Two UFOs have been filmed in the U.S. and a man in Chile has finally revealed his abduction from his car in 1997. This weekour subscribers can see the incredible UFO video from Oregon. In Michigan, Donna Billett says, “I was so shocked when I saw [the UFO] out the bathroom window I just stood there in awe for five minutes.”
Matt Whetstone reports in the Cadillac (Michigan) News that Billett’s son Allan McIlvain ran out of the house and filmed the object for about 30 minutes before it finally moved quickly out of sight. In the video, the objects bounces and weaves, just like the video clip from Montana.
“I thought it was lightning at first,” Billett says. “It was like flipping on a light switch?the whole sky was bright.”
Scott Corrales has translated an interview of abductee Hector Acevedo in Chile by Erick Bellido.
On a winter’s day in 1997, Hector Acevedo?had finished his duties for the day and had gone to retrieve some household appliances he had dropped off for repair?While he put the appliances into his trunk, the owner of the repair shop told him that some strange lights had been flying overhead at lightning speed. Acevedo paid little heed: it was a clear night and there was no sign of bad weather. Several minutes later, when he was about to reach Los Sauces, the lonely driver was confronted by a phenomenon that would scar him for the rest of his life.
Bellido asks him: What was it you saw on that occasion?Acevedo replies: I was driving along when a circular object appeared before me just as I was taking a curve. It was flying at low altitude and I estimate that it measured between [50-65 feet] in diameter.
How did you react?Just imagine running into a giant thing almost on top of you and hanging in mid-air. The truth is that I was very tense and broke into a cold sweat.
So what happened at that time?Well, this thing hovered over my car and surrounded it in a beam of light that subsequently drained off, in other words, it lost power.
How fast were you driving?I was driving at more or less [50 mph], but when the object appeared, the car’s RPMs dropped to [12 mph]. You must’ve braked suddenly!No sir, I never braked. The car appeared to steer itself, because I couldn’t even handle the steering wheel. Those minutes must’ve been complicatedThey were endless. No one has been able to give me a satisfactory explanation for this experience. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Did the phenomenon progress or did it remain stationary?During the nearly 10 minutes it lasted, the mass had a reddish hue and another shade-a violet one-would appear in the center. But the strange thing was that it didn’t cast any light outward. On the other hand, the light that enveloped my car changed its intensity from pale white to intense white. It was so strong I couldn’t even distinguish my shoes or the brake and accelerator pedals.
How did this close encounter end?The truth is that I don’t know. I have no memories whatsoever after what I told you. What’s odd is that I finally reached Los Sauces after 23:00 hours and I never knew how I did it. I just don’t recall.
How do you interpret your experience?I don’t know. I think I was abducted by a UFO.
Why did you decide to tell your story?So if this should ever happen to someone else, he or she won’t be accused of being a nut, because after having experienced something like this, one becomes sensitized, especially toward strange phenomena. At first I sought support in my friends, because I was even afraid to tell my wife of the experience.
Do you think it’s important to make these cases known?It’s just that we’re not ready for this, and that’s the fact.
And when you reached home, what did your wife say? She was scared when she saw me. My face was a pale, leaden color, and my body ached so much it was like someone who’d been hit by a train and survived. I was lucky to live to tell the tale.
NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.
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