us or themselves.
Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/experience/want-some-high-strangeness-try-cursing-ufo#ixzz4JCmpPsuQ
interesting point Cyan_Aura,
interesting point Cyan_Aura, also what about the link to bookshops/libraries? Makes sense if you need to double check some historical facts before going out on your mission. I also like the thought that they are operating ‘low-fi’ so as to fit in with the time they are operating in (using Scopolamine for mind control etc)
Lots to think about :0)
Times, they are a changing.
Times, they are a changing. Nothing changes, not really. Faces, voices, maybe. Twenty five years ago I was being dream-guided by a very tall Regal pair who always had a Cat with them. We used to live on Mars. Here we all are. Hello.!
I am in love with this journey. This journey is love. It is a voyage on oceans unknown; on oceans that swell and draw; on oceans that spray salt in your face and try to pull you overboard in heavy seas.
If you know how much I loved you, you, here now, who reads this, we would quietly agree to just see and let it be.
Please watch this
Please watch this masterpiece:
Non tamen. Non tamen…
Non tamen. Non tamen…
A comment that relates to the
A comment that relates to the issue of many of the folks in black asking for the time. Reminded me of a strange aspect of my dear friend’s process of dying. For several days he would close his eyes and appear to sleep for a short time–15 minutes to maybe an hour. Every time he woke he would look at at his watch and then at the wall clock in the hospital room. I eventually asked him–noticing that it seemed this was important info to him and wondering what it told him. He said when his eyes close he’s in “another time zone” (earlier experiences showed he was outside of the timeline we knew together in this life–earlier periods of history and apparently non-related periods of time/space/dimensions). He said “if my watch matches the clock in the room, I know I’m here.” So I wonder if the folks in black are checking their “destination” in some way, to see if they arrived in the time/place dimension they intended.
Interestingly, in the minute or two before his passing he said he was having trouble figuring out when he was–not where, but when. He said he seemed to be in a whole lot of “time zones” at the same time. I suggested this is probably the natural state of the soul, but the body implants us in a single time zone. As he released the body and as the body’s brain received less oxygen, the multiplicity of time would likely feel more natural. He nodded his understanding and proceeded to pass.
thank you for sharing.
thank you for sharing.
Another fantastic and thought
Another fantastic and thought provoking show. Thank you both. Brimming psychic space, what an interesting idea. I watched an interview with Sting (british singer from the band the Police, and also very much involved with saving the rain forest) talking about his continued experiences with Ayahuasca. He mentioned briefly a similar thing about everyone wanting to be here on earth for a front row seat as right now is a very unique/exciting time. Not sure what he’s encountered/been told during his Ayahuasca sessions but it does tie in with your theory.
Regarding time: As suggested
Regarding time: As suggested by Cyan above, if you haven’t listened to ‘The Experience’ this week, or read the comments there, you may want to do so to get additional perspectives on ‘Time’.
One additional comment on this: When my sister and i attended the first ‘Dreamland’ festival back in 2008, there was at least one person in attendance that seemed to be trying to fit in, but didn’t quite hit the mark. He was dressed like someone from the early 60’s, all the way down to his shoes, his glasses, and even his camera gear. My sister and I noticed him immediately, and oddly enough, he accompanied us back to our hotel. My sister and I were among the last to leave the auditorium that evening, as I spent a short while having a conversation with Linda Moulton Howe, so I had a feeling that he was waiting for us to leave. We had an interesting little conversation that I won’t go into here, but I did begin to notice that when my sister and i were off and on our own and away from the festival while in Nashville, this guy was always very close by. I thought I was just being paranoid, but my sister remarked to me on the second day, “Have you noticed that wherever we go, that guy seems to following us?” Another aspect that I mentioned to my sister was that I got a strong vibe of Air Force off of this guy, that I can’t explain. I do not remember where he was from, or even his name, but if I remember correctly he indicated that he was in some kind of film or music production work.
Could it be that
Could it be that consciousness imposes its state of entropy upon a wave in superposition, collapsing the waveform at a specific time and place? There is utility in this concept, from a practical point of view. The quantum state of a wave in superposition is ill defined, and therefore in a timeless, inert state of potential. But if a consciousness can impose its state of entropy (which exists in correlation with every other piece of matter in the universe, in the present, if one accepts the premise that all matter is connected) it would tell the wave in superposition PRECISELY where to collapse in time and space. A state of entropy is completely specific, depending upon where all other matter in the Universe is located and how the Universe is correlated to an object that conveys consciousness; a consciousness which exists in the present moment. So, a person with consciousness tells the waveform when and where to collapse, using its current state of entropy as a guide. This can happen every single time, in the present, because consciousness is evolving into new states of entropy continuously (time passage). Thus, consciousness tells the wave where to go, and what time coordinate to inhabit. It’s like the photon in superposition is lost, and consciousness tells it exactly where to manifest. Consciousness gives it a purpose, as far as its manifestation in space-time is concerned. A state of entropy contains specific information about a space-time coordinate, and this coordinate is located for a being with consciousness always in the present (because we are trapped in the perspective of existing in the present moment entirely).A state of entropy would be particle-reality related, because such a state would exist only in the present moment, a discrete moment in time.
For the body existing in space-time, its specific position is also set by its state of entropy. Entropy determines its exact position in space-time.
Entropy is the process of decay and erosion, as matter gradually returns to its component quantum wave state (its ultimate destination). Entropy is the devolution of matter, the breaking down and separation of it. This breaking down, separation and dispersal of matter creates time. Expansion of the Universe, which is part of the process of matter eventually breaking down, is also correlated with time passage. Time splits into perceivable moments (past, present and future) as galaxies and stars race away from each other. There is thus a movable center of time (the changeable present), which moves through these motions in an arrow of time, always towards greater disorder. Human consciousness lives in the present, which is always changing. Comparatively, time passage in the quantum realm is a fixed, unmoving point, in which all events transpire instantaneously. Time perceived by humans in the Universe (entropic time) is a sub-divided, surface phenomenon, while quantum reality is defined by deep, coherent waves residing in superposition and eternity. Anything that contributes to the breaking down of matter, (pain, erosion, suffering, death, abuse, aging, destruction, annihilation) adds to the march of entropy. The exact progression of entropy can be determined from the exact position of galaxies and stars relative to each other in a given moment, the amount of disorder involved with the consciousness that is perceiving it, and the amount of destruction that is occurring in the circumstance.
The original singularity that existed prior to the Big Bang consisted of a perfectly ordered state. All matter was inherently connected together. This pristine state was ruptured, and the Big Bang ensued. The separation of forces into their parts began the process of entropy. As galaxies formed and began to move distances from each other in a Universal expansion, matter was still connected together at a fundamental level, but entropy on the surface became greater. This instantaneous connection of matter across distances at the quantum level ensured that the level of entropy between galaxies could always be known precisely during a given moment, the galaxies relationship to one another determines it.
Matter therefore exists in two simultaneous conditions. That of quantum flux, and entropic time. Respectively, one confers depth, timelessness, and cogent waves, while the other is concerned with disorder, decay, discrete separation, and a surface notion of time (time as incremental moments). Humans perceive time generally in the manner they do because our bodies are almost continually involved in the process of decay. Damage to the cells produces disorder in the body, part of the breaking down process. In order to counter this decay, humans must receive regular infusions of energy, obtained from the ingesting of nutrients. This infusion allows for repair and also carries energy with it, which can be used for tasks such as locomotion. Energy also arrives from the quantum realm, and helps to sustain the body briefly in the quantum elements—energy returns the body to a timeless state to a degree, where it is partially connected to quantum flux. The need for nutritious resources is the need for timeless suspension of reality, which is salubrious to body and mind. Sleep, which puts the body in a relatively motionless state (mirroring the quantum zone’s fixed point of time reference) is also pivotal, allowing the body to absorb waves from the Earth’s quantum mass, and the greater quantum plane. Evolution is the push and pull of entropic (random chance, disordered, destructive) forces, and the consumption of resources (some of which are also entropic in character). This culminates in a particular breed being produced.
I believe that the goal of evolution is to produce a being that can utilize both the entropic and quantum energy states effectively for the benefit of civilization, rather than simply being subject to the harsh realities and unfolding of entropy. Entropic time is like a disease, one which causes beings to emulate its particular attributes. I am convinced that the destructive histories of mankind can be linked to exposure to entropic disorder over time. Adopting a stance based on what one is perceiving seems logical, in light of the fact that entropy seems to be pervasive. However, following the lead of the Universe in this manner will simply lead to oblivion, there is too much destruction in the world today. The quantum realm must be explored in order to insure survival at this epoch in history. The quantum realm should be regarded as an inexhaustible resource, one that can tip the balance of order over disorder. Without this resource, we simply decay, and the painfulness is prolonged and excruciating. Following the preconditioned destiny of the Universe’s matter through entropy is bound to be an extremely aggravating experience if we cannot attain a measure of control and comprehension. This means managing the progression of entropy in a responsible manner.
Evolution does not have a
Evolution does not have a ‘goal’. It just is what is, survival of the fittest, which may not always be what we think is best (Bullies seem to do pretty well by evolutionary standards, most of the time.)
Now, let’s talk about the soul…
If one looks at the history
If one looks at the history of evolution, it is ignoble at best. Species eating other species, enormous amounts of pain and suffering for 100s of millions of years. Bullies employ tactics that involve entropy and its cousins. Decay and disorder is written into the cycle of time on Earth, it is best we realize this. Time, while seemingly innocuous, is not necessarily a friend.
There has been a multitude of diversity created as well by evolution, but at the expense of many species dying. Methinks the beauty emanates from the quantum field, so that is at least one good aspect of evolution.
I would think one of the goals for people who inhabit the system of the Universe would be to transcend entropy, keeping one’s home planet and solar system suspended, sustained and safe in a quantum field while the rest of the Universe burned out. Or, perhaps the entire Universe can be saved (if we have a superconference)! This would demonstrate that well connected souls can preserve something of value well beyond its directed expiration date. We can preserve body, mind, and soul by connecting with quantum realities. The quantum realms can perpetually smooth and iron out dissonances created by disorder. The Earth can endure forever if we are loving. Silence and peace can save the world. Literally.