We live in a world that bears a hidden scar: people who have experienced close encounters but dare not tell a soul. Like so many people who were drawn into the orbit of UFOs and alien visitation, Les Velez, the founder of OpusNetwork, tells Whitley the extraordinary story of his life journey and how he has gathered a group together devoted to the support of the close encounter witness. Opus brings its own special expertise and approach to the close encounter question.

How can you know that your memories are something other than a nightmare? Why do they bother you so much? Can you ever get to the bottom of it, find the truth about your life? Above all, how do you cope if “they” return, or is that already happening to you?

Listen as Whitley discusses these issues with this compassionate and very well informed man.

There is building evidence that “the presence” is drawing closer to the surface of human life. With that in mind, this is the first of a number of of interviews that we will have with the leaders of experiencer groups.

If you want an insider’s view of close encounter, don’t miss this show!

You can get Les’s book from us. Click here.

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  1. Hello,
    As usual I have truly enjoyed listing to this shows conversation. My ears ,especially perked up when you discussed lights or orbs and their connection with the dead and or other beings.
    I got so excited that I felt I HAD to tell you about Kathleen Covalt, EdD. Kathleen has an entire presentation on this very topic. She skillfully researched the idea of Orbs and the Rainbow Body. One of the questions she asks is ,are the orbs of light people experience in the context of the UAP phenomena instructing us on who we may be and who we may become?
    gosh Mr. Strieber, I personally would enjoy hearing you interview her on this topic. I have listened to her presentation and have found myself wanting more.
    Thank you for all you do and for being a shining example of bravery.
    Thanks again for todays great show .
    Jen Barnes

  2. Whitley, thinking about how you asked the visitors to heal Anne but it didn’t happen. Perhaps it was the decision Anne made, to pass out of her physical body, knowing she could help you more in the non-physical spirit form?

  3. Just loved and appreciated this show. One soul, many voices. We end up at the same crossroads with different baggage.

    Right now I’m being told my working life is about to change. I’m happy in this life but have come to see that they form the best outcome in ways we struggle to see.

    Blessed Be!


  4. I want to thank you, Les for your acknowledgment regarding the “abduction”/experiencer phenomenon. Not long ago in a public dialog between two well seasoned personalities in this field it was suggested that this was no longer happening, rather disappointing to hear experts make such a claim when their public & families are living it.

    1. Well, Les said that he still got lots of abduction reports, but this could be recent reports of old abductions! I thought Whitley was going to ask this question, but then the discussion moved in another direction…

  5. Pascal, I believe the experiencer was addressed throughout this excellent presentation & those with children are fully aware that the phenomenon continues. Yes, good on Whitley for punctuating the issue with his question to Les; it was enough to be quite comforting I imagine to many as well as yours truly. Great show( and audience) as always.

  6. Your voice Whitley has to be the most soothing memorizing to listen to. Art Bell just behind you no 2 on old interviews. Miss that guy so much.

    I read your first book communion when I was 17 years old in 90. And then I bought it again 20 years because I lost it as I lent it out and never got it back. Maybe a third time purchase😀

    Hello from Winnipeg Canada.

    Really Great show😀 you are absolutely fascinating as well as all your guests. I hope to hear more about Anne and her reaching out to you from the unknown. Any new messages from that lovely lady?

    Btw you have to go to eceti ranch once in your life time. I was there three times with different personal experiences on each visit but also had the ufo sightings each visit with the othersky watchers with Lovely James Gilliland😀 Orbs everywhere on the property and yes big foot he talked to me at 3 in the morning as I sat out in that open field all by myself. Fascinating but abit scary.

  7. Whitley, if you read comments, I’ve noticed several times you skip a story about yourself saying, “My listeners already know this.”

    I’m a fairly new subscriber and so I DON’T know the stories. Maybe you could give a quick thumbnail? OR on your website, you could put a list of your stories with links so we can go back and watch, read, or listen? You’ve got so much on this website, it’s hard to work through all the material. Thank you!

  8. An enjoyable show, thank you.

    I can’t stop thinking about our esoteric soul anatomy when I hear about orbs, and the “UFO” vehicles themselves.

    This is the first time I have heard anyone talk about seeing forms within the orbs. Video footage I took in 2017 revealed shapes when magnified, and I have thought that the orb / UFO I had been looking at was an advanced part of someone’s soul anatomy (my own personal gnosis thinks of it as the Sahu in Ancient Egyptian parallels).

    I also think it is quite likely (as suggested in the show) that this may be the adult form of our species, our current form being larval.

    The visitors may also be syhtnetic / robot with advanced technology that makes them appear organic and insectoid. Perhaps the soul anatomy we possess is not natural to them and they seek to understand it for their own kind?

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