Frequently Asked Questions about our eBooks and eBook Store

What are eBooks?

What is the DNL eBook format?

How do I download and install the DNL reader?

How do I purchase an eBook from Unknown Country?

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What are eBooks?

An eBook is an electronic version of a printed book which can be downloaded to your computer, and read using a software program or ‘reader‘. Typically an eBook contains text, image, and navigation data stored in a compact format for efficient download and storage.

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What is the DNL eBook format?

The DNL eBook format ensures that purchasing, downloading and reading the eBook is as simple as possible. In order to view DNL eBooks you need to download a special DNL Reader.

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How do I download and install the DNL reader?

1. Download the DNL reader setup file from

2. Close all web browsers and eBooks. Then double click the DNLsetup.exe file to install the DNL reader, then close it.

3. Now you can download any DNL file and double click the DNL file to view it. Or view it inside a web browser.

Note: The DNL reader has been digitally signed so you can verify exactly where it has come from and that it is safe to install.

Note: if you do not get the setup window when you double click on the installer, please check that you are logged into your computer using a Administrator account.


If you are using an Intel Mac (e.g. any Mac less than 2-3 years old), please download the DNL reader from here: The DNL reader setup program will automatically check for installed components and download and install additional items if required. Just follow the prompts and click yes if asked. Depending on your connection speed, this may take around 2-10 minutes or less.

Note: If you have an older PPC Mac, please use the Windows version of the DNL reader in emulation mode using a program like VirtualPC or Parallels.

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How do I purchase an eBook from Unknown Country?

Purchasing an eBook from Unknown Country is simple:

1. Make sure you have downloaded and installed the DNL Reader software first.

2. Download the eBook from the Unknown Country eBook Store

3. Double-click on the downloaded eBook file to open the eBook.

4. When prompted, complete the eBook purchase process from within the eBook itself!

Your’re Done, enjoy the eBook!

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