A four hour 2-week Dreamland extravaganza. The show is posted in full for both subscribers and non-subscribers. This is a huge program covering many topics. It is divided into two parts and all the guests appear at the times listed below.
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Guest Start Times:
1ST HALF OF SHOW: 0:00:00
Dr Gary Schwartz on how he verified the Afterlife Revolution: 0:5:49
Dean Radin on magic as future technology: 0:21:45
Marla Frees on new visions of psychic energy: 0:41:35
William Henry on the Jerusalem controversy: 0:57:40
2ND HALF OF SHOW: 1:16:30
Dr. Jeff Kripal on myth and UFO disclosure: 1:20:00
Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka on new UFO discoveries: 1:39:05
Dr. Garry Nolan on the physical side of contact: 2:00:00
Peter Levenda on the future of To the Stars: 2:23:40
Ralph Blumenthal, co-author of Times Dec. 16 UFO disclosure story: 2:44:05
Leslie Kean, co-author of Times Dec. 16 UFO disclosure story: 3:03:33
Grant Cameron on disclosure as it will unfold in 2018: 3:20:16
Linda Moulton Howe on a Harvard Astronomer’s disclosure reaction: 3:38:45
Whitley Strieber demonstrates the Sensing Exercise as a communications tool: 3:58:36
To facilitate subscriber downloading, the downloadable shows in the subscriber area are presented at lower than usual resolutions.
Get Whitley and Anne’s new book, the Afterlife Revolution on Amazon today! Kindle $4.99, paperback $11.99. Click here to order!
Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link.
What is your proof that
What is your proof that Wikileaks was co-opted by the Russians? I’ve seen no credible evidence of that. Not at all. If you believe the MSM, then I think you should think again. The MSM is mostly fake news.
Whitley, didn’t know that
Whitley, didn’t know that President Trump’s family is Templar-Druid, especially on his mother’s side. I’ve heard a couple of psychics who happened to run into him, and get to speak with him. They say he knows and believes in that type of occult knowledge, and was very respectful and kind to them.
Great show Whitley! Thank you
Great show Whitley! Thank you so much for posting it! Amazing times we live in.
I find it incredibly odd how
I find it incredibly odd how the new york times story caught on like wildfire. Why this time above all others that could be considered times of “disclosure”? In any case, here we are at that moment we thought would never happen. What does it mean? Only time will tell. It has the potential to be something huge. Earth changing huge. But will humanity as a whole make the wise choice or will we look at this as unimportant and not worth our money or time? Only time will tell
Great show Whitley! Thank
Great show Whitley! Thank you for putting all of this together. May this new year bring great things for you and Anne, and may joy in abundance flow to you both and all of your listeners!
Wow, what a fantastic show! I
Wow, what a fantastic show! I listened to it in two parts and am going to re-listen to some of it again. Thanks for putting this all together!
Jesus was radial for his
Jesus was radial for his time. William Henry’s talk. So is Donald Trump, radical, according to the Liberals as in Conservative leanings. Donald as the developer. Interesting.
I don’t agree that the soul is the place to be. Soul and Spirit and Physical need to be combined in to a physical body experience. In that respect I diverge with Whitley unless Whitley speaks most likely of humanity.
To Josh Crocker. Great
To Josh Crocker. Great question about the press and its coverage all the sudden! Listen to Dr Steven Greer as he explains the manipulation behind this whole situation and the military industrial complex.
Please bear in mind that Dr.
Please bear in mind that Dr. Greer may or may not be right. He is expressing his ideas, not stating facts.