Telepathy pioneer Diane Hennacy Powell joins Whitley for a deep dive into her discoveries about the telepathic abilities of the unvoiced, followed by a discussion of how, once we understand that telepathy is real, we can all learn it. Whitley tells a great story about a telepathic exchange with an unvoiced person on a streetcorner in Mexico City on January 18. Then, for subscribers, he leads us into a deep meditative state as only Whitley can do. This is a very beautiful, powerful show.
Visit Diane on her website, DrDianeHennacy.com
Get a signed copy of Diane Hennacy Powell’s book from her website. Click here to order.
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Diane Hennacy Powell, sooo grateful for your dedication and research in such a mind expanding/evolutionary jump in our understanding of consciousness. Here is a nice video with Ky Dickens, she talks about your work in the video.
About 35 yeats ago, while standing in the check out line with one item in the market, I looked at the forward facing women in front of me and thought, let me go in front of you I have one item. She suddenly turned around, looked at me and told me to go ahead of her. I have done the same thing since then. Sometimes it works. I really wish I had worked with this more. I have a friend, we are always in sync. Without even finishing sentences, we know what the other one is talking about.
I think I should try some experimenting with her.
True telepathic ability is likely best not publicly demonstrated.
If it’s an expression of an exquisite survival instinct then one may assume it to be best experienced, utilised but not revealed.