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UFOs are not a recent phenomenon. In fact, they’ve been with us from deepest antiquity, and famed researchers Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck have written a powerful new book detailing cases of UFO sightings and close encounters that go back into deepest antiquity. Whitley Strieber says, "the first edition of this book, called Passport to Magonia, completely changed my understanding of this phenomenon. This is mind opening and mind blowing material."
Listen as Whitley interviews Chris Aubeck about his brilliant book. These stories will astound you.
Dreamland Video podcast
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Will you have an MP3 download
Will you have an MP3 download available for the Chris Aubeck interview of 7/15/11? That’s the way I listen to all your shows. I hope you will. Thanks.
I have RealPlayer and was
I have RealPlayer and was able to download the show using that, but until Whitley puts the show up the only thing available for download on the 071511 Dreamland page is the Special Communion Audio Book Pt1
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You can also listen to and subscribe to the Dreamland Podcast via iTunes.
Whitley, you cannot do enough
Whitley, you cannot do enough audio books! I would love to see Transformation and Breakthrough added to the list, and PLEASE not abridged versions. 😉 Your books are terrific, but you are a dynamic reader and story-teller, a unique talent in that regard. They are AWESOME for traveling (I get BAD motion sickness within one sentence when I read on anything that moves). Thanks. 🙂
Agreed, No abridged versions,
Agreed, No abridged versions, only the original book. I have audiobooks that are more than 30 hours long, one is over 50, but I won’t accept the abridged versions. They’re abridge to nowhere.
UGH!…I just streamed it and
UGH!…I just streamed it and realized you are not reading it, lol. Second-best I suppose, I’ll have to get past the reader’s accent, I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
My very favorite part of part
My very favorite part of part 1 thus far are the sneezes around the 7 minute 35 second mark or so. Created a great, dramatic impact…;)
Yes! I heard these sneezes as
Yes! I heard these sneezes as well. I know they were not part of the original recording – so where are they from? Are they sneezes by Whitley? They sort of sound like it – however I do not know if my sneezing analysis is honed.
I enjoyed all four of the
I enjoyed all four of the Communion series. Also liked Roddy McDowell reading it.
Roddy McDowall does a good
Roddy McDowall does a good job. He was the reader for a lot of audiobooks, so he knew the business. Whitley is so close to the material, it would have been too emotional, maybe, like hearing a best friend or family member reading an audiobook with lots of scary and true moments.
AUDIO BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!